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 Vote, you fuckers! 
 Random Y-axis crashes!  Outrageous!

This isn't how I want to spend today, debugging unexpected and unprompted random failures. 
 Prusa support quickly identified shot bearings.  Why do have to discover these on a Friday?  With the holiday it’ll be a week before replacements are here. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 buddy if you like the model... 
 @99b9ed46 That's where I've been since the pandemic hit: following my bliss, painting what I feel like painting and not what I think I need to get painted so it can see the table. 
Coggleton Chibi Chunkers.  

Staunton* Short-and-rounds (pronounced STAN-ton).  

Lingleberry Cavern Lil' Lardies. 
 @99b9ed46 Derbytonshire Dinky Dingleberries 
Coggleton Chibi Chunkers.  

Staunton* Short-and-rounds (pronounced STAN-ton).  

Lingleberry Cavern Lil' Lardies. 
 My problem is that, even though I have played one (1) game of Age of Sigmar since 2015, still hold the death of WHFB just a little bit against it, and currently have 3 painted armies for it.. I kinda want to paint another Age of Sigmar army. 😑 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 this is a real shame, but o... 
 @7840ab79 It's not mine but _fuck_ it's perfect, right? I love using it, and strongly endorse using it. 
 @3c664af7 @7840ab79 I've heard the theory (totally unable to source this, but it very much passes the sniff test) that so much of our contemporary understanding of WWII has been filtered/tainted by overreliance on narratives & histories written by the Nazis.  That, thanks to Operation Paperclip, history was written by the losers. 
 @3c664af7 @7840ab79 Which is how you get shit like BA2 having a rule where anyone who can see a King Tiger has to roll to not shit their britches.  It's just reading loser Nazi propaganda as fact. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 nostr:npub10pq2k7fgxu4tw9du... 
 @3c664af7 @7840ab79 I've heard the theory (totally unable to source this, but it very much passes the sniff test) that so much of our contemporary understanding of WWII has been filtered/tainted by overreliance on narratives & histories written by the Nazis.  That, thanks to Operation Paperclip, history was written by the losers. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 nostr:npub10pq2k7fgxu4tw9du... 
 @3c664af7 @7840ab79 It's really wild!  Like there are out-and-out Nazis, but then there's this whole swathe of people (I really like 'wehraboo') who seem to just not realize that they're just too into Nazi Germany to not be? 
 @7840ab79 That's a yikes from me. 😬 

Bolt Action is a _great_ game, but I stopped playing it in 2016 because my ability to simply be around wehraboos who'd spout tepid shit like this evaporated.  

If I had a nickle every time I heard someone in that scene try to justify such-and-such group not _actually_ being Nazis, the bad ones at least, I'd have VERY disconcertingly large pile of nickels. 
 nostr:npub1um7v2ckyhhdla7j22z4k8tr7l5g70kpyhqsstxwnynrzwt8dgwzsht2mt3 I'm working my way back thr... 
 @941023ef @e6fcc562 I’ve REALLY been enjoying his interviews, quite a bit. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 Blimey, that's a big number... 
 @941023ef Right!?!? 
 ... and wanted to know if we wanted to repave our specific stretch and split the lengthy common stretch.  We could use the work, too, and yes: absolutely our families should share that cost for the common stretch.

We talked with the guys and _holy shit_ I had no idea how much it would cost.  I'd thought we were talking resealing (which is like $1k - hardly chump change).  They were talking $5k for our part of the driveway and $20k for the common stretch... 
 "Well, if that's too much, what were you thinking?"  What I'm thinking is I shouldn't even be in this conversation.  I'm so sorry for wasting your time. 

They negotiated down to $12k for that common stretch, but good god: if I'm going to spend $11k-$15k that's something I've got to plan like a year out.  Like, holy shit.

I'm not embarrassed but also it was the most embarrassing situation I've been in in a while: I just had no clue the scope of what I was walking in to. 
 We live down a pipestem: that is, a long driveway that forks into our specific driveway and our neighbor's specific driveway.  It's nice to be removed from the street a bit, but fucking _sucks_ when it snows because its on us to shovel the whole thing.

Anyway, it's been a decade since both of our households moved in, and the asphalt (especially my neighbors') is in rough shape, so they've got some folks ripping it up and repaving... 
 ... and wanted to know if we wanted to repave our specific stretch and split the lengthy common stretch.  We could use the work, too, and yes: absolutely our families should share that cost for the common stretch.

We talked with the guys and _holy shit_ I had no idea how much it would cost.  I'd thought we were talking resealing (which is like $1k - hardly chump change).  They were talking $5k for our part of the driveway and $20k for the common stretch... 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 at least the CDC is recomme... 
 @4bd70097 😧 That's awful.  I don't even know how to get my head around that.

Here, WaPo had an article about how people being insane about the COVID vaccine is actually undercutting confidence in vaccination in general.

 No New Minis September was successful. (I selected my Warhammer+ mini, but other than that: great job!)

