Oddbean new post about | logout
 That’s the MSM narrative! Don’t believe the MSM!
It’s just a bunch of lies!
What you said sounds nazi af.
It’s incredible the amount of bs American people can be fed!
I am sorry for you, who believe the lies your propaganda builds for you! 
 Nothing about Jews is “NAZI” 
 Ashke-NAZI yes tho! lol
There are some Jew which consider Zionists as what they are: Nazists 
 And there are many Russians who consider Putin what he is, Bullshit. 
 I personally don’t think Putin is the good guy. It’s just a government like another, but way more clear and less aggressive on war. So.. fuck your states bro 
 Like butt fuck the USA government hard bro 
 Way better Xi and Vlad 
 U often are as retarded as:
“In China they have a social score”
Ahahah laughing stock!!
It’s a score for entrepreneurs!! For blood sucker oligarch vampires!! Ahahahah