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Gerüchte, wonach Impfungen krebserregende Stoffe enthalten, können verständlicherweise zu V... 
Ach, ihr habt die Peptidkontamination der Biontechimpfung im Alleingang untersucht und für harmlos bestätigen können? Sapperlot! 
 For Germans: Fyi, use these acronyms in a Mail to excuse yourself e.g.

 I see only FLINTA are being welcomed, too bad.

TINFA* steht für Trans-, Inter-, nicht binäre Menschen, Frauen und Personen ohne Geschlechtsidentität. 

FLINTA* ist eine Abkürzung und steht für Frauen, Lesben, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, trans und agender Personen. 

 Soso. Uhuh.

Fauci Was 'Smuggled' Into CIA Headquarters To "Influence" Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee | ZeroHedge
 Does transported fertilizer belong into transport or agriculture, @d7af9dea ? 
 Polish Minister Has 'Taken Steps' To Extradite Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Honored By Trudeau Govt
 Medicated anxiety: This is what it feels like.

Five: Anxiety
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s nostr:npub167hem6ju6vx27h48... 
 @8d6402d6 that is independent of dems or leftists. And independent of geography. The plan is to dilute and destroy the West. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s alternative headline:
"An e... 

 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s nostr:npub1sp89mqcudqkwjufs... 
 @b2e3a57d @804e5d83 these are all the "IPhone-Stage" how I call it to milk the upper middle class. 

I bet on Spain to curse collectively, getting their act together and producing a 100km/h, 400km range 5000€ simplified e-car with a hybrid/ extension bay for a methanol or hydrogen fuel cell. 

They already produce VERY competitive public busses with induction charging, optionally running on solid state batteries in a few years. 

I know Americans wont understand this so I dont argue. 
When not catching on fire.... 
 @804e5d83 saved repair, saved money haha 
 The Langobard should have burned down Rome. 

Hey Pope! I dont need niggas in my little Swiss town to "feel less lonely" wtf 
 The Langobard shoulf d have burned down Rome. 

Hey Pope! I dont need niggas in my little Swiss town to "feel less lonely" wtf 
 @804e5d83 even if domestically produced - intelligent EVs use much less parts and maintenance. 

The consequences of trans... 

All areas across the world transformed at the same time. Sure.

No bitches be uppity and want to have a man earning double from them. 

And this academic woman in typical manner confuses deliberately cause and effect around the (re-)action of men. 
 "While the concept of an AI girlfriend may seem like a joke, it really isn’t that funny. It is enabling a generation of lonely men to stay lonely and childless, which will have devastating effects on the U.S. economy in less than a decade."

Only a fucking academic cunt can think like this. 

Do you think they would stay at home fridays if the girla would at least friendly smile while going out? Huh?!


AI girlfriends are ruining an entire generation of men
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s Verizon wireline services (... 
 @34b3698a Switching is already grid dependent. No switch, no emergency calls.

 "If there is a power cut, this digital phone line will no longer work – and a potential lifeline for elderly people will be suddenly lost. Those needing to make an emergency '999' call or raise an alarm via a health pendant could be left stranded – and unable to call anyone to ask for life-saving support. "

They abolished analog 50V switching 20 years ago. Power cuts were phone cuts since then. 

BT announces regional rollout plans for digital... | Daily Mail Online
 nostr:npub167hem6ju6vx27h48n8jauezrfjktmarxnuy5pxx0kt6aufn36apqqy0399 - Here's a thought on the m... 
 @8d6402d6 @d7af9dea migration has no influence on the amount or velocity of money 

Oh no, no. I don’t thin... 
 @cc043a5b @aba3e4c9 insist on alone time all the time. Noody else in the same room. Enjoy winter sleep lol 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s I'm not defending the corpo... 
 @7502a322 that is contradictory and you know it 
 NATO’s Nazi Beginnings: How the West implemented Hitler's goals, by Robert S. Rodvik
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s lies 
 @efa2e20e #believeallwomeneveniftheylie 
 Learn LaTeX, emacs and Python. You'll have trouble finding a compatible company, but it will be a bunch of true nerds. 

Learn Microsoft Suite. You'll probably earn more, but you will be a number in a huge org. And work will be boring. 

Your choice. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s it might but here is what I... 
 @d57a58eb large scale infrastructure began then. 

Germany could have had a lot of drowned Germans but sicnce they prepared nobody died. We only see that preparedness works. We have no idea how much really the _climate_ changed. Since it is global it can be that the catastrophes are regional. This can also be an el Niño consequence e.g. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s is it just me or does this ... 
 @d57a58eb your bias at work

You see clearly what it says.
You see something.

You conclude bullshit instead of the obvious. 
You will read this and conclude worse.

