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Notes by Satoshi Nakaoto | export

 Talking about censure, I posted a video in Facebook, and got all my account closed within 3 minutes of posting, instagram, WhatsApp, fb and Meta. Incredible. And 3 weeks after disputing the censure, facebook reopened that account but WhatsApp and Instagram are still closed and refuse to reopen. 
So this how bad censure is today, likely done by AI and almost immediate, no need to say I cannot stand this restriction to freedom of speech… 
 The month of October is going to be turbulent, the man directed storms that will impact Republican States, the wars that will rise the oil prices, the release of pathogen, viruses, all this before the elections. Should Trump loose the elections, the world will fall unto dictatorships, a censored world with total control. 
This is as critical for the people as it is critical for the deep State who’s afraid a Trump presidency, it would break the New World order in its path to total control and depopulation. Despite the low number of support for Kamala Harris, she’s still likely to win, we can already see ballots going to illegal immigrants and voting machines not working correctly, the Republicans have no lawyers working on election fraud. 
The question is for the new generations, how do you feel about free speech, the right to bear arm, the ownership of your children and your privacy? This will all go away in the next 10 years if the Democrats win this election, and this will be the last time you have the opportunity to turn things around for the US and the rest of the world. 
 The month of October is going to be turbulent, the man directed storms that will impact Republican States, the wars that will rise the oil prices, the release of pathogen, viruses, all this before the elections. Should Trump loose the elections, the world will fall unto dictatorships, a censored world with total control. 
This is as critical for the people as it is critical for the deep State who’s afraid a Trump presidency, it would break the New World order in its path to total control and depopulation. Despite the low number of support for Kamala Harris, she’s still likely to win, we can already see ballots going to illegal immigrants and voting machines not working correctly, the Republicans have no lawyers working on election fraud. 
The question is for the new generations, how do you feel about free speech, the right to bear arm, the ownership of your children and your privacy? This will all go away in the next 10 years if the Democrats win this election, and this will be the last time you have the opportunity to turn things around for the US and the rest of the world. 
 Daring in San Francisco 

1) Apoptosis induction. Cancer cells are stopped from dividing by inhibiting cell division (mitosis) and by inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis), all of which result in tumor eradication.

2) Inhibition of glucose uptake in cancer cells. Malignant cells are known to have an enormous glucose uptake. Cancer cells normally consume glucose 200 times faster than ordinary cells. This can be seen in PET scans – the metabolically active sites, which use more radioactive glucose can be clearly seen. Fenbendazole limits cancer cell fueling with sugar by limiting the glucose uptake, while decreasing the amount of canals that take glucose into the cancer cells from the blood.

3) Reactivation of the p53 gene. There is an increasing number of studies that confirm the fact that fenbendazole might truly increase the strongest tumor suppressor in our bodies – p53.
“(These) various modes of action mean that there is almost no possibility for cancer cells to develop resistance to the drug. Because it targets several routes, if resistance develops to one mechanism of action, fenbendazole can still affect cancer cells in other ways. Furthermore, fenbendazole may be used with other anticancer treatments owing to its unique mechanism of action and low toxicity.” 
 Si j’étais plus jeune je prendrai un grand terrain et je ferai tout pout être indépendant avec des panneaux solaires, un puis ou une eau source, et loin des mains du gouvernement. J’aurais un grand potager, des abres frutiers pour toutes les saisons et des poules. 

Imagine thinking that first sentence and then concluding.. "vote harder"

most people can't ... 
 If Kamala wins, well, they’ll ban everything and it won’t pleasant if they catch you saying something they don’t like. 
I heard Telegram started giving names and phone numbers, not too surprising after they arrested its CEO, but sad development. 
 I don’t quite understand, is Nostr completely anonymous? 
 Why bitcoins over gold? Gold might be old news, but definitely the safest. Think of it, let’s say that if you bought your house 100 years ago with $1000 gold, you could still buy it today, but with a $1000 what can you buy in cash. Unless the bitcoin does what gold does which is beat the inflation at a rate of 8.6% or so on average per year, you won’t be able to keep up. But I understand bitcoin is also a way to make quick money when there’s a rise or possible crisis even. The risk is fairly high though. 
 Don't worry, Ben.

It's all just a conthpirathy theory.

But governments do use tax payers money ... 
 You see it all over the world, people getting sick because of it, not talking about the damage in cascade it creates. People need to get out of the matrix and start fighting for their rights, they’re taking them away one at a time, and now it becomes clear reality is being twisted and al truth inverted. We can run away from the matrix but it will catch up. 
 Sadly it’s true but the new world order the deep State is similar, it’s called stake holder capitalism, corporate greed ruling over everything, add tech to that and you have what you’re starting to see now, AI censure, medicine that is mandatary and detrimental to your health, biotech allowing the control if your thoughts or emotions…. In effect we’re coming to an age where Western governments in big part have come together to say that the population was too dumb to decide for itself, that corporation with a few people shall rule, that depopulation and thought control is necessary. 
 Very alien