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 So fucking often. 
 They are removing it because it paints trans in a bad light (which is why they are so dicey about naming them when they commit crimes).  The reality is that it is hiding how trans encourages a disregard for girls and women because our boundaries mean nothing and any attempt to deny men anything is now seen as bigotry.  The more people see of this movement, the less they are willing to go along. 
 A very succinct response to the pronoun debate:

"But pronouns are not meant to address. They are meant to describe.  "He/his" is not how I address you, it is how I describe you.

And that is none of your business." 
 "School policies and curriculum that teach boys that they are entitled to cross girls' boundaries in their intimate spaces and sports, is already the encouragement of violence. It follows that more violence against girls would be a logical outcome of such policies."

 "Train harder" - just heard someone say that today.

 As the lady said, "life's tough.  Get a helmet."

I'd tell him to grow a pair of balls but he probably already threw his out. 
 Actually we are usually pretty nice here, LOL. But that can be true plus the fact that there's a ... 
 I was born and raised there.  So I know whereof I speak.  I do hope you are correct that most people are opposed but too afraid to speak up. 
 The thing about courts is they deal with unvarnished reality, where "no debate" goes to die.  There are no trigger warnings, no mincing of words.  Trans ideology may work on the weak or soft minded but it will break on the rocks of legal  analysis.

Brilliant decision and great reference to Justice Ginsburg. 
 Wow, fascism came to the Netherlands wrapped in the 'progress' flag. 
 It already has. One has to be so politically correct around here but fortunately some regular fol... 
 People generally only find out when it happens to them.  Otherwise, they just find excuses to not get involved.  They do love to virtue signal, though, because Canadians pride themselves on being "nice" (when it's really just passive aggression). 
 Huh. That person has me blocked. 
 Weird because she's generally GC. 
 I'm now seeing men say women don't serve to have conferences, awards, etc. set aside for them as it prejudices men.  They don't see the many ways they are advantaged by a system set up to benefit them (especially STEM that actively harasses women out of the profession).  Now that girls are outpacing them academically, there are hysterical calls to create special classes to help boys and no one questions that.  You can't convince them the patriarchy exists.  And now they want to end no fault divorce even though it benefits both sides equally because women are more likely to go through with the paperwork.  I guess when you have lived a life of luxury, anything that redresses the imbalance seems like oppression. 
 That's the effect of hate speech: everyone becomes afraid of saying anything.  It's starting out with women because no one cares but will spread to all aspects of Canadian life. 
 So clearly put.  It's no wonder they can't allow us to speak because the minute we do, the danger becomes so transparent. 
 He would have been better off to spend his money on dental care than getting moobs. 
 Just collecting the receipts as they attempt to trans history: https://twitter.com/sleeepysandy/status/1708756932998082794 
 Cash is a straight transaction.  Cards/digital takes a percentage out with every use and therefore diminishes value.  So they get to both track you and steal from you with every transaction. 
 Restorative justice works for non-violent offenses.  Violent offenders get off on their victims being forced to interact with them. 
 Oh, as you definitely should, I was just joking / contrasting. 

I do remember a story about a bi... 
 I think they started in Germany but LA has begun with strategically placed wildlife overpasses on the Ventura Freeway. 
 Well, you don't have large wildlife anymore.  We need to protect what we have left.  CA is celebrating the return of wolves, the offspring of OR-7, the roaming Romeo. 
 We have begun building wildlife overpasses over our freeways to allow our mountain lions a chance to improve their biological diversity and to reduce animal strikes. 
 And it's not his first assault.  There's video footage of the same boy attacking two other girls. 
 Men are not their best marketing 
 I've seen them do it. 
 Dental really needs to be covered under any medical scheme because things like gum disease eventually cause heart disease.  You can't separate out body parts and pretend they don't function as a whole. 
 Some of our schools don't have working restrooms.  I hope this fad will be over by then but, if not, girls will end up being truant rather than dealing with the shit from boys. 
 Thank you for your work on this.  Not like we didn't know but it's important to force them to look at facts. 
 But in this case, there was nothing wrong with this poor woman, he did it out of misogyny. 
 Authorities are required to investigate before committing someone.  They don't just take any asshole's word for it. 

People pranking social and police services, including calling out SWAT to break into your home (called swatting), is becoming so much more prevalent that it is now a separate criminal offense.  They used to be charged as misdemeanors but the more serious ones are now classed as felonies with significant jail time attached. 
 It's not just cops.  I almost did this on a friend who was making increasingly shrill suicide threats.  We have patient's bill of rights, so our state errs on the side of the patient. 
 In both the US and Canada, we have seen mass violence committed by incels, so there's at least some recognition of what's going on. 
 Seriously need to think about other career paths because it's getting harder to avoid this nonsen... 
 That's what they're counting on.  So the only ones left in the profession are the blue haired nose rings. 
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 Gender identity is a protected characteristic but a case can be made that rejecting CVs for having pronouns in a bio (try proving that) has anything to do with an applicant's "gender identity" since normies do it too and everything to do with corporate experience that such people make terrible employees. 
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 So lesbians are essentially banned in Australia. 
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 As I always say, virtue signaling is cheap because someone else always has to pay for it. 
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 Except Gen Z don't date. 
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 Which is why he didn't take the direct route. 
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 I hate performance art. 
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 Now they use bots. 
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 Beats some of the crap I've seen in galleries.  Nothing wrong with a good cat meme.