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 Nostr is an experiment in a decentralized community. You'll know we've really made it when there ... 
 Have been doing meet-ups monthly for quite a while now. 30-40 regulars attending 🥳 
 I am grateful for Nostr. 
I get all my relevant news here without click bait and sensationalism.
I get some entertainment (not too much so I waste my day like on other platforms).
I can see what the ‚celebs‘ are up to and even get some personal perspectives without the voyarism elsewhere.

All of the above might/will change over time but for the time being I enjoy it just like this.

If one relay doesn’t work I try another. That’s what tech-people do > find solutions.

I like using different Apps for different purposes. #Nostr 
 Donald Trump will slowly fade on Bitcoin 

He likes control, manipulation, and conning. That’s ... 
 You’re right of course but who cares who wins; there’s a genocide going on for over a year now and either party will back it while blabbering they’re doing anything to stop it. 
War with Iran imminent - the old playbook. 
#Gaza #Lebanon #Syria #Iran #Yemen #MiddleEast 
 Ich bin jetzt echt etwas ‚spaced out‘. 
Imagine this:
Du machst dich fertig für einen Abend im Konzert, kommst am Bahnhof an (nach Bahnchaos) und siehst eine Palästina Mahnwache zum Jahrestag von der du vorher nichts wusstest.
Anstatt dir was zu essen zu holen, (für essen gehen ist es zu spät wegen Bahnchaos), bleibst du natürlich bei der Mahnwache. 
Nach einer halben Stunde gehst du zur Philharmonie.
Die Leute da sind wie aus einem anderen Film, leben in einer völlig anderen Welt.
Du holst dir ein Glas Wein, um in die neue Stimmung zu kommen.
Klappt nicht.
Du gehst in den Saal, upper middle class snobs neben dir. Du guckst dir die Leute im Saal an - alles Boomer, ganz wenige Ausnahmen.
Was werden die in 20 Jahren mit diesen Konzerthäusern machen? Da geht doch keiner mehr hin.
Du kannst dich schlecht auf das Konzert einlassen obwohl es objektiv fantastisch ist, fühlst dich zunehmend unwohl und beschließt, in der Pause zu gehen.
Es gibt keine Pause.
Eigentlich bist du froh, dass dir die Entscheidung abgenommen wurde.
Es gibt Freibier. 
Am Ausgang macht dir ein Bettler Komplimente wegen deines Outfits.
Und wieder Bahnchaos. 
Am 7.10. 
 The conservation on how every two months Israel is releasing 20 countries’ annual CO2 emissions... 
 Set up your lightning wallet? Can’t zap you. 
 Yesterday I helped someone in Lebanon to download and install a Bitcoin wallet. I was in the USA.... 
 Thank you 🤩 
 What does ‘tonight‘ even mean?! 

I wrote 60,000 words of (rough) fiction in the month of September. About half a novel. It’... 
 Curious - what’s it about? Genre? Topic? 
 Americans: “oh, joy! Monday is a holiday! Finally, a three-day weekend! I’ll probably still a... 
 It’s called Work-Life balance or caring for your mental health.

Experienced a similar attitude to being ‘always on in UK‘. What a miserable life. Work lingers always in the back of one’s mind.
Being ‘responsible for IT’ (whatever that means) I started making  my colleagues aware of their phone settings - in company training sessions :) 
It doesn’t need many to start a trend.

In Germany there are a number of big companies with ’laws’ (fought for by unions) stating you mustn’t answer/send emails outside office hours. (e.g. VW)
I believe those companies haven’t gone under yet ;) 
 Danke fürs cross posting. Hatte den Artikel schon mal vor einer Weile bei 21 gelesen aber deine Beiträge kann man gerne öfter lesen 💥 
 Isn’t next year’s Bitcoin magazine conference in vegas? 
 At the orthopedic doctor turns out he's a #Bitcoin er, he says I need surgery, and he wants me to... 
 Is this the result of the bicycle crash?
A friend of an orthopaedic consultant recently said to me: ‘surgeons like to operate’ 
Hope you feel better soon! Sending strength 💪🏼💥 
 Proof of work 💪🏼 
 Is there any way to find out how old a Nostr account is? Join date or something? #askNostr 
 Thank you! Great service!! Do you know if the panel was recorded and ‘just’ not live streamed? Might it be available later?
Obviously a massive boost for Nostr missed here by not live streaming 😿 
 Congratulations! It is hard, indeed. But also good fun. 
We share an anniversary 💥
30 years so far. POW 💪🏼 
 Took 8 years to orange pill him, I didn’t manage, it was our daughter in the end that got through to him. 💥 💁🏼‍♀️
Today we’re married 30 years. ♥️💕🧡
#earlyWomenInBitcoin #stackSats 

One of my close friends in Egypt is a writer and director for commercials. And he is near th... 
 Just like my daughter, she is an art director at a mega company conceptualising ads for massive international clients.
She creates award winning funny, thought provoking, disruptive campaigns and often enough clients just want stereotypical old fashioned stuff… 
 Das geht z.Zt gar nicht mehr 😿 Brücke für die Bahn gesperrt…
Schönes Bild💥 
 I want to send a big FUCK YOU to media organizations like NYT, the Guardian, and Der Spiegel for ... 
 He is the one who alerted me to Bitcoin back in those days… hope he‘ll somehow recover from what was done to him. 💪🏼 We certainly campaigned tirelessly. I dare say the community helped free him. 💥 
 GM  - schöner Vortrag 💥 und vor allem spannende Einführungsdiskussion. 
 I don't follow enough ppl. Shill me some obscure npubs that you like.  
 This one will engage your thinking about bitcoin in different ways again. You as bitcoin’s philosopher will be able to appreciate new routes: https://open.substack.com/pub/dvee/p/bitcoin-and-topology?r=3nji6k&utm_medium=ios 
 Nostr: 24h happy new year from all parts of the world 💥
Peace to you all 🕊️ 
 From Zeus and Leto, Apollo did spring,
With his lyre, he’d dance and sing.
He stumbled upon a digital byte,
In the moon’s soft, silvery light,
“Might this make my lyre go ‘bling’?”

Welcome to our side of the world, Apollo 💥 
 Great solo. A bit Brian May-ish.

‚The day that far more people are on Nostr, is the day I will practice more public moderation.‘ —>> not sure anymore if I want Nostr to grow ;) 
 Mums? Again? Getting a bit tired of this stereotype now. In my circles it’s usually men who don’t have a clou about anything technical (digital, diy, cars, finance, spacial organising - you name it) let’s change this automatic, easy trap on nostr.