“What Is Natural Gas? Hint: It's Not Natural”
“Like crude oil, natural gas results from the decomposition of plants and animals that died millions of years ago and were buried deep under the earth.”
Natural in origin…until any refining/cracking occurs.
It’s provincial jurisdiction but was historically supported by the feds. When the feds stopped paying, the Teflon-culpable provinces stopped low income housing….apparently because we like to see homeless families living under tarps so the petro oligarchs can get another yacht.
I credit antibiotics and vaccines for the human population problem, but we’ve foolishly lost much of the power of antibiotics and now refuse vaccines, so the problem seems to be self resolving
How about we reserve “billionaires” for those that actually do some benefit to humanity, and reserve “oligarch” for the universal enemies we need to eat before they enslave us all.
Brexit brilliance: snub your established and fair trading partner across the channel for an overbearing trade partner an ocean away.
You can’t fix conservative.
Congratulations on your new healthcare system Manitoba! Rural Albertan’s woefully forgot how horrible it was with no nurses because of King Klein, so this reminder will be a waking experience until the Filipino nurses can fill the void.
#MbPoli #AbPoli #CdnPoli #AbLeg #CanadianHealthcare #UCP #PhilippinesHealthcare
A failure of governance creating a profound housing shortage like this will take many years to rectify…so the satellite towns around the cities will likely have booms as people are forced out of the urban centres, so start building in the satellite rural towns also, but just in cities.
Who empowers the Canadian system to enact violence on people that never surrendered their territory to British/French/Canada via treaty?
Terra nullis is blatant fascism.
Canada won’t kick its fascist ways until it reforms the legal system and its culture of fascism that is passed from generation to generation.
#CanadianFascism #TerraNullisFascism #IndigenousSovereignty #UncededLand
And because there’s no tracking of divinely “honourable” justices, deviant judges never get removed like any other deviant worker would. There won’t ever be Justice until the front line workers are subject to tracking and democratic oversight that removes the bad apples.
The legal system no longer works for the society, it’s on its own unjust journey.
The Ab NDP spending billions of taxdollars on oil rail cars and not revising the rip-off royalty rates from petro exploitation are perfect examples of how even the NDP aren’t immune from the insidious strength of the oligarchy.
So these esteemed and honourable lawyers are arguing that lying about the election as part of a violent coup is a presidential duty because it ensures election integrity.
The people I know with professional designations have obligations to honesty lest they could lose their designation, so then dishonest lawyers aren’t professionals and their designation should be reviewed.
It’s quite the display of willful blindness to Stslins glaring terrorism, how it inspired Hitler and how they had a non-aggression alliance to begin WW2.
Stalin is very pleased with this propaganda.
Notes by Sweet Home Alaberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️... | export