Look at the graph again. What does it say? 
 U voted
U get

Zürcher finden geplante Velo-Plätze «völlig daneben»

i don't understand what i... 
 @efa2e20e There is a higher plane of normal behavior.
To posit that anything goees long that you are "productive" aka efficient is a inherent collective assumption. 
 @efa2e20e There is a higher plane of normal behavior.
To posit that anything goees as long that you are "productive" aka efficient is a inherent collective assumption. 
 @efa2e20e There is a higher plane of normal behavior.
To posit that anything goes as long that you are "productive" aka efficient is a inherent collective assumption. 
 Life is too short not to enjoy what you like
Just be careful it’s healthy and does not interf... 
 @efa2e20e An auful normative definition. 
 @efa2e20e An awfully normative definition. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s how large (in KM) is a Cant... 
 @2a188b69 to abbreviate where I live it is this
Many are smaller, many are denser. 

 @2a188b69 Many parts in the South have bad coverage (meaning 3G or 4G). But overall the places where most are have imho perfect mobile Internet. 
 @2a188b69 Many parts in the South have bad coverage (meaning 3G or 4G). But overall the places where villages or towns are bigger have imho perfect mobile Internet. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s nostr:npub1hywuy6pv8fctjnpp... 
 @d514645f @b91dc268 sounds like a joke

If she was not soured for more than a month she is a keeper lol 
 @d514645f @b91dc268 sounds like a joke

If she was not soured for more than a month she is a keeper lol

Edit: oh a guy... well get on shape then. No excuses. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s  our county has a populatio... 
 @2a188b69 and the other uh three/two/five?

Half a million equals half of my Canton with areas where city folk think who tf lives here lol

I can only explain this with corruption or genuinely missallocated funds for the woods. It happens here too, some minor number turns out to be not so minor and somebody has to correct...

Hackernews thinks that the US law needs to be changed so that a county can license/build their own. 
French test differently and it fails. 

Apple Tells Support Staff To Remain Silent On iPhone Radiation Concern
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s no.  Northwest Indiana, abo... 
 @2a188b69 ok look (TM)

45min. out of a city means you could be in a unrecoverable radio gap (Funkloch) in Switzerland. From all cities. No harm there. But if there are more than a few thousand living at that spot it becomes bizarre. Why is it that we have coverage in remote regions and many, many countries elsewhere don't? 
 @2a188b69 ok look (TM)

45min. out of a city means you could be in a unrecoverable radio gap (Funkloch) in Switzerland bc there are many gulches, gills and ravines. From all cities. No snark there. But if there are more than a few thousand living at that spot it becomes bizarre. Why is it that we have coverage in remote regions and many, many countries elsewhere don't? 
 The next PORK BAD MEAT BAD Psyop:
(Hygiene is apparently overrated in far away countries)

 So now. The Swiss gov provides for itself and for its propaganda a mastodon instance. Now there are a thousand subscribers. I guesstimate full time media folks in Switzerland are at least 1000. 
I clicked around and found many to be general fediusers, IT guys and some are maybe media related.
Where are they? They all groan and moan bc of the teslaguy but when our dinasaur-conservative government decides to test solutions they are not participating. 
 Do YouTube search bar is like talking to an ADHD schizophrenic. Maybe 10 videos that are similar ... 
 @:catnoears: Royper :gundam:  Similar? 

Apparently most users are so dumb that yt suggests THE SAME VIDEO (!!) 
 @:catnoears: Royper :gundam: 

 yeah but the real ones complain too much

Eeeew icky mess wtf in a public bus you ruined my dress etc. 

"Um herauszufinden, welchen Ursprung das Cs-137 hat, hatten die Forschenden das Verhältnis der Cäsium-Isotope Cs-135 und Cs-137 bestimmt. Die beiden Atomarten unterscheiden sich durch die Anzahl ihrer Neutronen im Kern, sind also unterschiedlich schwer. Das Mengenverhältnis dieser Isotope stellt eine Art „radiologischen Fingerabdruck“ dar, der es erlaubt, die Herkunft des Cäsiums (Reaktorunfall oder Atombombenexplosion) nachzuweisen."

Und das wurde erst im 2023 untersucht? 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s if that is the case, I am j... 
 @2a188b69 wait, you live in the city?! 
 nostr:npub1a73wyr3s8ffagwsnlfd548d0nsaqcwdnn6550akehaxglw3kzc8qce7y6q nostr:npub1r89lejecvj7q25pq... 

As per usual add the disclaimer "USA story" and "I probably dont live where many others live".

On some slopes here you can stream your snowboard stunts in 8K live over the air... 

Look when the author made this diagram. Think about how many facts could be drawn like this. 
Event not found
 @9a3723e3 @4b6c5953 

Ja natürlich den Typen dissen der solche Videos macht. 

Also manchmal... 
Event not found
 @3a92a9b1 @efa2e20e depends

Together with Albanians and Kosovarians they fill our prisons.