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I met up in San Diego to discuss freedom technologies with Alex Gladstein from the Human Rights Foundation.

Listen https://open.spotify.com/episode/71LIYc7DFKtJMwNdiOpBln?si=92ba59f22d9a4bf4
Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5BVxfdYgNo 
 Interesting part of my interview with Winston Marshall, discussing entering politics, rather than just complaining about the state of things. 

I am seriously considering, in that I may run for Mayor of Bedford.


Anyway, full interview here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=pl0IK3QBBAY 
Interview with Winston Marshall, former banjo player for Mumford & Sons, where we discuss free speech, censorship, cancel culture and the state of media and politics.

 I wrote another article - "The Cost of Government"

David Zell and I discuss the political landscape surrounding #Bitcoin & its role as an insurance policy for individuals & nation-states

Listen on Fountain: https://fountain.fm/episode/HMa1Y5nBT9FGeuLhpBEY
Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5i5go9-mob012-david-zell.html 
 NEW MR O EPISODE HAS DROPPED...AI is reshaping our world but do we really understand the implications for media, money and power?

Listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ZrTADDt8naSn0UkOyCUM9?si=e75ee267998f4eae
Watch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3wWaoM4V-ls 
 Sorry buddy 
 Drop me an email, old one works - me@petermccormack.co.uk 
 None, I only use AI to research and improve spelling and grammar. All the arguments are mine. 
 Yep, I am working on some ideas on how to fix it but it certainly isn't easy. I keep coming back to Libertarian ideas and balancing the budget. These are non popular ideas though as it means removing public services, but the only other option is continuing with the mess we are in. 
 Yep, though I don't think sound money stops all war, I think it just reduces it massively. 
 Yep, I did expand into US but the article was so long. I have actually now split it into three articles. Financial is next. 
 Interestingly when I was reading up on when governments have tried more Libertarian ideas, NZ in the 80s and 90s was a case study I found. 
Fed up of the government debasing your money or algorithms manipulating your social feed. I discuss freedom technologies such as Nostr and Bitcoin with Ben Arc.

Listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5anbpxZTc6mPzvo7DFkgkF?si=adaa53419bce4aff
Watch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fCYSgECiDAk 
 Something I posted on Twitter but I would be interested in perspectives here. I am not trying to be dramatic or undermine the true horrors of socialism, it is just how it feels.

"When calling the current government socialist, there are those who will laugh at the idea this because it doesn't meet the true definition of socialism, you know, whereby the state owns industry, blah blah blah.

This is why I call it the "New Face of Socialism" as the outcome is the same. If you are a business owner in the UK you are essentially a slave to government as high taxes and massive regulation reflect the same principles of socialism-wealth redistribution and centralised control of society. 

If it helps, we can call it"Bureaucratic Socialism" or "Backdoor Socialism"...whatever you need to justify you voted in a bunch of commies. Life is so much easier if you admit you fucked up.

This is a hill I will die on...reject them all!" 
 Different crowds, different ideas. Nice to see both. 
 My full quote to Politico regarding Satoshi and the HBO doc…
“For years, there's been endless speculation about the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, both in print and in media. Yet, until someone signs the private keys linked to Satoshi’s addresses, all of this remains mere conjecture. 

Satoshi gave the world a profound gift in Bitcoin but deliberately chose to remain anonymous—a decision that must be respected. Efforts to unmask them are not just irresponsible but potentially dangerous. 

Satoshi left the project early, and since then, countless others have contributed far more to Bitcoin’s evolution. Satoshi is no longer just one person; Satoshi is now everyone who works to restore a sound, incorruptible money standard for the world. We are all Satoshi.” 
I am joined by journalist, Ian Birrell to discuss to pressing issues, from prison reform to politics, free speech and why technologies such as #bitcoin and #Nostr are so important.

Listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2DIJDOzdjsqIukHYaqc2bh?si=c391e8556ae146ff
Watch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cyHshOsXxAE 
After decades of punishing inflation, Javier Milei is leading a Libertarian Economic Revolution in Argentina. 

 We have a Nostr show coming up with Ben Arc this week 
Maajid Nawaz and I discuss the Islam, Free Speech and the Failures of Political Leadership.

Listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3rphdJBIgSx8BPRH2kIWsp?si=Ih43LRAISe2eX48ndh8CaQ
Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZGVA43JBmY 
 High national debt, inflation, protests, mass-state surveillance, populism... are we in a managed decline?

I've dropped a new podcast with Dominic Frisby to discuss the dysfunction we are experiencing in democracy right now:

Listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0qfWskcNQ4Z4DVprnBoMUi?si=9ca2da741d59441f
Watch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=t-M-C46rceUhttps://m.primal.net/LBtW.png  
 Are you aware of the growing assault on civil liberties through the widespread use of surveillance technologies by both Big Tech and the government, tracking your every move?

I interviewed Silkie Carlo from Big Brother watch to discuss this and the work they are doing to defence our civil liberties.

https://m.primal.net/KzIj.png Listen: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3MutodrB6kTKcIEmgXK35n?si=KzduxNNXQy-I6mIAzfBJLA
Watch: https://youtube.com/watch?v=heBLxwEqJZM 
 TIME FOR WEED... I am joined by
Gavin Sathianathan to discuss Medical Marijuana, Cannabis Laws & Alternative Health.


