Just thinking about Alfonzo Picatillo taking about his 30% a year and his performance in the bond market while his peers are jealous of his portfolio. SMH.
I think many people get the idea of fascism mixed up with WW2. What happened after the war, Was that La Cosa Nostra and the CIA Co-opted the international drug trade. The Corsican mafia in Marseille synthesised heroin for the first time in 1948, And in partnership with the Sicilians in New York, Created the “French Connection”. The Italian Mafia used donations to the Catholic Church to rebuild Europe after the war, So if you support the Church you support international drug smuggling and money laundering. Liberals tend to be ignorant to these facts and the whole game of the right is to appear good while operating in bad, Democrats or Republicans. The only people who get busted are people who are obviously criminals, Street gangs that repeatedly get in trouble at the hands of the conservatives. Liberals are unwitting victims and conservatives are outright frauds operating behind the guise of religious values, “virtue signalling” each other in times of crisis.
The reason I have bitcoin is to do the things I can not afford to do with dollars so how much bitcoin I have matters a lot; To me. How much bitcoin you have only matters to other people if they are interested in taking it from you. The same as dollars. People who care about you because you are rich don’t care about you, They care about money.
I paid my taxes so I qualify for “human capital” status. The state is indifferent to my plight but sees me as a contributor to society so my death at their hands is not imminent, But everyone and everything else though…
Really think this is a non thing. The CIA has no control of the bitcoin protocol, Gavin was just licking boots, And bitcoin is bigger than ever. People like Max Keizer think the dollar will completely collapse, I don’t. The Japanese yen is over 300% debt to GDP, Same with the Chinese yuan.
In my mind I think 🤔 shouldn’t the whole thing crash? Isn’t global anarchy possible? Then I think about homeless people I see in really bad shape, Homeless people can live a long time even when they are intentionally destroying themselves. The same with governments. You can still visit the acropolis, You can still visit the colosseum, You can still visit the pyramids, But all are symbols of failed empires.
I look forward to the day when I can roam the world freely on the capital I accumulate digitally. I tried this already on a Fiat standard and to no surprise my own capital collapse happened gradually then suddenly. I don’t think El Salvador will be a privileged place for anyone but El Salvadorian people to live. There are examples of countries that are not upside down in debt like Denmark or Monaco. Maybe I will have children in one of those places so my children don’t work themselves to death surrounded by assholes who are too selfish to realize the financial system is fucked.
End of rant.
Really think this is a non thing. The CIA has no control of the bitcoin protocol, Gavin was just licking boots, And bitcoin is bigger than ever. People like Max Keizer think the dollar will completely collapse, I don’t. The Japanese yen is over 300% debt to GDP, Same with the Chinese yuan.
In my mind I think 🤔 shouldn’t the whole thing crash? Isn’t global anarchy possible? Then I think about homeless people I see in really bad shape, Homeless people can live a long time even when they are intentionally destroying themselves. The same with governments. You can still visit the acropolis, You can still visit the colosseum, You can still visit the pyramids, But all are symbols of failed empires.
I look forward to the day when I can roam the world freely on the capital I accumulate digitally. I tried this already on a Fiat standard and to no surprise my own capital collapse happened gradually then suddenly. I don’t think El Salvador will be a privileged place for anyone but El Salvadorian people to live. There are examples of countries that are not upside down in debt like Denmark or Monaco. Maybe I will have children in one of those places so my children don’t work themselves to death surrounded by assholes who are too selfish to realize the financial system is fucked.
End of rant.
The main vector of attack from what I have understood is the QR code generation. Satoshi chose the only QR code generator that does not have an NSA back door built in. It is a plausible thought that Satoshi worked at the NSA and moved away from the project to protect himself knowing if the project went on long enough without him getting fingered, There would be no stopping it. The CIA is good at imperialism and resource extraction, Government coercion, Government coup de gras, But not good at monitoring the NSA for emerging decentralized financial systems. Bureaucracy brought down the communists and it will bring down the western system as well.
Just because you are too poor to afford your own apartment and you share your cigarettes with your roommates doesn’t mean you are an anarchist or you know shit about communism.
Problem with being famous, Is everyone expects you to fill their expectations of who you are. If they think you are rich, And you are not, You are fake. Being recognized for your talents is a momentary thing, But using recognition for privilege is actually called entitlement.
It’s like, You need to remember that homeless guy could stab you on your way out of the grocery store. Will he? Probably not, Could he? Definitely. Most likely Putin and the Russian mafia will make more this year exporting bootleg vodka than they will extorting the US government with nuclear posturing. Cucker Tarlson has let the mainstream media down, But we all crawl to bitcoin somehow.
Brooklyn has more Jews than any other cities outside Israel. The Russian and German royal houses will never return. There are surviving Russian Royals, Who have no desire to rule Russia. Putin is a trigger happy dictator, His days are numbered. Israel is not A part of the NAZI party, The Israelis went around the world killing NAZIs after WW2 or as you say it, “The Great War”. The Bolshevik party fucked up Russia for you permanently.
Notes by Theory of Everything | export