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Notes by akatheweatherdsoul | export

 podcast alert!


 check out my October Newsletter 

 I have received my mail in ballot 

By using a mail in ballot you have essentially given up on the political system in such a way that you have become unbendable and closed to events that can happen from now until election day.

Unless you have the absolute necessary need to use these ballots, you should get to your polling place on the day of the election.

No employer can prevent you from voting, no polling place is too far.

All party's are more than happy to give you a lift to your nearest polling place and as an American you should vote.

If not for the team, at least to have your name crossed off the ledger that says "I Voted"

In this way, nobody can use your address or name if you didn't use your voting right during election day. I have had my vote stolen before in the 2008 election.

Don't trust the mail in ballot, even when they give you the message "Your vote has been counted"

If you prefer to use your mail in ballot, I  challenge you...

also put $500 "cash" in a seperate envelope and send it to yourself via the USPS.

 Trim your unsightly bush!!!


Remember to monitor your bush for pests!!!

This lemon tree has Leaf Borers and it took over a fair amount of my foliage.

I'll write more in my blog, but there's a couple of ways to fight this 

Neem Oil (stinky)
Soapy water (messy but effective) 

I resorted to trimming even though it's the wrong time of year to do it

I got 99% of it off but a little prevention would have staved this off.

Maintain your Bush


Got the #ColdCard to upgrade from my #Ledger and now I'm freaking confused about all this #UTXO consolidation, moving my #Sats to the #Blockchain and all the yada, yada, yada...

The new software (Sparrow wallet) and the learning curve to achieve the new security for my #Bitcoin is overwhelming for my busy schedule.

So! Somebody please direct me to the ColdCard for #Dummies, UTXO for Dummies and/or the How do I not lose all my Bitcoin site. So I don't fuck this up!! 
 Writing the latest insights around my passions of #Homesteading and #Golf for the October edition of the Weather'd Report.

A time to drink some # https://image.nostr.build/b2cdea3beb8d7db3ce8377b1a0a79a392b6d815a66c04085050b04b2c7f7712d.jpg coffee and reflect on the terrible round I shot at a dying golf course community.

Should be a good one 😎👍

 wow muting hashtags feature just changed my life 
 why mute hashtags?
I thought hashtags is what drives the specific interests in searching for posts... 
 any bill that trys to protect a right we already have is a psyop to take away those rights. kudos  
 ah!! the weekend 

my next 2 #blogs will be about #Golfing at Ridgemark Golf Course in Hollister Ca. and how I am going to transform this fish tank into an #Aquaponics setup to grow some #Vegetables next to my other Planting table during the winter.

lot's of things to consider.
I got the lighting and mediums to use, but I think I'm going to struggle with temperature fluctuations since this is an uninsulated tough shed.

some ideas I have are to run a server in the shed to provide heat, but that would be unregulated and tough to control.

I have a small space heater but concerned about the safety of running it fulltime.

always something to research and learn.

happy weekend everyone 


 well... first, the answer is No. 
I have some lucky goldfish out in the pond to contribute the minerals and nutrients to the medium.

second. I need heat in the shed (air) to support the above medium growth.

i have side lights for the tank to sustain the fish and maybe a couple of water plants.

still researching  
 When you scoff at my posts, I want to make it perfectly clear.

I was raised by a middle class family of hard working people. We were proud of our lawns, our construction workers, nurses and teachers.

We looked at the passage of time where we were unfettered by the past and past was unfettered by time that past us in the passage of time.

We don't go back, nor do we look back, because you can't see back to go or can you go to look at the back from where we came from because where we came from is the place where we look ......... 
 I partnered with John Odermatt of the Lions of Liberty and appeared on an episode of his podcast "Finding Freedom"

check it out!


 Great Intro!!!!


 Revamping the shed for the winter growing season because I don't have a greenhouse.

Compliments to nostr:nprofile1qqs2rlzal4lleatrezg4tdrxw5d4srg3tcfkutuvjr5fzvu9h0kmrncpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuvrcvd5xzapwvdhk6qgdwaehxw309aukzcn49ekk2qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8x6tpd4ehgu3wvdhk68uj6gq for the great products he has at his website, and my neighbor's who scrapped most of materials you see.

(2) 7-11 coffee cabinets and and old solid core door for a tabletop to hold the heating pads and growing trays.

I'll do some quick turn #vegetables from now until January and then start my 2025 tomatoes and peppers.

I got a aquaponics setup also, that I will show you in future posts.

 Gee Wally, Where can I find the guys at the Weather'd View?

You know! That XSPACES podcast on X

You find it here!!!!

