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Notes by nsec1jfrd6j0yvndhdc93tl3lyrpe5z36835964pd7stnktetw... | export

 none. I don't understand how to go from on chain utxo to Zeus lightning node on the phone. like I don't understand how to do it 
 I have sats utxo on chain. let's say 1M sats. How do I make it turn into lightning channel using zeus.  
 thanks. what do I need to know in case I'm on a boat and my phone falls to the bottom of the ocean (Atlantic boating acident) 

what do I need to recover? 
 You are very good at saying a lot with very little. I am not. So I write a lot. 
 Should I keep working on my custom relay or make more memes? 
 Memes. Let the nerds do the relays. You are good at memes. 
 Time and energy is limited so focusing is key  
 Then the world is all yours. I can't meme and can't code as good as you can. 
 2 scenarios 

Trump loses and the democrats continue their assault on bitcoin

Trump wins and the... 
 I noticed that not all, but actually most of your notes are political or talking about politics. Why not let it go? 
 Who decided that on a chat UI design, your bubbles come from the right and everyone else from the... 
 There is something called the f pattern. its natural/learned pattern of looking at things. From top left to right. this is why mempool is "backwards" because they want the important stuff to be on the Left side. Because its more natural to look there first.

Google f pattern for more info 
 Idk the answer to his question.  
 Brain reacts to images/patterns/visual 50k-60k times faster than words. That is one of the reasons why we have left and right. brain is 50% visual so bubble colors also help a lot. 
 If you are in nature, how much text do you see? Zero. If you are in nature, how much visual placements of things that do you see? All the time, all day, every day, Think about it. You see the sun on the left side of the tree and the shadow on the right side of the tree. You see dangerous animal on the left side of the river but you see food you can hunt on the right side of the river. If you walk down the wrong path away from family, you will get lost and you will die. It is literally difference between life and death. If you drive on the wrong side of the road you crash and die. There are many things that do not have sides, but we make them have sides. Like New York being on the right side of the map. You can flip the map any way you want. There is no left or right politics. It's just something we use for easier placement, easier understanding and faster processing.

Yes, we can use text and timestamps and all that. You are 100% right, yes we can. But we process visual placements even on a screen 60,000 times faster because our brains do not change just because we're using screens. 

Hope this helps 
 I don't know man, spending time and energy to mute people is very bad. And then again spending time and energy to unmute.

Why not just ignore what you don't like, and engage with what you like? You can't really control others.

Great example of this is napoleon he knew life is chaotic and unpredictable so he learned to be adaptable and deal with stuff. And found great success. Then later he became control freak and then suffered the biggest losses.

you cant control the world. But you can control yourself.

One thing that works is how you position yourself.
-If you are on twitter, instead of blocking everyone its much better to come to nostr. (Control yourself)
-If you see a lot of stuff you don't like. Engage with other npubs. Again, instead of trying to control the world, control yourself
-I don't like football so I spend 15 minutes a year talking about it (because of the way I position myself)(I follow you and I don't think you talk to much about football) 
 If 100 people are throwing footballs at you, instead of blocking everyone all the time just stand where there are no footballs coming at you. 
 Im just bad at writing. So its hard to read/understand meaning people spend time and energy and don't learn anything. 
 There is no WoT outside of nostr. because you cant build a trust-less WoT unless you have cryptog... 
 It's absolutely inconceivable to me that many trust and use the OS that comes preinstalled in the... 
 38 relays + Tor + Amethyst = Super Extreme Speed Performance. Everything is loading so fast! 
 BIP-39 is trash 
 He explains here and in the comments too
 The X algo has everyone angry today. 
 This is the most difficult part of every #Bitcoin cycle. Everyone is waiting for a break-out to n... 
 How much time is there left before it starts?  
 The npub who maintains the top zap for 24 hours on this post will be zapped the total amount on t... 
 I have a feeling I'll be ghosting a lot of friends in the coming years.

Spending time around bit... 
 Many of us here feel the exact same way 
 Torrenting needs to make a come back
 i think there’s a good 30% chance I will end up in jail for writing computer software 
 I question the foundational assertion that any government has jurisdiction over money. I understa... 
 Question for the "do not break Bitcoin" crowd: would you be in favor of fixing Bitcoin if it is h... 
 It is broken not when some guy somewhere says "it's broken"

It is broken when it is obvious. For example. Value overflow incident. Or if millions of wallets suddenly start magically moving and everyone is freaking out.

When bitcoin is broken you will know. It will be clear. It will not be debatable.  
 Either everyone has freedom of speech or no one does.  
 If it really is that simple.

Please answer. Are we currently having freedom of speech for everyone or are we currently having freedom of speech for no one? 
 Simple and predictable is always the better option. 
 I wish life was black and white like that 

We've now arrived at the "Then They Fight You" -stage 
 Big!!! "Then you win" is next!!! 
 My son was really curious about volcanos today. 

I said, tomorrow we’re gonna dedicate to lear... 
 The elite plan:
1. «Pandemic»
2. Print money and lower rates
3. Stop money printing and hike ra... 
 If people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered. 
 Hmm, the vibes are not great lately, what happened anon? Are you trying to put your burden on the... 
 The web will die, native desktop apps will triumph. 
 I wish the same but actually the opisite is gonna continue to happen. 
 Lots of salt today 😬 
 I'm on day 4 and it really works !! 
 When his term ends, will he give the private key over to the next guy? Then next guy rugs everyone? 
 3063 days ago I bought my first #Bitcoin 

Today I chose hyperbitcoinisation.

It's been a long a... 
 Make your product so good, that it doesn't matter how much ppl disagree with your preferences the... 
 Calling it “p2p” is ceding ground.

It’s just commerce… it’s trading.

p2p is not the a... 
 Call me paranoid but I might not consider to attend any conferences I wanted too. 
 How would you guys like three Primal releases today: web, iOS, android?  
Event not found
 First amendment is just a piece of paper. It does not actually mean anything. It gets broken all the time. 
 I think a hard and fast rules are good. For example bitcoin has hard and fast rules.  
 I mean people in gulags or other concentration camps could say GM to each other