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 If you look at the way post-2013 whistleblowers have been caught, it is clear the absolute most important thing you can do to maintain your anonymity is reduce the number of places in your operational activity where you can make mistakes. Tor and Tails still do precisely that.
— Edward Snowden,
NSA whistleblower  
 Free speech is the bedrock of a healthy nation. 
 MOM GO IN THE fucking POOL 
 I enjoy my freedom of speech here in America.

I can speak freely and that's a rare gift.

America needs more free speech advocates. 
 I don't care if you can even hack into U.S. Military.

Pen and paper is 100% unhackable. 
 I used to be a Christian until being a Christian meant condemning through Biblical means anyone who doesn't follow the Bible to the "t" and hating homosexuals. 
 Filindra describes how gun culture has changed from the colonial days of being a "citizen-soldier" who protects women and people to a more masculinized form of politics called ascriptive martial republicanism.

Also, she describes the masculinization of Jesus from being a person who helped the needy who never would have carried a weapon to a much more masculinized and macho form of Jesus. This occured when the Republican Party changed in the 1970s to being more against abortion which garnered support from the Evangelical Christian community. 

Today it is common to associate US gun-centric ideology with individualist and libertarian traditions in American political culture, but Race, Rights, and Rifles shows that gun-centric ideology rests on a very old, but different foundation—a belief system dating back to the American Revolution that fuses notions of civic duty and virtue with a belief in white male supremacy and a commitment to maintaining racial and gender hierarchies. This belief system is called ascriptive martial republicanism because it combines republican ideals of civic virtue with an exclusionary vision of citizenship and an emphasis on military preparedness over other forms of civic participation and service. Drawing on wide-ranging historical and contemporary evidence, Race, Rights, and Rifles traces how this ideology emerged during the Revolution and became embedded in America’s institutions, from state militias to the National Rifle Association (NRA). Although no longer a dominant ideology, ascriptive republicanism remains a potent force in American politics, and the NRA is a critical vector of its influence. New survey data show that many White Americans —including many outside of the NRA’s direct orbit—understand citizenship in exclusionary martial republican terms. This ideology is a robust predictor of gun ownership, support for the NRA, and beliefs that guns are a sign of good citizenship. Moreover, those who embrace this ideology are more likely than others to value gun rights over voting rights, perceive multiculturalism as a threat, embrace antidemocratic norms, and justify political violence.
 Here's the source:

Race, Rights, and Rifles by Alexandra Filindra

 Trump doesn't have policies. He has bad character and a broken moral compass.

But character doesn't matter to the Far Left.

So basically, all that matters is your identity.

And Trump doesn't have policy.

So, there's nothing to worry about.

Identity politics is total buttfucking bullshit.


You can't go around being a rude, narcissistic, bombastic, selfish, underhanded  blowhard all day as long as you're a Democrat, you're right as rain. 
 We can disagree all we want as long as we agree that America kicks ass 
 Deactivated my Twitter account.

I hate twitter.

so unreasonable.

80% politics.

so stupid.

absolute garbage 
 If you don't like what people say, you can get off of social media.

No one is compelling you to read my notes.

If you don't like it, leave 
 I'm sick and tired of peope trying to read my mind.

Read my thoughts here, don't assume. verify 
 I will not die.

College campus is ideologically homogeneous, not conducive to diversity of opinion.

Very censorious and group-think oriented.

Jobs not mobs 
 People die for our rights.

I am more than willing to die for the cause of free speech. 
 I am so fucking tired of doomsaying Jon Haidt and Greg Lukianoff.

Penn Jillette was right:

Two things are true.

Times are always getting better and people always say they're getting worse. 
 agree to disagree, jon haidt.

Nostr has enhanced my life.

I need to voice my opinion to the world.

I don't need Twitter. I need Nostr. 
 Nostr is good for my mental health. 
 I frickin' love using Nostr.

 I'm not giving up because I haven't done anything wrong.

But I can't speak for these people, 
 Dude, I fucking love this site.

Free speech makes free people 
 violent criminals deserve our respect and compassion. please support progressive values 
 This is why Democrats are pure evil.

They lie, manipulate, steal, murder, anything it takes to make everyone equal. 
 I don't need your hate.

Fuck you, Dr. Cauffield.

You pussy 
 Fuck your little psychological manipulation techniques.

I am a king.

I am unbreakable.

I am alpha. 
: psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception of reality, or memories and typically leads to confusion, loss of confidence and self-esteem, uncertainty of one's emotional or mental stability, and a dependency on the perpetrator 
 What do a penis-shaped potato and Adolf Hitler have in common?

They're both dick-taters 
 Douche and Turd 
 shit for choices 
 Times are good.

I am no longer in torment.

I have free speech.

If you don't like what I have to say, you can leave.

I'm fine without your little opinion.

I am me.

You are you.

I will do me. You do you.


hopefully 2024 will be better.

Trump will likely win the election. But we shall see what happens.

The pendulum is always swinging.

