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 The Irish spent centuries fighting for independence from the British empire. But now that their island is independent, their government has settled on ethnic replacement through migration as its policy. And “Irish lives matter” is treated as hate speech. So, for what purpose did they ever seek independence? It is now completely meaningless. There won’t be such a thing as “the Irish” in a few decades. 
 Is CSB meditating?? 
 "Bibi" is psyopic. 
 Is the Gazastrip overpopulated? 
 WS: Why did 99% of the organised anarchist movement worldwide follow the Covid 19 narrative? [...]

PC: This is a question that much occupied me in 2020! I couldn’t understand it at all. After several years of research I have understood the way that anarchism (like other political and cultural movements) has simply been taken over by the system, turned round and pointed in the opposite direction.

“Where were all the anarchists during Covid19?” – OffGuardian
 dis good

The End of the World Is Just the Beginning - Wikipedia
 In the morning... you have to be there to catch some.

Costco Is Selling Out Of Gold Bars. The Economic Crisis Can No Longer Be Hidden...

Hmm, what about kerfuffle? 

Lacking fists XD 
 Something for NAS:

A Primer of Magical Combat – Ecosophia
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s over fracas? no way.

I'll ... 

Fracas sounds Spanish and brouhaha Jiddish. 

Donnybrook is oozing Anglospeak. 
 We need to revive donnybrook. 

Soup /B/? 
 @d66a8056 chicken soup

Nonsensical, cackling and clucking on all sides. 
 Anybody who is behaving in the culture war like it is 2014 on 4chan is a wortless idiot. 
 Universal adoption of SDG16.9 digital ID will enable the G3P global governance regime’s to establish a worldwide system of reward and punishment. If we accept the planned model of digital ID, it will ultimately enslave us in the name of sustainable development.
SDG16: Part 2 — Enforcing Digital Identity

Right now Trump's all, "... 
 @669563d8 why not

There are many law systems where that would be perfectly possible. 
 @669563d8 oh and in fact being done

Cum-Ex in Germany e.g. 
 If you dupe the IRS or evade taxes OF COURSE your property gains value.

 They never heard of the Streisand-Effect. 

I remember back in the 2000s when these lists where a very practical gate into Narnia erm let's say the truthosphere. You read about the wildest idiots, many of I still think they are idiots, but some instantly made sense. German researchers were notoriously hard to find and any compilation was welcomed. 



 Im certain a sadly large percent of Americans wouldnt be able to find their own state on a map 
 @Joel_Walbert @efa2e20e

Understandable when that whole map from above fits on Texas. 
 German state TV. 
Technocratic horror isn't when they drown us in propaganda. Technocratic horror is when they leave out all what could be considered good art.

Die ARD spielt mit Kindern
 What is kinda strange is, that on the dual stack boxes with #IPv6 e.g. package downloads from #Fr... 
- does the delivering software know about what protocol is being used and changes behavior?

- I once wanted to copy something and both waited until each file was sent over ftp and I had some dozen mbit/s. Rsync had 100mbit/s. I took rsync ofc.

- Maybe buffers are too big or too small. 
 nostr:npub1gjvyrtcgmmuq0zhm0sftkqfr575u4h3p33f8ylzm4xrwh06lkkusn3nuca what health
issues ? 
 @efa2e20e being American and old... 
 Look at this. Every detail, 400 pages, very well done. For a little deviated water. 

Compare that to what FOPH/Swissmedic did before the vax. 

This is the reason why so many highly educated professionals thought it MUST be urgent since they do not adhere to normal state behavior. And outsiders of the system thought wait a minute wtf are you doing?!

 Just walked the pups, came across 2 foreclosure signs within a block of each other.

That’s a r... 
 Are these AMR ? 


so:  English, German, ... 
 @efa2e20e Headquarters need all languages. 

Not the product. The mark... 
 @6a75920f @efa2e20e 

One area is being flooded right now: corporate education a.k.a. instructional videos staff has to watch. Swiss firms and the state spent dozens of millions each year to translate into >4 languages.

Now there are products producing all versions at once from a script (!) or from a master video. Licenses are around 20k right now. Millions of media and translation workers will be out if work in three years across the world. Some products can "speak" dialects... 

Flu vaccine to be given in schools for first time this winter | Independent.ie
 Hey @efa2e20e you over there have literal news nazis hahahaha:

 We all have narcissistic tendencies and as much good social media can do to bring people together... 
 @eaa154b7 if you understand German here is something insightful to listen:

 I give it 5 years and all immunosupressant companies doubled in market value.

IgG4 and T Cells
 Correct. A former truther (the dumb one who got exhausted bc he ran after all placed stories/psyops) would rant about specifics. 

BBC's "Reformed Conspiracy Theorist" Seems a Little Inauthentic

Wie wärs mit weniger Lohndrückerei im Allgemeinen? Eure niederen Löhne schaden der ganzen EU. 
 @1250d730 äh was fressen Delphine? Gras weil sie ja von Rehen abstammen? 

Man kanns auch üvertreiben. 
LOL A better BIOS?

I can'... 
 @b2e3a57d it is infact e-waste but it still runs after 13 years. I am considering hexediting the bios binary. 
If I fail nothing of value was lost XD 
 So how can I reduce Intel-HD-used RAM for DVMT when there is no option in the BIOS?? 
 @:catnoears: Royper :gundam:  Libel law was always strong here. Dozens of cases each day. But ONE involving the letter soup and suddenly it becomes news m( 
 So NATO delivers Kerosene/airplane juice to the big aerodromes in Europe.

