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 I don't think you'll ever, ever in your entire life, need to know this.


If you are in a text file in VIM. And you need to know if it has a unicode BOM. You can type

:setlocal bomb?

and it will tell you.

If you then want to add a BOM, type
:setlocal bomb
and if it has one but you want to remove it, type
:setlocal nobomb
and in either case save. 
 I don't know where this Kombucha in the fridge came from, but nobody else seems to be drinking it. Should I drink the Kombucha. Should I just do it. I don't even know what "Kombucha" is. No don't explain it to me I want to be surprised 
 Mmm… I don't like it. Why does it taste like that 
 Say I have a 670 MB file and I want to copy it over the network using SMB (FROM a Windows machine, TO a Linux machine), and both Windows Explorer and Teracopy only get through like 10-50 MB and then freeze up and stop copying. And furthermore say that I can copy gobs of other files to the same server at the same time (like while the 670 MB file is sitting there stalled) quickly and without problems.

Any ideas wtf could be happening here? 
 Hey y'all take note today is "Bandcamp Friday", meaning if you buy music on Bandcamp it's a 0% cut for the company:


And importantly this is POSSIBLY THE FINAL BANDCAMP FRIDAY, as new owners Songtradr have not made it clear if they're continuing it. (So "get your orders in now.")

Also not clear: whether Songtradr will be busting Bandcamp's union. So please follow @715f3319 and if you're a customer please sign their petition https://union.place/@bandcampunited/111178966616050916 
 Today's enshittification:


Figma is adding "AI" and will begin training on all user content. They sent an email to all users making a big benevolent show of allowing us to opt out. But
1. You're opted in automatically. Opting out requires action.
2. ONLY team/organization leaders can opt out. Do you, for work reasons say, do work on someone else's org? You're at their mercy.
3. "This setting doesn't apply to files in personal drafts, where AI features are always enabled" 
 "Penguin Random House" sounds so much cooler than it is 
 The owners of Neopets were trying to indoctrinate us in Scientology and NFTs but it backfired and instead what it taught us was "everyone is entitled to one free omelette per day" and that's why now all millennials are socialists 
 Every single person should be able to receive basic food and housing from a gigantic, mountain-sized omelette at a fixed position on the map; labor should only be required to obtain luxuries beyond what is naturally provided by the giant omelette. This is just so intuitively obvious, to someone born between 1983 and 1990 
 Did you know there is now a creator-owned Etsy-alike https://social.coop/@coopartisans/111166717249253413 
 The Fourth Law of Robotics, "A robot must never solve a CAPTCHA", 
 I have another Python question. It's kind of a Best Practices question.

Python Pip has an "extras_require" feature which I interpret as being equivalent to Rust "features". If you pip install packagename[blargarg] you activate the blargarg extra and some additional packages will be installed.

Imagine a function in a package requires an extra. A user does not install the extra, then calls the function that requires it. What would you expect it to do? Throw an error? Which one? 
 For October I have decided to change my avatar to a picture of a witch 
 The Internet of Things implies the existence of an Internet of Nothing 
 I'm here to EAT BRIE and PLAY PSYCHOLOGICAL HORROR VIDEO GAMES and I have adequate quantities of both Brie and psychological horror video games 
 I have officially relied too much on the YouTube algorithm and now, finally, it has run out of videos

 At a point in my life where if I see a computer program on Github and it's like "no binaries, you just build it with Cargo" I download and build it but if it's like "no binaries, you just build it with cmake" I'm like I guess I didn't really need to run this program after all 
 Unrelated to anything but it was fascinating to me when a large company named "Embracer Group" was buying up a bunch of game developers recently because all the name made me think of was "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" 


I trusted Epic not to screw up Bandcamp, but I don't have any idea who these new owners are. I have very little emotional attachment to Epic. If Epic winds up being the motive agent by which Bandcamp gets transitioned from a healthy standalone company and social space to a dead mall, that will be an evil that outstrips everything good they've ever done from my perspective 
 Do you ever think that the reason the Tonsure exists is some early Christian Abbot had male pattern baldness and felt insecure about it and so he made everyone else shave their heads the same way so nobody would be able to tell in his case it wasn't by choice 
 It's really upsetting that after arbitrarily assigning everyone on YouTube "@" names, YouTube is now using these @ names instead of display names in comments. Who the fuck is "@andimcc6131"? 
 It's so difficult to get started and once I get started it's so difficult to stop 
 Me: Why the fuck is my RAM at 44% in use when no programs are running

Task Manager: So here's a list of electron apps that do nothing but display an icon in the task tray

 The nice thing about posting on mastodon dot social is you never have to worry about getting blocked from your contacts due to a temporary spat between admins, because everyone is already blocking you to begin with 
 So I'm reading the Unity documentation on Unity.XR.

It says, to convert a project to Unity.XR, use X menu item.

I use X menu item. It prints an error saying:

"You have more than one camera in your scene. We are unable to automatically convert your scene. Please see the documentation on how to upgrade your scene."

That's what it says. No indication which documentation or where. Just "The Documentation". The documentation says to use a menu item which says to read "the documentation". 
 @256f7651 I was expecting, like, thematic references rather than using the Bible like a copy protection booklet 
 The opposite of "Dark Matter" is "Luminous Matter" which implies the opposite of the "Dark Web" is the "Luminous Web" 
Event not found
 @80f08b97 Rust mainly has one Big Idea, and that Big Idea is strange and hard to put it in words and the Rust community is not good at putting it in words, but if you can get your head around the Big Idea you realize the rest of the language* is relatively normal.

I still find Rust often *surprising* after I got over that hump, but I at least have a mental model for it now.

* Except the naming scheme for their string types. Cripes