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 Öhm... why is their recent video failing??

Truthstream Media
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s Das sind die Accounts, die ... 
 @1250d730 ach... ach so.

Sind sich Blusski (lol -Nutzer bewusst dass es dort systembedingt weniger Zensur als im Fedi geben wird? Grad die Chebli hahaha 
 nostr:npub1w68feu60zkp78hrstj7zf2uhsarhjn47ms8nh87xua3e6rkyuzxqeexxv4 25$ is nonsense but, any co... 
 @c45edd90 @768e9cf3 wait they have to pay for leftovers?! 
 nostr:npub1w68feu60zkp78hrstj7zf2uhsarhjn47ms8nh87xua3e6rkyuzxqeexxv4 Maybe I'm in the wrong busi... 
 @136caaa3 @768e9cf3 


What is wrong about minimum wage?

It prices out idiots and unnecessary branches of the economy. 

Bring it on!! 

 @Caek Islove 🍰 💖  oh shit nobody saw hahahaha 
 @1250d730 bullshit lol

Das sind nur die beobachtbaren Instanzen (wenn ich das korrekt verstanden habe) 
 You can make that from scratch. That way you know perfectly what you've put in, and don't need to... 

Which are both exactly the same m( 
 Der erste Schritt, um diesem verwirrten Zustand erzwungener Einförmigkeit entgegenzutreten, ist, auf die Diskussion und Lösung von Sachfragen, anstatt ideologischen Animositäten zu bestehen – der zweite, anzuerkennen, dass Eigenwohl vor Gemeinwohl stehen muss, denn jeder andere Ansatz hat in der Geschichte zu Katastrophen geführt. 
 The WEF is a digestible neoliberal front for the Fabianists. 

 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s that’s peanuts for switze... 
 @efa2e20e no it ia not. It accumulates. 

You would get along great... 
 @1976364a @efa2e20e you think you can make debt indefinitely? 
 @efa2e20e Switzerland (CH, not the Cantons) has a giant 4 Billion in deficit each year. 

I cant understand how and why. I suspect they do it on purpose. 
In Europe, the union pays you - or in some cases the company has to pay around minimum wage. Which is hilarious bc a strike at the right time saves the company tons of money. 

Newsom Vetoes Bill Allowing Workers to Collect Unemployment Pay While Striking - The New York Times
 Yes! Yes! Oh wait CNN fucked this up XD

Feinstein's body, accompanied by Pelosi, arrives in California on plane from president's military fleet | CNN Politics
 Oh look. A sane comment on HN

Your story is probably very common. The social media narrative (Reddit, Twitter,... | Hacker News

World's Largest Mortality Data Repository! - Mortality Watch
 Crossing the sea has a better survival rate than the vax XD

Over 186,000 Migrants Crossed The Mediterranean So Far This Year, UN Says
 Another reality check: Between 1992 and 2002 there were more companies, names and concepts changing every two years upside down than from 2002 until now. 

So when you hear somebody complain about the name x.com it is a stealth boomer call into the void hahaha 
 Why AFD is not at 88% I will never understand.

Geheimvertrag: ZDF zahlt Jan Böhmermann 651.000 Euro pro Jahr
 Murricans are ruining language. Please stop.

libertaire - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
 Indeed. It is not stupid at all that NA links "basic" Wikipedia articles in its shownotes. Back in around 2010 only two (I knew five German podcasts) did link regularly to stuff. I learned a lot. Not accurate stuff, but the general idea, who or what it is. What is basic for me might be new to you. These days our journalists still dont link. Many smaller sites are like a silo. That is NOT interesting. I gave up writing them mails a decade ago.

But this may be another reason why ppl are so dumb. 
Drinking diet sodas and aspartame-sweetened beverages daily during pregnancy linked to autism in male offspring - UT Health San Antonio
 Bloomberg reports wheat futures in Chicago have tumbled about 11% in the past three months and are set for the fourth quarterly decline. Even though Russia terminated a safe-passage deal in July that allowed bulk carriers to export Ukraine's grain via the Black Sea to the rest of the world, prices have remained under pressure - mainly because Russia has had a record bumper harvest. 

Bwahahahaha - genius! 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s wow, I didn’t know that G... 
 @efa2e20e not in ntl gov though

We have Greens, SP who has green stuff in their program and GLP (green liberals, the worst technocrats ever) 
 I hope the 30+ go vote this time and vote anything green out. 