 Here we are for the first time since the Plandemic CovAids scare!

50-50 California robots still wearing masks

They already reminded me that I am due for my ClotShot booster and my second Shingles vaccine 

I wonder if they'll try to get me on a statin or high blood pressure med...

I'm sure I will probably spike a Dr Appointment BP reading so he can lambast me about my BP, but I've been monitoring it solid for a couple of years now.

Am I concerned? Not really. It averages between 130/90 and 110/70 all day.

Here we go!!!
 Yep! It spiked  
P Diddy knocks the 2nd attempt to assassinate Trump from the headlines.

DeSantis vows not to let the FBI extradite Ryan Routh from Florida custody

and Elon Musk allows the Feds to scrub Ryan Routh's social media profile.

exactly why I am now exclusively on #Nostr

at least until the feds get here


 At 64, set in my ways and stubborn to the core. I find myself stuck to the fact that my followers on the popular social media sites are more numerous than here on #Nostr

I love the #grassroots idea of Nostr, the #decentralized nature and the whole self governance of ot all.

But I can't help to be stuck in the loop that the popular social media sites offer: Spaces, Live Feeds, etc...

it's what keeps me a slave to antagonizing the sheeple masses.

but then again. my participation means. I am a #Sheeple 

as Charlie Brown would say...

 Remember Trump caused the Big Market Crash of 2024. Started the Iranian/Isreal conflict and Bitcoin to Fall

 Dry Powder Ready
all you FudPuckers...
do whatever 

 Sharing is caring! 
My co-host Jason Radosevich  and producer of the morning show on X has given me a discount code to share with you all!

Check out all his merchandise at


 This is what it feels like to double your weekly Swan #Bitcoin Hodl


 My annual bump came in this week and it's customary of me to spread the wealth amongst my investments per The Richest Man in Babylon.

I live just fine on my previous salaries and this bump was 9%

taking in consideration the dismal monetary situation (I quit saying economy)

I tink I'll go 70% Stack and 30% Precious Metals 

curious about what you all think...

 it's gonna be a good day 😁 


 alternative search engines to break away from big tech


 Been awhile since I posted anything #Garden #Organic #Homestead.

Myth Busted!!!

I have been told several times to "not" put citrus in my #compost pile.

I put literally 100 lbs in my pile this season.

They said it would kill the #Vermicompost (worms)

Nope! Got literally thousands of red wrigglers.

They said my compost would be Acidic 

Nope! 7.0 almost perfect 

My compost pile was as diverse of materials than most.

Kitchen Scraps, Lawn Clippings, dry leaves, Cardboard (Amazon) and some Chicken poop every now and then to heat it up.

Just make sure you turn the pile every 3 days, keep it moist and you should be fine.

But! Always test your compost for PH. Most plants hate acidic soil.


 It doesn't matter the political ideology, social stance or mental stability of someone who attempts to take the life of another.

The fact is. It was an attempt, that thank God failed.

Was was the motive? 

We will probably never know except that this person wanted President Trump to die. Plain and simple.

It's too bad that one spectator died and a couple of others were wounded in the attempt.

In the next couple of days we will start to hear the "what we know" about the shooters life, social media presence and political slant, but I ask you. Does that really matter?

Although I am shocked at some of comments I see. I can only surmise that President Trump personally did something to hurt these people.

I myself have never heard a word from president Trump and frankly president Trump has never done "anything" that affected my life.

We joke, we opine and we spread rhetoric like wildfire and when reality comes crashing down, it's uneducated comments and pure hatred that oozes through to the surface and we can remove those influences out of our life.

The cream will rise to the surface of pure milk and the crap will sink to the depths of the murky waters.

Guess you have to figure out whether you are Cream or Crap... 
 some people rescue doggies 
I rescue BBQs 

heavy gauge New Braunfels smoker



 Not arguably the greatest of all time.


RIP Willie

 Good Evening Primalist 

"I had to Eat it"

Our next episode features a Guest we have had on before and if you like his Podcast “I had to Say it” you are going to like his other passion, #Cooking

Aaron Deshotel is an accomplished #Chef and what I will call an Herbologist and we will be talking food and all the great things that taste good and good for you!

Please join us for Episode 20 of The Weather’d Report



 Good Morning #Primalist 

Here's a couple of things that I set in my sights as I wander through the vast amount of information to be learned about my passion 

As I drink my morning cup #Coffeechain 
of Colockum Craft Coffee 

I am sitting here looking at my completed #goals I set for myself and frankly... I am stunned.

I'm not an overnight success, nor am I looking to be in my quest for entrepreneurial exploits. 