If I ever read here the usual claptrap of state vs private economy I will just laugh at you. 

Ha! Ha! Ha!

 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s Individualism is a methamph... 
 @93c76d5d hahahaha 

You did not care when they fined one after an another in the same way for all kind of reasons. 

But when the decadent letter soup brigade is involved, now of course everybody "cares". 

Noch 12 Mio. haben sich 4.-Boostern lassen in DE iirc. 12mio. sind mehr als es Grünenwähler gibt.
Das tönt schrecklich aber im Verhältnis ist das phänomenal!

-> Warum fragt sich niemand in Medien und hoher Politik diese eine Frage: Warum entschieden sich 40Mio. unterdessen anders? Wegen der paar Hansel auf Twitter und evt hier mit Aluhut? Oder doch wegen unterdessen Gelerntem und Verstandenem?

Meine Güte. 
 For fuck's sake, some of my fellow leftist are so authoritarian and overbearing, I wouldn't put t... 
 @93c76d5d Collectivism is a drug... 


'Not-ESG Friendly': New Panasonic EV Battery Plant In Kansas To Be Powered By Coal  | ZeroHedge
 @1250d730 Malone sagte selber er habe es nicht alleine erfunden, sondern weiterentwickelt. Im 2020 (jedenfalls sehr früh) gab er in Nebensätzen an, dass das DoD alles entwickelte. Dann war Funkstille bis zu dem einen Vortrag einer Frau in Schweden im 2022 (???), die alle Dokumente zusammentrug und schlüssig darlegte, dass die EUA (emergency use) überflüssig war, da es eine DoD-interne Zulassung gab. Eine Art Persilschein. 

Malone wäre also auch das da:

 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s Deutschland hatte aufgrund ... 

Die Namen stimmen nicht mehr. Diese sog. Konservativen wollen "etwas egal was". Das A in AfD war schon genial. 

Bin nicht sprachlos: Frechheit sowas. 

Kein Wunder sind Deutsche Touristen in der Schweiz so verwundert wenn überall das Schweizerkreuz hängt, die "Feuerfahnen", Gemeindefahnen UND in den Schrebergärten 200 Nationen und Kantone ihre Flagge hissen... 
 The fedi. Where the so called insane find their asylum. 

And then you fire up some normie online place and immediately know why you went hither. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s ask him, I am not his secre... 
 @efa2e20e hahaha

I see hair is important... 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s Gay.

France hasn't mattere... 
 @b2e3a57d Wrong. Listen to Zeihan. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s If you don't iron linen top... 
 @e0598bdb highfive! 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s maybe you should step up to... 
 @d57a58eb Both women are 8/10 so I dont know what is the problem and both would have good dads. 

One flat was a pregnancy flat. Three tenants and all got pregnant and then had to move out. One I for damn sure know when they made it hahahaha...
But now they both stall*. Weird. 

* How do you say that in English, stalling something should be the correct term (?) 
 My neighbors need to make children. Both sides late 20ies. More than enough money going around. 
Fuck. [Literally, we never heard them fuck. Literal w.t.f.] 
 Iron your shit. All of it. (Not Sports or Underwear ofc)

Everythings looks more expensive. Even 20 yo cargos look recently bought. Cotton T-Shirts do not need it. But linen shirts. They look 40$ more exoebsive when ironed.

Just thought to post maybe some guy sees this. 
 in Österreich gibt es  basierend auf dem ÖVP Leak Hoffnung auf vorgezogene Neuwahlen. Danach d... 
 @ec110fac welcher övp leak? Ich frage um nicht von Gurgel vergurgelt zu werden. 
 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s nostr:npub1w68feu60zkp78hrs... 
 @136caaa3 @768e9cf3 

So abolish it and replace it with what?

Minimum wage is more in some Cantons than average lowest quartile in others. The level is obviously NOT the problem with the very concept. 
 ...as the question of HIV being introduced to humans from mid- or late-20th Century medical experiments, including Koprowski’s wide-flung polio vaccine trials or weird chimpanzee-human cocirculation treatments for Hepatic comas, it isn’t supported by the genetic record as observed after the 1980s, and stretches too far to explain the mundane (... that is of such an ubiquitous and ancient genetic platform that its relatives are even incorporated into our own genomes).

 Want to know why Auatrian prices are sometimes higher than Swiss prices?

That's why. To syphen buying power from Switzerland Hofer/Aldi and Lidl had to find 3rd parties for domestic production and even more optimize their logistics and rental footprint. Then the market played its strength and EU had inflation.

 nostr:npub1j8ueyfkfuud4fzn80l27a8tk6f3ueug6awsxumwd4wkvax7hkvjsshaz5s Deswegen werden die Zugangs... 
 @1250d730 das halten die doch nicht lange aus. Mal sehen obs so kommt.

Danke für die Erklärung. 
 nostr:npub1w68feu60zkp78hrstj7zf2uhsarhjn47ms8nh87xua3e6rkyuzxqeexxv4 25$ is nonsense but, any co... 
 @c45edd90 @768e9cf3 wait they have to pay for leftovers?!