Zehntausende ziehen an nationaler Klimademo durch Bern
 This Russel Brand is channeling Jesus.

He had the same life between 18 and 30 nobody should know about. 

 Finally. I hope it works.

Maßnahmen zur Beschränkung von Mikroplastik
 "Colon Hydrotherapy, also known as colonics, colon cleanse, or colon irrigation, is a safe and effective method of removing toxins from the large intestines without the use of drugs. Colon hydrotherapy has been practiced for centuries with the earliest records of basic enemas dating back to 1500 B.C in ancient Egypt."


 the image is funny

the sender not 
 @6f79722d why does anybody take this format serious? Or link anything from the commentariat? 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s America is finally exportin... 
 Student gunman kills three in Rotterdam university shooting | Reuters
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s I've watched him start on t... 
 @898f25bf I wrote here earlier:

"Now imagine millions like him feeling the same and asking themselves what else is not like they said"

Boomocalypse lol 
 They kill each other. What is the problem?

Swedish PM seeks help from military as gang violence rocks country | Crime News | Al Jazeera
 Think of the guy what you want but to teether like him on community guidelines like in his age is the true edge-lord hahaha

 I don't understand geo-politics but I still don't understand why Assad can't be Mossad'd. 
 @2233b35c all under one ceiling as the German proverb says. 
 @6d17f052 so that is the 3rd time in my lifetime I recall them having this and nothing was built to change it.
But they are the worst climate change blabla folks. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s nostr:npub1c8tes4wk937l3xkl... 
 @0fb32fbe  at this point the US needs city wide rail connecting outer towns with rhe center. Even Slowenia can afford Stadler Rail (Google their models). Many growing US towns have lots of space to spare for the rails. For now. 
High Speed needs a peculiar jump in resources, aka upper class usage bc of pricing. The few parts of Switzerland who are above 140km/h are money pits and only work bc of full capacity use, every day 365 days. 
 nostr:npub100xqu09h9n487l7atsmgptvqasazhm7w6ydj0efu9vxaa3jrw2jqlf7yz7 What is this from? 
 @a82a1f79 @7bcc0e3c maahup between Apocalypse Now and Berthold Brecht. 
 @a82a1f79 @7bcc0e3c mashup between Apocalypse Now and Berthold Brecht. 
What gets me is they look ... 
 @0af78396 @c89aa391 

They dont stay there. They go all to NL, FR and DE. 
 nostr:npub1c8tes4wk937l3xklrgve0q25pvamkv70u23tx4zu6wtgfwyxdlwqjhcru8 This is the one that goes t... 
 @0fb32fbe @c1d79855

No, the one which will fail and you fucks will feel vindicated bc of your retarded government. 
 @c1d79855 no they dont

Ok they do. They just bag them across the border like in (Swiss) Basel where German police takes them directly into (German) asylum process. 
 This is gold.

On another note: I do not understand Podcasters who have no music (NA has) who do not use lame with the preset voice. Perfect quality, 1/3 size of 128kbit. 

No Agenda Lite
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s -- whatever it takes to pro... 
 @205381b6 the whole video is interesting. They cant keep up with seed production. So many home owners and counties finally understand that native plants are more robust and since they push prarie plants with 5m long roots, the soil builds up carbon and has less erosion. 
 The most recent shmita year was 2021–2022 or Anno mundi 5782 in Hebrew calendar. The next shmita cycle will be in 2028-2029, year 5789 in Hebrew calendar.

Prime years:

2003 2011 2017 2027 2029

5779, 5783, 5791, 5801, 5807 respectively. 

As you can see, 2027 is doubly important. 
 Furry and the creeper 
 Ppl live at these places... 
Event not found
 @a429e435 now extrapolate across all "knowledge" jobs...

Are all hair standing up? 
Event not found
 @c1d79855 That being said, at least Tesla has a large network of Superchargers, enough for gaggles of people to make the journey between the two cities during busy holiday driving weekend. It’s Tesla’s charging supremacy that has almost all other automakers making deals for their cars to use the network, after all. Tesla owners SFGate spoke to admitted their Teslas weren’t perfect, but they are much closer to perfect than any other automaker out there today.