I would rather enjoy the experience and accomplish the steps at my pace.

I've already bagged 3 out of the 7 alternative income sources and expanding my horticulture knowledge and techniques are up next when I take my Master Gardener journey.

Look #Plebs
Anybody can do this, it just takes time, effort and desire to succeed.

Have a Great Day and Be Good to Yourself 



 Good Evening #Primalist

Been up in the Santa Cruz Mt's reconnecting with my sanity and now I'm back down in civilization and at my favorite #music venue. 

The Barn!

Taking in my version of #BoomerMusicWeekend

5 man band, all named Bill!

check them out on #Youtube


 Happy Memorial Day #Primalist

in honor of thosewho paid the sacrifice so I can have the All American Meal 


 #GoodMorning #Primalist

When I am consistently prodded and teased about my investment in #Bitcoin


 Good Evening #Primalist

Had a fantastic conversation with Jason Stapleton tonight on #TheWeatherdReport

Jason is a mentor to myself and my 3 other co-host and we ge deep into Jason's evolution from the #1 #Libertarian #Podcast to his latest endeavor in helping people start and grow their personal brands and ambitions.

Audio podcast drops on your favorite podcast app tomorrow morning or you can check it on the YouTube stream.



 I think I'm in Love!!!

Love that Thought!!! 

 Just a Reminder to all my #Primalist and #Nostr followers out there...

The rescheduled episode of our flagship podcast airs tonight on Youtube and Rumble

Jason Stapleton – The Entrepreneurial Minimalist

When discussing evolution and success in the realm of starting a business or striving for an autonomous lifestyle, one individual stands out: Jason Stapleton.

For nearly a decade, Jason has been my entrepreneurial mentor, as well as the mentor for the co-hosts of this podcast. Under his guidance, all of us have experienced success. Tonight, we have the privilege of having Jason share his journey, from his humble beginnings in entrepreneurism to producing one of the most popular Libertarian shows on the internet. We'll delve into his creation of the Nomad Network, his endeavors in helping individuals achieve autonomy, and his latest venture, the Leverage Program. This program now serves as the gateway through which Jason dedicates his time to coaching and empowering those seeking advice and expert insights on carving their niche in the business world.

Episode 18 of The Weather'd Report.


We hope you can make it!
Bruce Magee
Content Creator
Here’s your link to the exciting world of The Weather’d Report

Remember, you can catch the Audio podcast posting Monday mornings on your favorite podcast app
Copyright © 2024 Weatherd Soul, All rights reserved.

 Good morning #Primalists

(I changed from primates in respect to those actually looking for primate info)

#Compost myth?

#Citrus kills #Worms

Citrus in your compost @jackspirko

it could be the diverse amount of compostables I put in my bin and perhaps when the compost is finish a test will find that soil is acidic

however the issue is the amount of worms (red wigglers and night crawlers) I found dispersed exactly where I put pounds upon pounds of old citrus peels and rotted fruit.

Pill bugs, beatles, earwigs, worms. everything thriving.

I will also grant you that this is a cold pile, not a traditional #Bioreactor and I finish a pile once a season.

So... Citrus in your compost pile kills your vermiculture?

apparently not, but the quality of the compost remains to be seen 

I do have traditional worm bins and I do not put citrus in those.


 There’s a huge conversation going on in my notifications about this, so I thought I’d just ma... 
 effective if using it appropriately.

you cannot reason with a child as an adult and by the observations of how children react in public places and against each other, it shows that appropriate spankings and appropriate discipline is lacking in the family unit. 

Good Morning #Primates

I usually reserve Saturday morning for #reflections on the past week and drinking a great cup of #coffee to start my day.

But today I will be contemplating #war

Being a peaceful soul has been my mantra for most of my life, but today I must face the consequences of my actions.

When I decided to become an #organic #Gardener I took on the responsibility of protecting my soil and environment in order to produce the best food for my family.

This involved the suspended use of pesticides, poisons and other nasty products that kill the natural curve of our #ecosystem

I no longer use all the popular products against bugs and pests and frankly, I can handle the bugs but!!!

I cannot handle the critters and that critter is #mice and #rats

They have just recently entered my attic and I have found the entrance to their lair.

Tonight! Equipped with my trusty pellet rifle I will lie in wait for their appearance.

I know their pattern, time and route.

What I can't get with my gun, I will attempt to kill with snap traps.

Souls... I try to live and let live, but they are very destructive and I cannot let them live in my home with me.

Tonight! I become the #Hunter


 Good Day! #Primates

missed yesterday's #Coffee review of Colockum Craft Coffee and today will be the last two reviews on the last 2 coffees I received in my sample pack.

so! #coffeechain peeps, listen up.

