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 Protocols are a great way to communicate publicly while keeping my anonymity.

Writing this from Tails OS using the Tor Browser 
 I can always take Palm Tran Connection to the public library.

I'm better off just using my laptop to utilize the interweb. 
 It's probably in my best interest to not move out.

 Times are good.

I shall go to peer place only on Tuesdays, starting next Tuesday. 
 I enjoy posting musings on life.

Politics gets nowhere.

I'd rather focus on mathematics and logical thinking than stupid posts on Twitter. 
 I want to become self-educated and use my mathematical intellect for useful, practical purposes.

IQ is not everything.

Mathematical intelligence and Verbal intelligence can indeed improve with studying and education, environment, and good nutrition. 
 I wish my verbal ability were higher.

I would have gone so much farther in college if I had studied harder and entered college later.

Educational Testing Service gave me the cognitive skills necessary to be successful in life and in education.

cognitive ability is super useful, but it's just one aspect of a person.

IQ can indeed improve, with study.

And there is a threshold after which IQ becomes useless.

Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence if true may exist mainly in the verbal and mathematical domains.

These two domains are favored on standardized intelligence tests.

 I do not intend on staying silent about race and IQ.

However political correctness tries, it simply fails to science.

Much like the Catholic Church trying to censor Galileo, I shall not be censored or even recant for bringing knowledge and truth to the world. 
 Times are better.

Hopefully 2024 will turn out better than 2023 or even before.

Times cannot go back to the dark chasm from which it came.

I like my privacy.

Tor is a decentralized network that resists surveillance and censorship.

Everything from Tor, HTTPS, Nostr, Tails OS are the future.

Hopefully net neutrality will take effect.

Then even the ISPs cannot censor me completely.

The public libraries are how I will use computers in the future.

I don't have to take shit from anyone.

All the forces of evil surround me, but the light will prevail.

==Prometheus Unbound 
 I enjoy utilizing my freedom.

I cannot be deplatformed as Nostr is owned by no one.

"I'm gonna do some dip and speak my mind.

This here OBAMA wants to put a tax on gasoline.

That's fucking gay." 


 We need a fuckup in the White House 
 We need a corrupt politician who wears his scandals on his sleeves. not this crooked hillary hiding, subverting, then lying all about the scandal in every testimonial 
 I really fucking hate Democrats. so goshdarn much 
 If you don't like what I have to say, leave. I'm not holding you hostage 
 I'm the safest and most prosperous I've ever been. 
 I can't tolerate war.

Whether it be a race war, gender war, or political war. 
 "Race" is a matter of convenience rather than an objective construct for understanding groups of humans throughout the world. Why do anthropologists divide us up into races? i dont know 
 abort that fetus 
 abort that fetus 
 nutty professor 
 Just using protocols from now on.

Tails OS, Nostr, etc.

I like my privacy, but even more important is the freedom to express myself. 
 Just vote. No need to bring up political conversation to every meal at the dinner table.

Just vote. No one's mind is being changed by arguing and anger and tribal identity politiics.

Just vote. And shut up. 
 I'm so done with Twitter.

The whole platform needs to be torched.

Bots. Stupid layout. Horrible font. Idiots shoved in my face.

Anger posts shoved in my eyeholes.

It's a disaster.

I don't need twitter anymore.

I only was there to check a few celebrities but that has literally gained me nothing at all.

I can post as long as I like on this protocol and I don't have to self-censor.

It's much nicer here and I don't need low IQ drooling idiots, parodies, and bonkers far leftists clotting up my arteries 
 Twitter just makes me so angry all the time.

The whole project should be dismantled or seriously upgraded. 
 X, formerly Twitter, is designed to make you angry.

Nobody needs that shit. 
 X.com makes me mad.

I don't like tolerating stupid bullshit all day long. 
 Tails OS, HTTPS, Qubes OS, Nostr, Tor are useful protocols that are surveillance and censorship resistant. 
 Drowning out the noise of social media platforms is crucial to clear thinking and right=minded ness 
 Freedom is the only resource an individual has against absolute despotism.

People that are willing to lay their lives down for a freer society are the true heroes 
 Nothing underscores more the right to free expression than absolute domination by an all-powerful egotripping dictator 
 Nothing is better than the ability to express oneself candidly and freely.

Free expression is the cornerstone on which foundations of society are laid. 
 I shall continue to achieve good things and right thinking with my own faculties to conclude a righteous way of living. 
 Times are better in 2024.

Hopefully, I can avoid toxic platforms and unsafe operating systems,

I refuse to conform to the Liberal Party.

I resent the hell out of them.

They should go to the deepest, darkest, depths of hell. 
 People ought to think more logically.

Reason is the foundation of a just, democratic, and free society. 
 Hell no I'm not agreeing to Windows Terms and Conditions.

I'm writing this from Tails OS which is a protocol/

Nostr, Tails OS, Qubes OS, Tor, Bitcoin.

It's happening 
 Gotta keep on using Nostter instead of X.

X is garbage.

Nostr is genius 
 Things are always getting better and people always say they're getting worse. 
 Twitter was so bad for so long.

I've recovered from its angst, but boy was humanity headed for the toilet. 
 I very much enjoy reading articles and perusing newspapers, magazines, books.

Hopefully, 2024 will be better.

Trump is a divisive character.

I will not mention him anymore.

Politics is inherently flawed, polarizing, divisive, and anger-inducing.

I think the cure is being exposed to unlike-minded people to broaden one's scope of what it means to live in America today 
 Nostr gives me hope 
  Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning are essential to a good education.

Verbal and mathematical intelligence tests can be purchased. 
 Msthematics is the language of the universe. 
 Censorship shouldn't  be the norm. 
 Free speech is the most valuable tool in a healthy democracy.

We cannot afford to lose free speech to an authoritarian or even totalitarian dictator. 
 I frickin' love to read and write over the interweb.

I shall utilize my free speech all the time.

Bitcoin is good.

But it needs to be a lot more privacy-oriented or else be absolutely worthless to whistleblowers like Snowden 
 I enjoy writing every day. Gotta make a note to continue to avoid being exposed online.

Hacking is a great tool for anti-authoritarianism.
 To each their own

We live in a free country 
 We need a culture of free speech where the people are free to express themselves however they wish. 
 This is my only anonymous user profile, to those watching/

I don't know how to delete but I will get the hang of this site, soon enough. 
 Nostr is a way better community than Twitter.

Fuck Twitter. 
 Hopefully, this will be a good year. 
 Times are better in 3030