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 Freedom to 3d scan and share cultural heritage https://cosmowenman.substack.com/p/secret-3d-scans-in-the-french-supreme

Makes me think of  @rejon though I suppose #NEWPALMYRA based on reconstructions rather than scans. 
 Is there a nostr client that focuses on one post at a time? Like eg newsblur focuses on one [blog] post at a time.

I dislike scrolly things more every day. 
 You know how MediaWiki (Wikipedia etc) has had a time-limited watchlist add option https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Watchlist_expiry for a few years now? It's great. Does any social networking software offer a follow-with-expiry option, or even default? It'd greatly lower the barrier to me following new people. I know I might spend too much time reading stuff it turns out that I don't want to and dithering on actually unfollowing, so I don't follow. 
 Those replies strike me as hilarious not toxic, and a tangential mixer might be what one wants sometimes. Maybe for that, use Threads. I'll have to try it again. 
 OTOH anecdotes in nostr:note1qlzlqnhqnlnr2dpptpzrn44dkup29upalvyz0kpj59k3kr6j6ckqtu5tqh sound toxic. It seems people have different experiences on different services/protocols, I guess in part based on some path dependent thing of who they are following, conceivably even what bucket they are placed in if it's an algorithmic system. Lots of people report that twitter is a cesspool, and much more so recently. I've never experienced that, but then I don't look at big accounts or the "for you" feed much. On Mastodon I see almost no garbage, probably in part because I turn of retoots. Here I see almost no garbage, because I follow almost nobody. But if I look for garbage, it's in massive abundance on all of these (as well as BlueSky and Threads, just haven't looked in awhile).

Twitter-style social media (all of the above are basically that) is kind of undifferentiated and general purpose, which means people don't necessarily get the experience they wanted without significant work including self-restraint. But for other styles of website/service, you pretty much know what you're there for and will get (eg reddit or particular subs; not that those experiences couldn't be improved, but at least there's some level of agreement among participants about what they're doing).

I wonder if some kind of signaling of intent about what kind of interaction one is looking for, and use of that by clients, would be helpful. This is kinda accomplished on Mastodon-and-adjacent through instances, and on specific posts by some people with reply guidelines. But could same or better be accomplished without instances, and guide not only people who see posts, but guide people who want a style of interaction toward posts where the author signaled a compatible intent? There's a vast amount of people posting on any given topic (say NZ visit suggestions: aside if that's really what one wanted, as opposed to random convo, wouldn't they ask a search engine, chatbot, or Wikivoyage? but anyway...) and is there really any reason for people desiring trolling to not get that, for people who want affirmation to get that, for people who want literal-minded helpful responses to get that, etc? Anything else is wasting people's time. Well, except that figuring out what you want and taking time to signal it, may well be a bad use of time? 
 The hardest challenge is sitting with your thoughts, longer. 
 Hmm, my kneejerk reaction: all too easy for me, resulting in too little execution. But, maybe kneejerk is wrong, I should sit with my thoughts, longer still. I shall think about that... 
 San Francisco Bay Area (vs) Greater Bay Area (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Macau, etc) 

 I'd like a world in which they converged such that the G one becomes as wealthy as the SF one and the SF one becomes as huge as the G one. 
 2 of 3 capitals of the world in 2050. The third is the Lagoon Area. 
 right here in the future 
 This post makes me check whether it is still in operation. RFT RIP 
 The Federationalist Republic of Brazil was the last country to formally abolish slavery. 
 That would be Mauritania in 1981, 93 years after Brazil. 
 Also for longest time used Linode which had soul, but now not feeling it since the buyout from Ak... 
 Curious what the Nostr take/stats are. Pretty sure I've seen but can't find now claims that many (maybe majority even) of Mastodon instances are on Hetzner.

Vultr often touted as a Linode/DO alternative. 
 Domain names are centralized property we pay rent on.

I've been paying rent thru Gandi for vario... 
 Same here. I've not bothered to move yet but have heard many say they have moved to Porkbun.