SmokeJumper and Elk Camp are the two dark bean coffees that in my opinion have suttle differences in tastes but as I said before I am no coffee aficionado.

Both of these blends were very satisfying and completed the task at hand which is coffee satisfaction.

my Final analysis of my sampling of Colockum Craft Coffee is...

They're all good! I didn't find one brew that I didn't like.

My Favorite?

Smoke Jumper 

Thank you to @5lēstäk and his wife for the great coffee and looking forward to my upcoming subscription to SmokeJumper


 Good Morning #Primates

Now we're talking #Coffee

Tuesday brings the dark beans into play anf today I have a cup of "SmokeJumper"

I love dark coffee! I love the kick, I love the taste and the boldness of a good dark roast.

When you open the bag and look inside. You know you're in for a treat!

The grind brings the coffee to life and the brew.... De bes!!!

A nice strong flavor that fills the palate with all the flavors infiltrated into the recipe.

This is a Coffee that screams

So #Coffechain peeps. Grab yourself some Colockum Craft Coffee and enjoy a cup or two, or three or do like the Weather'd Soul and Subscribe to a monthly shipment.

Have a Great day and be good to yourself 


 if Amethyst user are called #Nostriches

are not those who use Primal #Primates

Stupid shit I try to defend 

 Good Morning #Primates

Reecer Creek is the #coffee of the day from Colockum Craft Coffee that is filling my cup.

As I return to the office on Monday I opted for a coffee with a little more punch and the medium dark roast is not disappointing at all.

This one has slight hint of chocolate but milder than the Woodsman.

I'm pretty sure that this one would be great with a small addition of your favorite whiskey for an additional bite or maybe a little Harvey's 

So #Coffechain peeps. Grab yourself some Colockum Craft Coffee and enjoy a cup or two, or three or do like the Weather'd Soul and Subscribe to a monthly shipment.

Have a Great day and be good to yourself 


 Good Evening #Primates

Calling it a night after a long busy weekend.

Just edited the new episode of #TheWeatherdReport with some bonus material from our discussion with #Minnesota House of Representative Shane Mekeland 

Check us out on YouTube or Rumble for the video feed or your favorite #Podcast2.0 app for the audio #podcast.

A couple of pictures to share of my #Garden

These Plots are all started from seed and it's the first time I have attempted it. The garden is going gangbusters!

We got our first summer squash harvested and the Peas and Lettuce are producing daily abundance.

The tomatoes are also starting to flower and it's up to the pollinators to do their job.

Have a Great Night and be good to yourselves.


 Good Morning #Primates

#Today, it's stay at #Home and catch up on the honey-dos I missed out on yesterday when I selfishly did the #Bougie act of #Golfing (which I suck at)

however, the day never starts out without a great cup of #Coffee and for all you #coffeechain peeps out there. I am sampling Colockum Craft Coffee @5lēstäk

Today, I am sampling "again" my first ever purchase back a year ot two ago of "The Ridge"

it's another medium roast and it's bolder aroma and bite than the Woodsman with a straight to the point coffee flavor which both in my opinion have their places in your coffee rotation.

Well! it's off to the first chore of the day. replacing the hubs and bearings on my camping trailer, various garden chores and picking up Mom for the week.

Have a fantastic day and be good to yourself 


 Good Morning #Primates

#Today, it's stay at #Home and catch up on the honey-dos I missed out on yesterday when I selfishly did the #Bougie act of #Golfing (which I suck at)

however, the day never starts out without a great cup of #Coffee and for all you #coffeechain peeps out there. I am sampling Colockum Craft Coffee @5lēstäk

Today, I am sampling "again" my first ever purchase back a year ot two ago of "The Ridge"

it's another medium roast and it's bolder aroma and bite than the Woodsman with a straight to the point coffee flavor which both in my opinion have their places in your coffee rotation.

Well! it's off to the first chore of the day. replacing the hubs and bearings on my camping trailer, various garden chores and picking up Mom for the week.

Have a fantastic day and be good to yourself 



Just a note before I head off to #play 18 holes of #Golf at the Beautiful Aptos Seascape Resort

@5lēstäk sent me some samples and all you #coffeechain people out there need to check out Colockum Craft Coffee 

I'm sampling the "Woodsman" medium roast and I would have to say "it's delicious"

I'm a cream and sugar type, so as a #Coffee purist, I am not.

But! it's a very smooth with no hint of any bitterness. The aroma is delightful and I taste a bit a #chocolate in the back.

Have a Great Day and Be Good to Yourself.


