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 Reminder that anyone pointing blame at "capitalism" for modern societal problems simply don't know what they're talking about.

The mere existence of a central bank nixes the possibility of a system being capitalism out of the gate. U.S. is ALREADY more communist than capitalist.
 Yep! I absolutely cringe when people say that what we currently have is capitalism and then blame it for everything. 
 Capitalism/communism.. 2 sides of the same coin. We need free markets, not capitalism. 
 Communism = forced collectivism

Captitalism = individual liberty

What we have right now is not capitalism. It is crony socialism. 
 Your checklist, ser.

Sorry, not sorry.

 Sadly it’s true but the new world order the deep State is similar, it’s called stake holder capitalism, corporate greed ruling over everything, add tech to that and you have what you’re starting to see now, AI censure, medicine that is mandatary and detrimental to your health, biotech allowing the control if your thoughts or emotions…. In effect we’re coming to an age where Western governments in big part have come together to say that the population was too dumb to decide for itself, that corporation with a few people shall rule, that depopulation and thought control is necessary. 
 Capitalism is exactly what we have today: central banking system with gigantic corporations aligned with government receiving subsidies and privileges, which is different from free-market economy 
 The merger of state and private business is actually fascism. 
 I think is crony capitalism, because fascism is when the state owns private companies, if I'm not mistaken, instead of just having contracts with them. 
 not capitalism, but crony capitalism. 
 And why not use a more precise term like "free-market" to designate a truly free and voluntary economy instead this weird term "capitalism"?  
 we shouldn't have to change our language just because some idiots try to change the meanin of words.
but you're right, maybe using free market capitalism is better. 
 Too much regulation. This is the sin 
 Breedlove ditched his wife and kids for a tik tok model. He may be right but others are too. Display the others.

These are not the droids you're looking for. 
 Who are the others you'd recommend I connect with for signal on the topic of capitalism?

Mark Moss is one I've had on my list for a while, I'm all ears for more 
 Saifadean Amous
Andreas Antonopolis
Jack Spirko

Honestly, any bitcoiner who's not a gold digging, homewrecker will do. Breedlove became everything I had hoped he wouldn't become. 
 what would be the right term?

free market capitalism?