#MrObnoxiousPod #Weed #Cannabis #Marijuana 
 Leave it with me 
 The other thing is that Pete reckoned half the reason for the re-brand was   embarrassment at tel... 
 You still talking about this weirdo? 
 This is not the real nostr:nprofile1qqs2auxkkgfgylem580xrztp8ek5sf83s86k0vfq2feuz6y4lkhskgcpzdmhx... 
 I do use it, for marketing 
 Will you feel as though you need to be more obnoxious now in order to justify the show-name? if n... 
 Nope, only to my enemies 
 I mean it’s just a name, I’m sure you can cope 
 We have launched our new podcast, Mr Obnoxious, and our first episode is out - UAPs, Simulation Theory and Consciousness with Matthew Pines.


Over the next week we will be releasing the following:
- Gavin Sathianathan on the medical Cannabis industry and it's alignment with #Bitcoin 
- Anna Chekhovich, covering Putin's Russia, corruption and the need for privacy with money
- Allen Farrington on the broken capitalist system, misallocation of human and financial capital and the need for a sound money standard

Thank you for all the feedback so far, loads of good stuff coming and this is the natural evolution of the show. 

Big love 🤘
 My son said the personal name is boring 
 I dunno man, as long as make a good show people will listen and Mr Obnoxious is easier to remember 
 It’s just a name, one you won’t forget :) 
 As someone who worked in advertising for 25 years I can explain to you why Mr Obnoxious is a good name and Mr Dickhead isn’t 
 Bro, this is cool, appreciate the comment. Well all win together ✌🏻 
 Those who know know what a big deal this is
 It was our women’s side but yes 
 Here it is, the final episode of What Bitcoin Did…

The McCormack Show coming soon.

Peace ✌🏻

 The Halving #3 is out, the official match programme for Real Bedford v MK Dons this evening.

- Download here: realbedford.com/programmes
- Buy a physical copy: https://shop.realbedford.com/collections/programmes

Tickets for tonight's game: realbedford.com/real-bedford-w…

Live Stream: realbedford.com/live-stream 
 The studio is ready, Danny's flights are booked, and next week we’ll begin recording episodes for our new podcast.

I wanted to share the reasons behind this shift as many have been asking. Three primary factors influenced this decision:
1. I hate making remote shows—I never want to do them again. These interviews need the intimacy of being in person.
2. Traveling constantly has been detrimental to my health and my family.
3. My commitments here with the football club and local community are growing.

So, the solution was clear: build a studio in the UK and produce the show locally.

We’ve secured a fantastic space in Soho, London, and we’re ready to go but given the limited number of Bitcoin guests available in the UK or those willing to fly in, it’s time to retire What Bitcoin Did.

Our new podcast will be similar in feel but will cover a broader range of topics. While some episodes will focus on Bitcoin (though less frequently), most will explore other interesting topics or people.

Having made nearly 900 episodes covering a wide range of #bitcoin topics and guests, we’re now aiming higher. By diversifying our content and guests, we hope to introduce more people to the concept of sound money through podcast osmosis. If we get this right, it will be a bigger show, if we get it wrong, well we tried.

For a long time I have felt there is a need to get out of the #bitcoin corner of the party. Real Bedford FC was a way of integrating sound money into a traditional business model. CheatCode purposely did not include Bitcoin in the title, so changing the show feels like a natural next step.

Sometimes when stuck in the #bitcoin landscape you can lose site of how other people in the world think, lose empathy for the complexities of the world. I have felt this. I'd come home from spending two weeks with Bitcoiners and be with friends and family locally and notice a distinct difference in how we see the world. As everything feels like it is going to shit, I feel like there is a bigger job to do now.

The Bitcoin podcast landscape is well served, from Marty and Odell to Natalie and Preston, from The Blue Collar guys to Stefan Livera and anyone I haven't mentioned. There’s no shortage of high-quality Bitcoin podcasts.

However, there seems to be some fatigue in the space, with similar guests and topics being revisited. With our new show we want to bring fresh perspectives and ideas, aligning with sound money where relevant—think of the shows we’ve had with the likes of Eric Weinstein and Michael Malice.

On a personal note, I’m need the challenge, test myself wider, get fit and find a good woman. I can't do this travelling all the time.

When I started the podcast my life was a shit show - divorced, coming off drugs, heading towards bankruptcy. I've had an incredible 7 years, travelled the world, made amazing friends and got to live my dream by buying my local football club. 

To everyone who has helped us get this far - the guests, the listeners, the sponsors, we could not have done this without you. I am forever in your debt.

I hope you’ll check out the new show and enjoy it, though it may not be for some of you. Regardless, Danny and I will work hard to deliver the best show possible, like we always have.

Roll on The McCormack Show!
 New show, same feed, evolution homie 
 Thank fucking God that simpfluencer yawnfest is no longer on the air.