Regrettably, this is now Blow Your Hobby Budget Day 1 Of October month. :( 
 Regional economic devastation avoided (until Thanksgiving), so it’s time for Whistlepig and Meg 2. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 I know they are more points... 
 @c5bffeca The look really, really cool!  At least I can justify picking up the new brute models, characters, and gigapigs. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 nostr:npub19ejvmlqgvdw77azd... 
 @0e241662 @2e64cdfc We never got to it, and it slid off the recommended list.  Will have to make a point of giving it a shot. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 I started watching For all ... 
 @2e64cdfc For All Mankind isn’t perfect but it’s a lot of fun. BlackSite has a game, Lunar, that is basically that but a minis game.  Severance is worth the hype, Bad Sisters was a surprising treat, The Afterparty a treat but not surprisingly so. … 
 I'm watching this foundation "adaptation" and I'm getting pretty pissed off about it. It feels li... 
 @2e64cdfc So, with the disclaimer that I have never read the books: we literally couldn't get through the first season.  

It was just so fucking bad and rambling and boring and pointless.

We will slog through some seriously mediocre shit, but not Foundation.

(A lot of other Apple+ shows have been fucking wonderful, though, so I don't hold it against the platform.) 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 nostr:npub1nxu763kcv8tasxwr... 
 @9c3277bc @99b9ed46 I'd go as far as saying it's worth a read when if you no longer have a plastic, teenaged brain. 
 I’m going to be shocked if things don’t things shutdown. These are always awful and scary and incredibly disruptive, and I definitely worry that this one is going to be worse than last time. 

 @99b9ed46 @9c3277bc Starship Troopers is on Netflix! 

Forget holding up: no movie has _aged_ quite as well as Starship Tropers post-2016. 😩 

Crank is such an incredible movie.  The sequel just doubles down on the concept. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 nostr:npub1x6hytewfqd35kd0h... 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 nostr:npub1um7v2ckyhhdla7j2... 
 @9c3277bc @e6fcc562 Looks like they're both on there but I'm talking about the original, BY CROM.

Also, DREDD is on there, now, and that's top-shelf. 
 nostr:npub1nxu763kcv8tasxwrguzjcy7g8ww9ys9jrf60cdrr5hx2a3fss08qmy4hun nostr:npub1m02nzx7wrznhw4wf... 
 @36ae45e5 @99b9ed46 @dbd5311b @e6fcc562 Has it remained a consistent issue for anyone else? I saw some spam that one afternoon, but it's dried up since. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 congrats on a productive mo... 
 @50f56f6a Thanks! 
 September was a ridiculously productive month: I painted 4 Underworlds warbands (and knocked out lingering models for 2 more), a Warcry warband, and a 7TV starter pack.

This feels even more productive because this was a no new minis month, so ALL of that was backlog shrinking.

I've got another Warcry and Underworlds warband in flight, but I don't think I'm likely to finish them before Sunday. 
 Looking ahead, beyond those models in flight: a little tough to say for sure.  Since 2020 I've been very, very into following my bliss when it comes to painting projects: I want to be able to paint what I feel like painting when I feel like painting it. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 they are a lot of fun to wo... 
 @97560dc2 That's what's specifically appealing - not much room to batch paint, just doin' something weird and different on each one. 
 @97560dc2  It's funny because I haven't thought about Dreadfleet in _years_, but you reminded me about it and it's kind of exactly the sort of project I've been in the mood to work on for the past couple of months.

Being reminded how wild these ships are and how cool they can look: very timely! 
 @c5bffeca for Infinity, it’s stats + mods.  So my heroic Nomad Alguacile will shoot, with a BS of 11, will shoot at your perfidious PanO Fusilier, who will dodge with a PH of 10.  I’m in good range (+3 to me) but you’re in cover (-3 to me)… but I’m behind you (-3 to you), so all said and done I’m rolling for an 11 (but not higher!) and you’re looking for a 7 (but not higher!) on d20s. I’m Burst 3, so I’m rolling 3 dice and you’re rolling 1. 
 @c5bffeca I roll a 14, 8, and 5.  You roll a 6.  My 14 fails. My 8 is higher than your 6, it’s a hit! My 5 is lower than your 6, so even though it’s a successful result, you dodge it.  

A million variations: critical success when you hit the target exactly, automatic successes when your target is >20, etc, but it’s fundamentally a very simple system. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 oh, that first one sounds v... 
 @c5bffeca for Infinity, it’s stats + mods.  So my heroic Nomad Alguacile will shoot, with a BS of 11, will shoot at your perfidious PanO Fusilier, who will dodge with a PH of 10.  I’m in good range (+3 to me) but you’re in cover (-3 to me)… but I’m behind you (-3 to you), so all said and done I’m rolling for an 11 (but not higher!) and you’re looking for a 7 (but not higher!) on d20s. I’m Burst 3, so I’m rolling 3 dice and you’re rolling 1. 
 @c5bffeca For BA activation: yeah it’s not great when your opponent has a streak but.. that’s dice! Happens!  And also it means you’ll have a streak of your own before the round is over… everyone activates, just in a random order. 
 Okay folks, from a game-design point of view, what is you favorite dice/card/token game mechanic?... 
 @c5bffeca My two favorites:

-Infinity’s face-to-face roll - flawless way of handling contested roll.  I have a target #, you have a target #, we both roll and whoever got the highest roll without going over that target wins the roll.

