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 GM ☕ :pusheen_coffee:🌹🤍 
 Mornin' madame ☕!

I hope your day goes great! 
 I really cannot understand how these people can abandon something they claimed was a key foundational belief. They just dropped it like it was nothing despite the past few years of claiming it was part of what makes then who they are and claiming the moral high ground because of it. 

Just more proof of why no leftist should ever be taken seriously. 
 Antique farm equipment, Aunt Jemima lookin ass, Americoon.

Bootlip, bobblehead, chain draggers.

Chicago Navajo, Chicken Bandit, curb biters. 
 This is an indespensible resource:


It's so nice being able to pull up a comprehensive list like this to add some spice to your racism. I use it more frequently than I probably should 😂 
 Liver lipped mud chicken 
 Antique farm equipment, Aunt Jemima lookin ass, Americoon.

Bootlip, bobblehead, chain draggers.

Chicago Navajo, Chicken Bandit, curb biters. 
 >I gotta say I'm impressed by this bait
Not sure if it's bait or real, but his posts are TLDR. 
 It's a natural result of norms of civility being trampled upon, either you adapt to it or get con... 
 Same. They started it and only cry fowl when it is one of their own consumed by the war they started. They are getting exactly what they deserve and will continue to get it because they're working with, and propping up, groups that act little better than animals at a zoo. 

It’s fucked it’s gotten to the point that we celebrate the violent deaths of our ideologica... 
 Maybe if they weren't demons made flesh I would feel a bit more for them but their every action shows they are pure evil to the core. I don't cry when evil is wiped off the face of the earth and never will. 
 Please tell me there are videos of retards doing this. 
 What messaging app/platform is that? It looks like Discord but I've never seen the Tweak icon before. 
 Wtf do these acronyms even mean 
 STI=sexually transmitted infection 
 He's got a fatty farm! 😱 
 How could anyone stand the yeasty smell? 
 nostr:npub1gw3hfz9p48ge5xp6wcl2k7cn9w4fcjz7sjy5fmktmwhz2hw9j2ns5q3x63 nostr:npub1e8vknlqfajjexgag... 
 The character creator bullshit really had me pissed off. No one wants to start out with nignog characters. Jesus, just give me a fucking Drow if you want to start out with a dark skinned character, not some retarded jungle bunny. 
 a meatboy obstacle course to avoid having gay sex 
 The weirdest part to me was when Astarion asks to feed on you to sate his craving for blood. Reasonable request but instead of being a normal non-sexual thing there were heavy sexual undertones and it leads to Astarion having a hard-on for you for the rest of the game. Absolutely disgusting. 
 nostr:npub1e8vknlqfajjexgag4v3sjjy8yeuluyrwd35s47fdyejwqs99z4wsyvs7yy If The Game Award pedophile... 
 The weird part of BG3 is that the animal fucking us a miniscule part of the game that can only happen if you romance a certain character in a certain way. Why it was promoted as a big deal or a key part is only explainable if they were actively trying to appeal to degens which again is weird because the other 99.9% of the game has nothing to do with that 10 second scene. 

I really just don't get it at all. Why advertise shit like that for your game? Public perception of the game goes from "best RPG released this year, GOTY for sure" to "pozzed animal fucking game for degen fucks" as soon as you show and promote degeneracy like that. 
 After getting stung by one I don't care if they turn into the prettiest butterflies, they get smooshed. 
 Could be more of a 'diversity in contracts and hiring' mandate from state and federal government ... 
 That's definitely an issue a contractor friend of my family has had in certain states. Half of his employees have to be niggers or they won't hire him. Dude does high level fabrication and engineering, he ain't finding enough niggers to replace his highly skilled workers an he wouldn't want to replace them with lazy moon crickets even if he could find enough with the right qualifications.

He's also ran into areas where they demand that his company have at least 50% of the workforce be women or the company has to be owned by a woman. Absolute insanity. 
 i actually don't know who this is 
 Thank God you don't. They're an insane pedo tranny freak and they were talking about wanting to rape kids, wanting to brainwash kids into all kinds of shit, traded CP and told others where to find it, talking to other tranny freaks who wanted to do the same (some of which were famous streamers and famous tranny porn stars), and are even close with people who are buddy-buddy with Mr. Beast and his tranny freak. 
 Is the freak already back on social media after all of their messages about wanting to horrifically rape children was released? 
 You're the first nigger from minds.com I've seen roaming the fediverse.

 And they're already wanting people silenced. Seems about right. 
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 Morning boss lady 
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 Whatever it is it makes my skin crawl. 
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 Aaaand subscribed. That was a damned good read 
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 🎶But hoes and tricks🎶 
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 >Yeah It's called a business plan. Most companies do it all the time.

Graf isn't a company just like Jersh isn't a company. They may both have their own "company" on the books but everyone knows that it isn't a regular company because the only employee is the owner and the person running the show. Most site owners don't give their plans away for good reason. You're trying to equate normal corporate behavior to the online space and that usually doesn't work. 

Even then corporations usually wait until their purchase is finalized before making their business plan public. 

>Not many of them cry about not having money, quitting their day job over it, and threatening of shutting down the site or "passing" ownership constantly.

So you would just rather him not be honest about the financial needs of the site and have it shut down or be sold off to the highest bidder like Odysee and so many others before it? Absolutely retarded. 
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 The melting faces is nightmare fuel 
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 What even is this? 
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 That's been the plan for a while from everything I've seen. They've been working to lower the population to 500 million for multiple generations and every single plan they've ever had has had the final goal of putting them at the tippy top. 
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 Go suck some more kike cock, nigger. 
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 You making a video game now? 
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 He's a dumb wetback, he cany understand anything more complex than yes or no. 
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 Who could've foreseen sending all their men off to die in a war that they can never win ending up causing them to have a labor shortage? Certainly not me.