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Notes by ryanjordan | export

 Who buys XRP? 
 Alex Cobb is their de facto leader. His YT channel is one of the saddest things you’ll watch. 
 Looks like they are actually making beachfront property. We were lied to once again.

But they’ll never make more ….#Bitcoin https://image.nostr.build/a2d3a5e3523bd37aa570cc03ddab9160b9a71438b8bfdc68854049b5faadbb39.jpg  
 “Soil, being the productive asset from which all food comes, is capital. And as fiat encourages the consumption of capital, it will encourage the consumption of soil.” -Ammous 

We’ll rebuild our soil with #Bitcoin and of course cattle. 
 Bitcoin is going to dump so hard. 

Hope you have your fiat locked and loaded.

Don’t get scared now. https://image.nostr.build/816cb4cbd536b205f60eed599094bc5fd0c2cc1c5442ad6b50b838eb8e934451.gif  
 Fake money for real money…every time 🙌🏼 
 Apparently it’s still a risk-on asset the suits don’t want to touch it until the election and the chart looks awful. 
 Yes, definitely multiple reasons. A couple headwinds temporarily and then we should be good for take off. 
 Millennials are the hero generation. 

I didn’t believe it myself for a long time, but it’s c... 
 Well said 👊🏼 
 We live in one of the best times since the dawn of civilization.

There have been 100 billion people and we are in the top .00001% in the “quality of life” category. 

We live better than Kings past. 

If you’re young and healthy, even better. Don’t let the doom and gloom spoil your joy. 

You’ll pay big money in 30 years time to look and feel as good as you do today.

Be grateful.

Be present.

Be generous. 
 “Success consists of being able to secure ever-growing quantities of debt as you pass through the stages of life: a big college loan that allows you to get into the best paying job, whose salary will allow you a larger loan for a large house and another loan for a car.” -@saifedean 

Exit the fiat debt world with #bitcoin 
 There will soon come a time where everyone pretends they were always bitcoin maxis. 

Because bit... 
 Gary Cardone is a perfect example of this. “Yeah man, I was here in 2016.” 
 "All is One, 'we' are god, and we need to come together and realize--no, actualize-- that religio... 
 “We” being born-again, then yes. 
If not, no. 

Christ Jesus saying, “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.” 
 To all those building, supporting, using, teaching, and advocating for freedom tech. It is unlike... 
 To all the unsung heroes out there 
 “Whenever I get to a low point, where I think, “why do I even bother?” I just remind myself this is where most people stop, and this is why most people don’t win.”
-Chris Williamson 

Stay humble stack sats #bitcoin 

We must win. 
 “You shouldn’t worry about criticism from someone you would never ask advice from.” 
 What’s the BEST financial advice you ever got?

I’ll start: Study #Bitcoin 
 Buy #bitcoin 
 The stock market is turned on and off everyday.

“We’re in bubble, this thing is going to burst any day now.” 

Then leave it off! 🤣

Exit the fiat clown world #bitcoin 
 I tell my wife, “I’d rather be miserable with you, than happy with someone else.” 

#Bitcoin couples. https://image.nostr.build/90b058753de85e2d5aad109e7686488cf3640a6686c68b5b61352f3c34d7ee5f.jpg  
 Sorry, extremely unlikely…and let’s hope that doesn’t happen 
 We are in #Bitcoin to help build and secure the individual’s value creation worldwide. 

I’m not referring to a currency collapse. If Bitcoin were to achieve $1 = 1 sat parity in 5 years because the rich wanted to get richer, that would be extremely damaging for billions of peoples potential future purchasing power.  The people that are actually on a Bitcoin standard in 2024 is less than 1 million. I would encourage you to start listening to Jeff Booth or better yet read his book “The Price of Tomorrow.” 

America “adopting Bitcoin” is highly unlikely. In the same way that Blockbuster couldn’t compete with Netflix. They couldn’t even see what was happening. True story, they added candy isles to “boost profits” to try and compete with Netflix. 

Now $10-$15 million per Bitcoin by 2045 IMHO is a more reasonable adoption rate, helping give billions a people around the world to secure their purchasing price. https://image.nostr.build/48916e5289ba58eac60b10c20319079a82761da1fdf05114c365a895f3b1ea41.jpg  
 You’re saying $100 million per #bitcoin ($1=1sat) in 4 years? If that were true that would put Bitcoin’s market cap at 2 quadrillion in 4 years? (Current total wealth $600-900 trillion). You see now how unlikely this scenario is. Mathematically impossible. 
 1. Global wealth is not $2Q 
2. Derivatives don’t create wealth 
3. The fed likes to print but not that much (quadrillions, would mean collapse) 

But let’s just assume your assumptions are correct. That illustrates the destruction of the fiat world in an unnecessary way. You don’t need one system to completely blowup for the other to thrive in such a short amount of time. I hate the fiat world just as the next bitcoiner, but your proposed market cap assumes an unneeded destruction too quickly. 
 If you ever feel bad about yourself don’t.

Somewhere out there someone is actively stacking bc... 
 Imagine balling out for dinner with $10 bucks 

Hodl gents one day the menus will list sats like this #bitcoin
 Dear ETH head, this is your future. 