- Bolt Actions’s activation mechanic - we have a bag and put a token (or die) for each player for each unit they have. Blind draw, whoever gets a token activates a unit. 
 nostr:npub1nxu763kcv8tasxwrguzjcy7g8ww9ys9jrf60cdrr5hx2a3fss08qmy4hun nostr:npub1pcjpvc45sjhnh30x... 
 @f7721f1c @99b9ed46 @0e241662 it’s been OnlyFans links 
 nostr:npub1nxu763kcv8tasxwrguzjcy7g8ww9ys9jrf60cdrr5hx2a3fss08qmy4hun nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swuf... 
 @0e241662 @99b9ed46 thankfully I haven’t (yet) 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 thank you for this feedback... 
 @ae54d699 At NOVA Open, the big wargaming convention here in Washington, DC, they used to run a blacklight titan game: all the terrain and models were UV-reactive.  

I can't remember what it was called, and I don't know if they've done it since the pandemic, but it looked REALLY cool! 
 @ae54d699 Thanks!

I'm using Vallejo Fluorescents here, but they're not the only ones out there (maybe the only ones targeted to hobby, though).

They're actually a little challenging to use: their coverage is _terrible_, and it can be very difficult to control them because their consistency is more like phlegm than paint 🤢.  Despite that, they're bright and vibrant, and it's fun to put them under a black light! 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 yup yup. still having an in... 
 @1fc67c60 Honestly, that's what's inoculated me against these releases: I've got Leviathan built and waiting for paint and haven't. 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 interesting and very nice, ... 
 @ae54d699 Thanks!

I'm using Vallejo Fluorescents here, but they're not the only ones out there (maybe the only ones targeted to hobby, though).

They're actually a little challenging to use: their coverage is _terrible_, and it can be very difficult to control them because their consistency is more like phlegm than paint 🤢.  Despite that, they're bright and vibrant, and it's fun to put them under a black light! 
 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 absolutely. And another won... 
 @99b9ed46 @1ccbf94c I've got their I DONT FUCK AROUND I ONLY FUCK UP AND IM REALLY SORRY printed out and framed over my desk. 
 Lightbox’d #Ghostbusters

A treat to paint, even if Slimer did fucking fall over at every goddamned opportunity.

Second photo is because I’m obsessed with getting better with fluorescents.


 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 the reason I ended up there... 
 @99b9ed46 such a good argument for the fediverse.  If a server sucks: hit da bricks, if it sucks from afar, tune it out.

 nostr:npub1z00hakwqcsl0swufgveq20hc4adc9pgugfmamtdhs7t59542m5gs64j4g9 this is why I fucked off fr... 
 @99b9ed46 I’m not there, but I’m gonna have to block the instance if I get any more. 
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 @99b9ed46 @9c3277bc Starship Troopers is on Netflix! 

Forget holding up: no movie has _aged_ quite as well as Starship Tropers post-2016. 😩 
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 @06f78838 Seriously, though: for the most part I don't hold GW's games in especially high regard, but since the pandemic I've had to pivot away from table time and to almost entirely painting as my hobby... GW's got the best models out there.  They are generally a delight to paint in a way no other manufacturer can match. 
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 @9c3277bc @99b9ed46 I haven't read the book in 2-3 decades, and at the time I remember thinking "this is really cool!"  Now, though, I can absolutely look back and think it's definitely pretty fashy.

It's got some cool mil sci-fi, though: there's a lot of neat stuff in the book that doesn't make the movie (which was a major criticism at the time). 
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 @99b9ed46 @36ae45e5 @6b6e36ca @e6fcc562 A local discord I’m on will have a theme every month.  They’re very broad and open to interpretation.  End of the month, whoever picked that month’s theme says something nice about every entry, then picks one of them to pick the next month’s theme.  Rinse and repeat. 
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 @91b28ca4 CB is at the top of the game with metals: nobody else comes close.

They're still metals, though. 😑 

If there's a silver lining, it's that used Infinity models are actually pretty great.  Easy to strip and start from scratch... unlike used plastic models, which I won't touch. 
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 @9c3277bc @99b9ed46 😅 I probably do, too 💀 
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 @9c3277bc @99b9ed46 Same!  (Though with historical wars and painting toy soldiers and playing video games where I murder my way across history) 
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 @99b9ed46 @9c3277bc (Actually as I watch this, it _hilariously_ undersells how insane Crank is.  This looks like a normal movie, not fucking madness.)