 Life is Good when you come out of your house in the morning with a great cup of #coffee and your Barrel Cactus is Blooming 

Thanks to @5lēstäk of Colockum Craft Coffee for the awesome addition to my order


 I pickup free #sats every day via #zaps #FountainFM and using my #Fold card swipes.

it amazes me how the #fud duddies who say "I'm waiting for #Bitcoin to go back down to 20k will never buy, however they won't even collect free sats!

I will admit, picking up 5-60 free sats a day doesn't sound like much, but it's better than picking up 0 sats a day

these will be the same people who will say years from now
"must be nice!"

my reply....

 Happy #MothersDay to all the #Nostr Mothers out there.

my mother's got #SurfandTurf


 I've only had the best damned #Biochar kiln for 2 freekin years.

I figured it was about time to #build it!

thanks to @jackspirko for the inspiration and looking forward to innoculate the biochar in both my compost and my worm bin.


 just trimmed down some #RibEye
to prepare for mother's day dinner snd got a pretty fair amount of tip fat off the steaks.

I always wanted to start rendering #tallow from my fat collecting as I trim off my #meat

anybody have any tried and true methods and most importantly...

Is this enough beef fat to start or should I collect more?


 can I freeze the fat until I'm ready to render it? 
 Just a Friendly reminder that #TheWeatherdReport will be airing tonight at 7pm with our guest, #Minnesota State Assemblyman Shane Mekeland.

find us on #YouTube #X and #Rumble for the live feed and dropping the audio on your favorite podcast app.


 as I sit here the #morning. contemplating my busy day and reflecting in the completion of the tasks at hand.

chores and maintaining the #homestead and doing a bit of #gardening

in the wee hours of peace before I burst into motion.

there is the #coffeechain the GrowNostr initiative and the #plebchains

and there's still one #question to ponder...



Sunday night we will be hosting #Minnesota State Representative Shane Mekeland.

A candid and informative interview with one of the most common sense politicians I have ever met


Check out my podcast Co-Host #Harkos

Hip Hop Artist and Marketing Consultant at #ApexMusicSystem and #MusicMakinCentsPodcast




 Yep, I listen to all the popular music apps, but I would love to hear your #music

#GrowNostr on the Return of the #BoomerMusicWeekend


 oh!!! you want More!!!




Follow me and Check out my Posts 😁

 #GrowNostr with the return of 

one of my favorite mixes 

join in and post your favorite 
#Boomer #Music #Weekend


 #GrowNostr with the return of 

Check out Serenade by The Steve Miller Band on Amazon Music

 The Weather'd View is your #X Space
for morning #news and random silliness 


 a great show with great conversations ensues on Time being our most precious asset 

give us a try 


tonight at 7pm pst on #Rumble #YouTube#X

 within the next 2-5 years, my wife and I will be relocating from California to a friendlier political climate.

fact is that we just want to be left alone (by the government), develop #friendships with real people who share virtues and morals like: #freethinking #selfreliance #freedom #sustainabilty just to name of few.

let's get real... #California refugees are getting a bad name by fleeing the state and bringing their horrendous politics with them, but my wife and I just want to live our senior years in #peace

some of our choices will be someplace as close to the climate we live in (long shot) but we know why people stay in California.

Other necessities are a #Musicscene #Baseball #Mountains #Healthcare #Recreation #Gardening #Homesteading

So! #Tennesee #Texas #Arizona #SouthCarolina #NorthCarolina and other #States with #Terrain

sound off and tell me if a sane, self sufficient, wants to leave you alone and live peacefully older couple is welcome in your state.


we have some family in Houston and in Tyler

my preference in Texas would be Hill Country (outside of Austin) 
 my boss gifted me the old company servers after upgrading to a larger capacity units.

I am certain that they are useful for something.

I have a small business, a website, I produce content in collaboration with my other associates, and I run a Bitcoin Core node on an old laptop.

So, is it worth spinning these servers up in my home environment?

is there any beneficial use for them?

I'm all ears...


 for those of you who are #Gardeners
I have a series of #Videos on #Youtube that guides you through how to Prepare a brand new Garden Plot.

I'm looking to get Followers on both here on #GrowNostr and on my YouTube page.

Also The Weather'd Report airs tomorrow night at 7pm pst, Live on #Rumble, #X and YouTube.

The topic is: Time (the most valuable resource)

my co-hosts and I are going to share our experiences on what it is like to start #SmallBusinesses and #SideHustles to attempt to achieve #Autonomy

I hope to see you there

The Audio podcast will be available on your favorite podcast app.

 it's Moving Day and We're moving out of Zuckerville


 The only good design is a Horrible Design