To your second question, long and windy. Scouting reports wanted. 
 My friend nostr:npub1fnnxzzdzaw4a0j5y25wjukmwlaqfe6heugf78hqxrs2ulpx3tyxqe9vk8n is calling the ar... 
 Culture (which includes the public web) has been slop for a long time. Motivated, not cheap, content, is the problem. Cheap is a good dimension. Strong position on humanity: humans give themselves superpowers, transhumanity. 
 Good piece/peace. 120! 
 The 🌞 is centralized. 
 Matter of perspective. Zoom out. Keep zooming out. 
 If I was an artist today, each day I would wake and reformat my work’s narrative into the domin... 
 I don't, but it's so obvious a strategy that I've often wondered why I don't see it and conclude that I must be blind to it happening...so also interested in who is doing this. 
 Everyone’s religion is right. 
 Which makes religion even higher stakes, or so I thought for a moment at least https://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2009/12/26/howto-religion/ 
 Before AGI, we need to get the house of humanity in order… 
 We needed to get the house of humanity in order anyway. A[G]I is a clarion call and help to do what we fucking should've done all along. 
 "Warrior" and "truth" are contradictory. 
 More difficult than cutting alcohol or caffeine is cutting consumerism and consumption of mainstr... 
 For 100, cut faux-alternative media too: if it's selling something (e.g., ads, subs, sponsorships), it's MSM. 
 We are in the Age of Truth. 
 We are in the Age of Probability, which is the closest we can get to Truth, lest we retreat to commitment to Falsehoods.

I dimly recall writing a blog post titled "The probabalistic age", but apparently not, I conflated https://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2005/12/24/anti-authoritarian-age/ and https://gondwanaland.com/mlog/2007/04/21/probabalistic-estate/

Seems I never blogged about "The Retreat to Commitment", too bad. Delightful book. https://archive.org/details/retreattocommitm00bart 
 Energy storage! Of a different type, but conceivably one could not discern which sort the structure is holding from the outside, cf note1pjtet7msn88jl46uwxdyjcreey2ujz8ufz357ksch52k7mq9pgqqf8qkyf 
 Interesting, a bit in the direction of #WikiNature.

Anyone going further in that direction, such as a nostr version of #CommunityNotes? 

Tenochtitlan (CC-BY-4.0)

Reminds me of https://newpalmyra.org/

Eventually (soon, presumably largely AI-generated?) one ought be able to zoom around the entire earth at any given year and see a reasonable guess of what it looked like. 
 How is Mozilla relevant now? 
 That's the [whatever $$$ they're getting through search deals] question. I still mostly use Firefox for personal browsing, so that's a floor for how relevant they are at the moment. :-) 
 Good feedback. Thanks.

What do you think of PWA's and path to them wrt to the knowledge you drop... 
 Don't really know. Rooting for, but been a good idea for a long time already. Fugu chipping away at things PWAs can do, not sure how important that is. Will WebAssembly sweep, and sweep along PWAs is a question. 
 Yes, Blink is a fork of WebCore. Chrome never used any of the other parts of WebKit, ie V8 instead of JavaScriptCore since the very beginning of Chrome.

Google is certainly dominant in the browser space, just not through WebKit since 2013. Edge since 2019 on the other hand is based on Chromium...

Will be interesting to see what/when/who the next major change in the space is. For example, Edge could fork Chromium for more control, like Chrome forked WebCore. That would be pedestrian. Some new engine could still be disruptive. Conventional wisdom is a new browser getting significant adoption is impossible given how much there is to implement, but there's some chance it's actually getting easier due to more debgugging of standards with each attempt, as pointed out by the Ladybird developer semi-recently. Or maybe something else entirely...  
 Also interesting, the #Nostr retention rate is actually getting worse. In fact, it's been getting... 
 Or could be most dedicated/compatible users were early joiners.

I'm not following closely so did web search for Nostr stats. https://stats.nostr.band/ seems to have similar stats to what you're citing. Is that the best/canonical place to look? 
 > The city is putting $5 million in federal pandemic aid toward the program, including $1 million for administrative expenses. Jack Dorsey, the St. Louis native and billionaire co-founder of tech firms Twitter and Square, is also contributing $1 million to the program.

Too bad, another cart before horse. Build the horse first, tax scarcity (eg LVT) and bads (eg pollution) first; dividends from those can be sustained. 
 How does Google influence WebKit? They forked Blink from WebKit 10 years ago! Perhaps I'm missing some cross-project percolation or something though?