 Alright there loser 😂😂😂 
 Thank you for sharing my podcast and contributing to my Lamborghini. 
 Appreciate you listening to my show. 
 I'm disappointed that nostr:nprofile1qqs2auxkkgfgylem580xrztp8ek5sf83s86k0vfq2feuz6y4lkhskgcpz4mh... 
 I asked it endlessly and nobody gave me a good answer 
 Danny and I just wrapped up the final episode of What Bitcoin Did at Bitcoin Park, recording with some of our closest friends in #bitcoin - @jack mallers  , @ODELL and @harry, along with special appearances, including my son.

The episode will be released on August 30th. After that, we'll take a week off before launching our new show (the worst-kept secret).

After 7 years, 860 podcasts, countless flights, and visiting about 40 countries, the time is right. Time is precious. I need to travel less and focus on Bedford, the football team, family and bringing to life everything we've discussed over the past 7 years.

I believe we're entering a new era where #bitcoin is a legitimate part of every conversation. Our new show will reflect this, so we’re building a studio in London and evolving the format where #bitcoin is the heartbeat not the headline.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of this. I couldn’t have done any of this without the kindness and generosity of so many of you, especially @dannyknowles . 

I'm humbled by it all and everyone of you.

Big love ✌🏻
 Real Bedford has acquired 66.9 BTC for $4,500,420.69 @ avg price of ~$67,220 per #bitcoin .

As of today, Real Bedford HODLs 82.7 $BTC acquired for ~$5.37m @ avg price of ~$64,925 per bitcoin.

15.8 BTC is held in float for football matters, the rest is held in our treasury. 
 Email me bro, I’ve no idea what you mean - peter@realbedford.com 
 What’s your handle? 
 God knows why, anyway unblocked 
 nostr:npub1rtlqca8r6auyaw5n5h3l5422dm4sry5dzfee4696fqe8s6qgudks7djtfs  is such a capitalist cuck.... 
 Shut up you whiny bitch 
 Thoughts on  nostr:npub15dqlghlewk84wz3pkqqvzl2w2w36f97g89ljds8x6c094nlu02vqjllm5m  on  nostr:npu... 
 Glad you didn’t listen then. 
 This week I am launching the Bedford Future Fund, a non-profit which will provide grants of up to £5,000 to talented young people in Bedford.

I have seeded it with £51,000 and made two grants already.

Find out more here: bedfordfuturefund.com https://image.nostr.build/3455d59a735edc9435291ec5ae6e32a53fb029e1174e8dcb6777e5f879a4054e.jpg  
 New interview with Michael Saylor. I did ask regarding ossification and developer funding.

 Great year for Real Bedford. Ladies won a historic treble and then men won a double.

Roll on next season 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️ https://image.nostr.build/e4e708360a0b09850a796aae750cdadaf361592b86ca10c18cea8fbe86e880d1.jpg  
 Something I shared on Twitter, interested in the perspectives here too:

“I want #bitcoin  to do three things well:
1. Send
2. Receive 
3. Store

Personally, I’m only interested in development which ensures #bitcoin  does these three things better, faster and more securely while maintaining maximum decentralisation.

All other use cases to me represent a grift on the #bitcoin  system from privileged people who don’t prioritise these three things highly enough. 

So many people have worked so hard over the last 15 years to get #bitcoin  where it is, battles against so many powerful forces, yet #bitcoin  survived. 

Now we are degrading the #bitcoin  system for non-monetary use cases.

H/t to @GrassFedBitcoin - something we discussed deeply yesterday.” 
 Just recorded a three hour monster with @GrassFedBitcoin regarding #bitcoin spam and the mission for good money.

Think that was our longest show ever.

H/t to @preston  for the recommendation. https://image.nostr.build/d6008a9fa2fa411c933a3631d51327a8bf8b65306765bc27f52215b35a3016c2.jpg  
 Hotel, I wish it was my home 
 It’s a hotel room 
 Here come the philosophers… 

Resistance Money crew Andrew Bailey, Bradley Rettler and Craig Warmke are coming to Bedford for a 🔥 panel.

CheatCode takes place on April 12th and 13th in Bedford, UK. 

Tickets: cheatcode.co.uk/tickets 

#CheatCode #Bitcoin   #Football https://image.nostr.build/54b2bdceebb67c3211fb24817f2321af3fa704db7f5c3ca41dc3487aa6e4e38c.jpg https://image.nostr.build/505d7136f7ccae539283a53d0da3a7e65b9b676b21d7252acde8a90f5a0a07f8.jpg https://image.nostr.build/561ecb9346368921d5c87f846852ad3764d058d65e113f9c4857f3e37f69d552.jpg  
 Absolutely buzzing that my good friend Jack Mallers is coming to Bedford for our conference CheatCode.

CheatCode takes place on April 12th and 13th in Bedford, UK and features Alex Gladstein, Lyn Alden, Preston Pysh, Natalie Smolenski, Natalie Brunell, Jeff Booth and many more.

Tickets: cheatcode.co.uk/tickets 

#CheatCode #Bitcoin   #Football https://image.nostr.build/b41f4381cfdf646bdc657da300dbdd049137a4f70efdeb4e49e245d1b47eaf94.jpg