@NailBomb (I ❤ White Replacement) 🇨🇳 🇸... > get my ass in gear and can can can
YES, DANCING! :blobcatdance:
Aw dang, so no lovecraftian spaghetti this year
I have faith that you will get your spooky spaghetti next year :ghost_owo:
@NailBomb (I ❤ White Replacement) 🇨🇳 🇸... Well, it was definitely over-ripe but it wasn't mushy or anything, just huge. It'd be cool if I could get orange cucumbers but I think it was just because it was left out for a long time before I noticed it lol (I'm saving the seeds anyway, so we'll see what happens)
Orange eggplant! :blobeyes: I got a few small eggplant last year but none germinated for me this year (and I don't like it as much as other veggies anyway, so I didn't really mind lol).
WORM FARM oh that's neato
Oh, most of my potato plants have been dying off for a while now (there's one row that's still hanging on, but they're basically done). However, I found a couple of potato plants that popped up in last year's potato bed so I might have a few surprise potatoes later this autumn. Didn't you plant a lot of potatoes? What kind(s) did you plant?
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