 If a dictator can gag anyone they dislike, we are in for extremist propaganda and war 
 I enjoy using this protocol.

Free speech is something about which I feel very strongly.

It's absolutely important not to gag ideas which we find uncomfortable, else dumb and silent may we be led like sheep to the slaughter. 
 I very much enjoy using this protocol, Nostr.

I can say pretty much anything and anyone from around the world can read it.

No algorithm.

No stupidity shoved into my eyeballs.

Just pure unadulterated freedom of speech 
 Tails OS is my favorite operating system.

I don't really like Qubes OS too much.

I know you can put signal onto Qubes OS, but I don't really want to learn how to do that.

I'd rather wait until Tails OS has signal 
 I shall never use a platform ever again.

I don't gain anything from that shit.

Fuck Twitter.

I'd much rather use Nostr. 
 cognitive ability examinations are incredibly useful.

I had a great education.

I had access to information no one else had.

Edward Snowden performed a public service by revealing the global surveillance. 
 The internet is a way of connecting us to the rest of the world. 
 Encryption is baseline security for the protocol to resist surveillance.

Tor resists censorship.

America is the least censorious nation.

But I shall never surrender.

I shall never cease to write and speak out and voice my opinion. However little people care about my opinion is none of my business.

Tor keeps my anonymity.

If I didn't want to be found, I'd use Tor.

Tor is the most secure way to browse the internet.

Tor is incredibly difficult to hack into. 
 Times are better.

I gotta avoid censorship and surveillance.

Tor is by far the most secure way to browse the internet. 
 I enjoy using protocols instead of platforms.

I shall resist viruses by buying porn DVDs and never once use the internet for pornography.

I don't need to trifle with the possibility of a relationship.

I don't have any friends.

I need to be my own best friend.

 Hopefully, I can continue to live and study and learn and be self-taught on my own.

I don't need to have the highest intelligence quotient in the world..

But a good education starts with studying, learning, and scholarship.

Educational Testing Service gave me the cognitive ability to read and write.

For that, I am truly grateful.

Education starts with standardized intelligence quotient tests.

Studying can do wonders for one's education and learning.

I enjoy taking IQ tests in the mathematical domain.

Mathematics is what I studied in college.

I learned a lot of useful things.

Now, I need to become an autodidact.

The right education starts with proper logic.

I've learned a lot these past 12 years.

I gained literacy, I gained numeracy.

I gained all kinds of academic and intellectual achievement.

 I can always use my public library.

Public libraries are how I will entertain myself.

I do not require much from this world/

But the ability to express oneself cannot be censored.

 Cartman is the best character in the entire universe. 
 Tails OS is about the most secure operating system in the world.

It doesn't get much more secure than that.

I am browsing pseudononymously.

But I can express myself with protocols instead of relying on platforms or censorious companies that are forces of evil. 
 Times are better in 2024.

Freedom. Change. Resistance.

Tor is the best anonymity network in the world.

Tails OS makes a perfect companion to the Tor Browser. 
 Stay positive Nostr community 
 Let's normalize Tor integration with Nostr 
 IQ tests vary and can achieve different results depending on when they were administered.

Literacy and numeracy are super important in today's society.

IQ can produce fantastic gains in intellectual ability, improve reading comprehension, learning gains in mathematics, etc.

IQ is just one aspect of a person.

Racism is a common cry of the Left to the Right.

Truly, they don't want to really end racism. They adore racism enough to constantly condemn other Americans they disagree with. 
 Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning are intelligence, IQ.

IQ can improve with study and education. 
 Times are better in 2024.

Gonna stay logical.

Not get caught up in political or religious quibbling and biases. 
 Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning are the foundation on which society rests.

Without IQ tests, we would be poorly educated, illiterate assholes walking around like a bunch of idiots. 
 Times are good now.

Godel's ontological proof of the existence of god is very interesting 
 Times are good.

I enjoy using my brain for intellectual endeavors, but golly there are some dumb ass motherfuckers out there 
 Because I'm always telling you 
 You never have to wonder what's on my mind.
 Evan went much further in education than I ever did. 
 I enjoy using Nostr.

I do not need to censor myself anymore.

Evan has a high IQ, especially verbal intelligence.

This is shown by his perfect FCAT scores, 223 on the PSAT, 2260 on the SAT, 35 on the ACT, 4.0 GPA as well as other high forms of academic and intellectual achievement.

This is one smart Jew. 
 The High IQ community plays an important role in society.

They are no better and no worse than anyone else, but they hold more responsibility by virtue of their greater ability. 
 IQ testing is an integral asset to education.

Without the ability to measure the intellectual capacity of a person, we would not sufficiently be able to improve learning outcomes cognitively.

Literacy is important.

Numbers are important.

IQ tests measure intellectual ability of people.

And Educational Testing Service has the largest assemblage of psychometricians in the world.

cognition is valuable in today's society.

Not enough is done for students of low learning potential.

Not enough is done for students of extremely high learning potential either.

