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While we’re inundated with images of porn-sodden AGPs clad in all manner of fetish gear, it’s important to note that the most dangerous of these men try to appear as normal as possible. You’ll find no fishnets or pumpkin-sized prosthesis on these husbands and fathers. They don’t want to jar our senses but muddle them.

These men make good use of photo ops, often surrounding themselves with compliant women or people with powerful platforms for forced teaming purposes. Butter wouldn’t melt in the mouths of Righteous Richard, Darling David and Ms. Frumpy McPurplehair of TEN It just so happens that they, along with the man below, use children to further the acceptance of the paraphilia they chose to indulge 24/7. Whether it be as props, shields, targets, foot soldiers, prospective patients, etc, kids are part of their MO.

Though their specific approaches may differ - one admits he’s male to further his agenda, another depends on political chasms, others piggyback on righteous movements in small countries - their philosophies are no different to those of these men (who you might notice are also moderately attired.)

What these men have in common aside from their dedication to a fetish and deep seated misogyny is that they’re not immediately written off as creeps. They have influence outside the online, porn-sodden underbelly. Some have more power than others but not one of them is harmless. All are practiced manipulators. All are a danger to women and kids. 

And the fishnets and PVC mini skirts? That’s kept behind closed doors often to the torment, abuse, neglect of wives, girlfriends and kids.

Listen to women who know these men, not people who benefit from centring creeps.