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 Millennials are the hero generation. 

I didn’t believe it myself for a long time, but it’s clear to me now. 

Every millennial alive has the equivalent of a splinter in their mind that they can’t ignore. 

Something nagging at them. Screaming at them “this is not right”. 

Those who do something about it will be the hero’s we remember. 

Those who medicate it away will fade and be lost to the sands of time. 
 Yeah. A splinter shaped like rage. Also, heroes. 
 Well said 👊🏼 
 I see us as the transition generation. We have the leaders that will help channel the change, but Gen Z will be the generation coming of age that brings about that positive change. 
 He's referring to generational archetypes from The Fourth Turning by which Millenials are the Hero archetype generation.  

Zoomers are the Artist archetype generation.   
 Fourth Turning Archetypes

According to the Strauss-Howe generational theory, the 4th Turning is characterized by a Crisis, which is a transformative period of upheaval and change. During this time, four generational archetypes emerge, each playing a distinct role in shaping the society’s response to the crisis.

1. Hero: The Hero archetype represents the crisis-fighting generation. Born during times of turmoil, they are driven to restore order and stability. They often exhibit traits such as courage, resilience, and a strong sense of duty.

2. Artist: The Artist archetype represents the creative and adaptive generation. Born during the crisis, they are skilled at finding innovative solutions and rebuilding shattered institutions. They often exhibit traits such as imagination, flexibility, and a willingness to take risks.

3. Prophet: The Prophet archetype represents the reflective and visionary generation. Born during the crisis’s aftermath, they are attuned to the new social and cultural landscape. They often exhibit traits such as insight, foresight, and a capacity to articulate a new vision for society.

4. Nomad: The Nomad archetype represents the transitional and pragmatic generation. Born during the crisis’s waning years, they are skilled at navigating the new landscape and finding ways to thrive in the changed environment. They often exhibit traits such as adaptability, practicality, and a focus on personal and family well-being.

These archetypes are not mutually exclusive, and individuals may exhibit characteristics from multiple archetypes. However, each archetype plays a unique role in responding to the crisis and shaping the society’s future. 
 Ça m'intéresse Paz où puis-je approfondir cette approche serait intéressée dans quel domaine je pourrais apprendre plus sur le sujet votre approche  
 Cela vient il de la sociologie !?  jamais étudié en sociologie nostr:nprofile1qqs0pm4meldcmwzax3qm9f2n8vxpk35268f5cwn6j7c6vyksr4gg78cpzdmhxue69uhhqatjwpkx2urpvuhx2ue0te68zg 
 I don’t see much hope for gen z yet 
 I hope you are right. We need change sooner rather than later. Maybe I am a little more cynical about my generation, but I am seeing positive trends in people younger than me. 
 Why Gen Z is pretty much the direct opposite. They've gone hard on becoming lookalike slaves to the corporations, media and government. 
 Is it the freedom or is it the capacity for logical thinking and critical thinking? 
 Guitar hero generation ZING 
 80 year cycles agree with you 
 Never thought about it this way...Even though I despise the "Millennial" name
 I want it to be millennials… they deserve it. 
They’ve been through a lot of duress and trauma. But now, they have to step up.

Who do we really see stepping up? I know and work with some truly brilliant millennials. 
What I’ve observed, though, is that they give it their all for a short sprint, and then retreat.

Maybe they’re reserving their energy for a later attack. 
 The window isn’t fully open yet. It’s just a crack right now. 
 Yea. I agree.  I was being dismissive & I should’ve been.  … LFG! 
 We are the only ones asking questions on why does this system work like this   all the older generations don’t give a flying fuck about us 
They have fuck us over
We have to opt out and play a different game 
A game where they don’t control the game board 
We will make their system obsolete 
 Well as a man in my mid 50s I’d say you need to meet a different group of older people.  Almost everyone in my circles has been asking these questions for many years and doing what we can to change the system so our kids and grandkids have a wonderful future. 
AK | 6 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 here for this. Lets go kings ✊ 
 I wrote a similar thought some time back, we definitely were not born for this mess and we will take everything taken from us back, sooner or later.

 That’s basically the plot of The Mandibles. 
 I think about this too. I think my sons generation will be heavily better than ours. 
 Bullish on elder millennials 
 Thanks for recognizing this. We used to get the Gen Xers whining about us "not wanting to work" and, to be fair, some of the generation is like that, but many of us aren't like that. We just want to work in ways that don't contribute toward the destruction of civilization. We want to find ways to ensure our lives and the lives of our descendants are lived in meaningful and fulfilling ways. We're the ones who predominantly rejected the old, cold, corporate way of doing things.

I salute you for this note. 🫡 
 as a GenXer
this is more my experience of millennials.

maybe a little soft
but not lazy
and super well-intentioned 
 I hope this is so, I don’t care what generation it comes from and I hope it comes from many.  On another note, last year was the 1st time I began hearing my millennial son start to talk about what was wrong with the younger generation, the kids grow up so fast😂 
 Whats interesting to me about the verbiage in this statement is how I think it relates to mythology.  

If we look at the digital realm as a new world and superimpose the Norse or Greek pantheon on top of it, we can follow a generational storyline that was laid out as the foundation of the cosmos in antiquity.

The first digital generation were the titans who shaped the initial world and embedded themselves as the very forces of nature within the structures of reality (the arbiters of truth).  While not malevolent, their purposes were small in overall vision and merely self serving.

The next generation would be what the ancient pantheons called the Gods.  Born into existing structures, they reshaped the world and introduced order with benevolent intent, along with many flaws, and created a system of eternal rule.

The offspring of the gods would then become the heroes you're referring to Hodl.  Great deeds done in tribute to, and in defiance of the gods, that bring great boons and terrible consequences  like the stealing of fire and the opening of Pandora's box.

We here have all heard the analogy of bitcoin as the fire in cyberspace and I think it's pretty safe to call Satoshi a hero for taking digital scarcity from an arbiter of truth and releasing it to the world of the small, inconsequential, individuals that go about their days without the lofty aims of great deeds done in service to higher purposes. 
 Of course we are the chosen ones haha. 
 Yes. A path of thorns and promised roses. We start by growing our own flowers!  
 Absolutely correct.  If you look at WW2 in color and picture them as millennials you will just see it. 
 We are the HODL generation. 
 What about baby boomers — I’m pleased I had splinters -took me a while to become a Bitcoin enthusiast