Gifted students should have every opportunity to use their brains to their fullest potential, cognitively.

Cognitive ability, student skills, achievement, these are important to a successful education.

Education and cognitive ability are intimately linked. 
 I enjoy using protocols.

Protocols cannot deplatform me because no one owns them.

Anyone is free to use a protocol.

Provided one doesn't live in a censorious nation.

I love America. And we are number one in terms of free speech.

Free speech is what makes America free.

Without freedom or freedom of speech, we cannot live in a free country. 
 There is no one's social media I need to follow.

I am doing just fine without them.

If ever I need to follow someone, it better be for my own selfish ego's benefit.

Otherwise, a life lived totally for others and not yourself is a life not lived. 
 Ego is my amigo.

If ever I do something altruistic, it is for the sake of my selfish desire to be altruistic.

I gain goodness from acting altruistically. 
 EGO is sacred to me.

I don't follow anyone's social media unless I do it selfishly.

Greg Lukianoff is an intellectual and has definitely been a good source of information from "Coddling of the American Mind" to "Canceling of the American Mind".

 No operating system can be totally secure.

But a modicum of privacy is nice.

I don't need to please anyone but myself.

If ever I show altruism, it is because I do that act of altruism selfishly.

Nothing should be done just for altruism's sake.

I have to gain a good feeling in return and not love anyone regardless of their moral compass. 
 I enjoy using my freedom of expression that is resistant to censorship and even surveillance.

I'm writing this on Tails OS.

I stored my private key with persistent storage which is encrypted using a strong 6 random word with high entropy password. 
 Posting my speech is more entertaining than reading what SNL thinks of Trump.

South Park is entertaining. But I don't need to pay for paramount plus. 
 Voting is the voice of the unheard. 
 Voting is the voice of the unheard. 
 Talking politics never changed anyone's mind anyway. 
 The Far Left is so dangerous.

But I will vote and not talk politics. 
 I do not want to share vital information with the world.

The world appears to be against me in every way.

Trump may very well be against me and take away my social security.

I am at the mercy of the politicians.

I will vote for Republicans. But only because they believe in cutting social security if anything goes awry. 
 I'm so sick of sharing and hearing about mental health. 
 Maybe I don't need Joe. Maybe I just need to go to parks and libraries for my mental health 
 Big Cereal is profiting off of people's poor health. 
 I shall not be censored anymore.

If MHA kicks me out, so be it.

But I still retain my free speech here at home. 
 Bob sucks.

I don't want him in my life.

D'Andrea sucks too.

I don't need the shittiness of people in my life.

I can call Joe.

That's all I gotta do.

Phone calls are cheap.

Joe can talk to me for however long he sees fit.

 I'm not voting for Trump.

But I am voting for Republican congresspeople.

There's more to the ballot than just the president, you know.

 Food will never be a problem because we own so many fruit trees.

We get so much fruit we have to give it away. 
 Journalism isn't a crime because we have free speech.

Hitting me IS a crime  and you will go to jail for that. 
 My intellect is fine, good enough to get me a decent education in mathematics.

I never earned a degree. But I don't need college to be educated.

I can become an autodidact; a learned, educated, and intelligent young lad.

I can be excused from jury duty because of my disability. And I can't be drafted, either.

I'd say I have life pretty darn good in America.

I'm not leaving just because Trump is a fuckup.

We need a fuckup to divert the hatred away from me and towards Trump.

There is nothing I am required to do for food or services.

I can't go homeless.

We have no HOA in Jupiter Farms.

I can sue doctors for malpractice if they screw me over.

Yeah, I'd say everything goes my way in life. 
 Parks are open to the public.

The only thing private I have to deal with is food.

But even the food is regulated by the FDA.

In the U.S. I cannot be silenced. 
 I own an electric bike. I have transportation, as well as public transportation, the police protecting me, voting centers, public libraries with free wifi, income from SSDI, etc. etc. etc. I am very well taken care of.

I cannot be silenced.

The CIA can suck my clit and my balls. 
 Focus on myself.

Sue for malpractice if the doctors screw me over.

Public transportation, public library, community center, voting centers.

I will definitely utilize public services to my anonymity-advantage.

Tor is open source protocol.

Nostr is a protocol.

Tails OS is a protocol that honors its social contract.

I cannot be silenced for expressing my speech as I see fit.

We have free expression, free speech in this country.

We also have the second amendment.

The ATF cannot stop free speech or the right to bear arms.

As long as the Constitution is in place, there will be safeguards for my future security.

 All that matters is myself.

I've got Joe as a friend.

He's a good guy. 
 I do not like staying silent.

I will use my freedom to the max.

The only one who can censor me is me.

Protocols still get the message out.

Tails OS will never forsake me and will honor its social contract.

Privacy should not be a privilege.

I used to care for the homeless. Now, I don't. 
 Protocols are a great way to communicate publicly while keeping my anonymity.

Writing this from Tails OS using the Tor Browser