Bitcoiners have tried to warn you for years.  But maybe this song will cheer you up. 🤣 

Get em @HODL 

 The 2020 Bircoin cycle did not play out in a natural way like the previous cycles. They printed ... 
 They will play funny games until fiat no longer has serious purchasing power. Unfortunately this may continue for many more cycles. 
 People sacrifice their playfulness, their joyfulness, being driven by unconscious needs to validate their existence.

"But wherever they go, and whatever happens to them on the way, in that enchanted place on the top of the Forest a little boy and his Bear will always be playing."
 ChatGPT says the next number in the sequence is 2!

Average price of a home 
968 bitcoin 2016 
41 bitcoin 2020
12 bitcoin 2024
2  bitcoin 2028 (ChatGPT prediction) 
 “It’s doesn’t matter who’s first to market. I think #bitcoin rewards principles, ethics, and humility.”
-@jack mallers 
 The New Wealthy
Christ centered marriage
#Bitcoin & #Nostr focused 
Slow schedules
Family time
Healthy bodies
Thriving children
Growing garden
Nourishing food
Building community
 Dude I haven’t drank caffeine for months and this morning I randomly decided to have a nitro co... 
 It’s crazy right!? I did the same thing  and now I’m completely off caffeine. Yeah it’s a legit… drug  🤣 
 Every single #Bitcoin maxi has solved this equation.

“Ego = 1 / Knowledge. 

More the knowledge lesser the ego, lesser the knowledge more the ego.” 
 If you’re an American Bitcoiner who doesn’t own any guns you need to fix that. 
 “Don’t chase things. Make memories. We are all on a journey. No one lives forever. Be generous to those who cross your path. Give to those who need. Touch hearts and spread happiness, hope, and optimism through your words and actions.” Joys of Compounding 
 Let’s hope is deviates to the upside…it’s $244k blow off top or bust. Anything else will be considered underwhelming IMHO 
 Bitcoin Twitter RIP 🪦 
 Honestly that was such an incredible time. Bitter sweet for sure. 

Help me out here. 

How does one feel strongly about Jesus? How does one have a pers... 
 Same background: However, I became a born-again Christian (no one is born a Christian) shorty after becoming a dad. It’s a massive rabbit hole,  but I’ll make it short and sweet and you’ll have to take it from there.

First, you’ll be glad to know our God  is a bitcoiner Proverbs 11:1

If you truly believe Romans 10:9-10
you’re saved and sealed on your way to Heaven. 

Must Reads
“Live Lighter Love Better” -Schmidt
(The Bitcoin Standard of Spirituality)

“Ethics of Money Production” and “Honest Money” help tie everything together with the Bitcoin world we live in. 
 Mic drop 💪🏼 
 First Principles Thinking 

As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. 

The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.

 —Harrington Emerson 
 Power Law Prediction

y= A x^n 
Days ^ 5.83 

2033 $1M 
2040 $4.2M 

Enjoy the ride 🤙🏼 
 When people I haven’t seen in awhile ask me “how’s that bitcoin thing going?” 

I think t... 
 I got a buddy who likes to text during the massive draw downs…he’s actually been a great buy signal. Unfortunately @HODL  he is only happy for me and his nephew “no one else” 😂 
 I’m stunned at how many men are currently juicing 💉 right now. 

Also the amount of men that have received hair transplants.

Is this the weak men culture? 
Balding meat heads? 😂

 People I orange pilled in real life.

1. Old boss who was already rich - 5btc (still has it) 
2. ... 
 Lesson: don’t buy bitcoin bad things happen 😂 
 “It’s been amazingly freeing because I don’t worry about my investment. Mostly because I don’t have very many. I’m on a bitcoin standard and I keep my value in a unit of account.” @jimmysong 

 Great article as always by @LynAlden 

But the artwork that she also creates often gets overlooked.

Very impressive 🤙🏼

 I want to live in a town or city where you must pay a toll to enter if you are not a resident.

Then all the proceeds are split between the residents of “said town.” 

All maintained by a wonderful Fedimint. Now that’s a citadel! 
 We need a term for Bitcoiners against Nostr. 
 Do the things that your future self will thank you. 
 Has to be support after blow off top $58k gang is just too tough 
 Get rid of chemical inputs and go direct to consumer. We are teaching farmers and ranchers all over the world to run profitable healthy farms. https://soilhealthacademy.org 
 It all starts with the soil. Soil and sound money two sides to the same coin. May want to check this out https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/dirt-to-soil/?gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-HT7RvRqNh6qxulNOh1KsE18p84 
 A lot of people don’t know my story about how I got into bitcoin so here it is…

I was a smar... 
 Before I got into bitcoin I got shot 9 times and turned my love for poetry into music. And that’s my story 😂 
 No Added Sugar just means that they added sugar derived from processed apple juice.

Buying good ... 
 Stay on the outside and avoid bar codes. Absolutely, go meet your local farmer/rancher 
 lol…get primal kitchen you’ll be fine 
 I started buying bitcoin in 2018. Since then it has given me the power to refuse the Vax mandate ... 
 Can attest to this 👆🏼 
 For sure divorce 😂 
 I am so sick of this! Not gonna leave my bed until $100k #Bitcoin. 
 It starts in about 30 days. Strap in 🚀