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 Canada is a fallen country https://image.nostr.build/b132c9e637089b2420e084365838e3eff6de12aa7e2afa65c0948ca7eb5eb3f3.jpg  
 Wow, in other words, "We know we caused your life to be terrible, so kill yourself".  
 “Oh are you having political thoughts we don’t approve of? Don’t worry we’re just gonna gaslight you into killing yourself” 
 Sounds a bit like murder to me  
 First gaslighting, then the gas chamber. 
 The danger this presents doesn't know borders, neither do those responsible. Canada is Ireland is the UK is America is Austrailia is Timbuktu.

 This is a fake screenshot. No such article exists 
 This seems like the most important reply here  
 I got it off twitter and didn’t verify so you could be right. 

That said Canada does in fact have a suicide program. That part is real. 
 Switzerland got a suicide pod for their program

Very dystopian 
 We’re literally in the darkest timeline 
 One could only hope that Justin Trudeau would take advantage of it. 
 We’re the only animal in existence who craves oblivion through suicide. 
 Observing what alzheimers, old age etc does to a person, it is disgusting euthanisia is not legal everywhere.
We just keep prolongeing the suffering when life is not life anymore.  
 I saw it on Twitter and checked it for myself as I’ve posted about Canada’s MAID program in the past being expanded and the State killing ever more people. 

Drug addicts and young mentally ill people are eligible, ideological extremists are not.. yet. 
 the jews really have this complaining thing down to an art. They really do cry in pain as they strike you 
 Canadá is o OVER !
Every fucking country that accept this  FUCKING communism will be destroyed!  

Fuck Fuckers communists 🔪💀🔥🔥 
 What's MAID? 
 Suicide program in Canada 
 "medical"  assistance in dieing 
 they are putting on a virtual week-long conference come September, here is the link. $300cad for tickets. 


 Canada is a fallen country indeed 😢.  The biggest problem is the way people think and how they are so afraid to speak their mind, so worry to be seen as insensitive. In Canada democracy failed  a long time ago. Many have left the country in the last 4-5 years. 
 It is so dystopic. It is unbelievable. 
 what. the. 
 Next steps all conservatives get MAID 
 Over 90 percent of our problems will be solved if girls were married off when supposed to which is puberty.  
 Fuck off pedo 
 Fuck off age cuck. Stop pushing feminist/kike propaganda. You seriously want more girls to become out of control stubborn spinsters? 
 But this lazy moron @CMD told me these girls can't handle penis. It will destroy their cervixerino!  
 That only happens to prepubescent girls. Not girls who have hit puberty. There's barely any difference between a 16 yo and 30 yo penis.  
 Would love to see my future father-in-law @CMD defend his position, but I guess he is more of the cowardly type. 
 Canada is getting worse by the day. This is heart breaking.

 Man in glass house throws stones... 
 I say give MAID to the shitskins.  
 I had a client just last year volunteer for the MAID program. I thought it was a joke at first. He was a snow removal client of mine 3yrs ago, never signed up the following year, and then just last year his daughter and wife called me asking to get on my schedule again because he was doing the MAID thing. 
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. 

He was a difficult client to deal with and went with another company that following year so I wasn’t too worried when he switched companies.
But when the wife and daughter had called me back, they both acknowledged the fact he was difficult and then proceeded to tell me about how he was participating in MAID. 

I guess he didn’t like my service, but the wife did. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Yes, MAID is very real whether this article headline is or not. 
 Can’t confirm the article but this is the official site. It’s indeed a real program:

 why not just , you know, leave Canada. plenty of chill countries where you don't need to make a fortune to live a great life. 
 Makes me wonder how can USA be #2 and Canada #4 https://www.henleyglobal.com/publications/henley-private-wealth-migration-report-2024/top-10-country-inflows

Do those smaller places have super long tail and is lost in the overview or how is this possible? 
 Angry men should leave the country and go build in another, it's how it's worked in previous epochs of human history 
 Terrence and Philip were right. Fuck Canada 🇨🇦 🖕 
 I just googled MAID. What the fuck 🤯