Is it just me or does Assange not understand jurisdiction??!!
To have been living in the UK while poking the 5eyes in the eye was monumentally fucking stupid
Masktards are everywhere here in Japan. I saw a few back last time I visited
They are all over now
Just a tarded as the ones in the US
Many chip strappers too
This only harms you, you fucking retards
Not an argument, again
Masks don’t do anything but make you feel better, psychologically
Rebreathing your own CO2 is very bad for you
Masks are made out of toxic materials
Good luck with that
That is the 6th grade narrative.
Lincoln literally ENSLAVED hundreds of thousands of northerners through conscription and forced his slave army to kill southerners to establish NY bankers as the preeminent business class in the US.
“Slavery” in the south had nothing to do with the war
Please name another western country that had to kill off 600k young men to “abolish” slavery.
The war between the states was a war of control over the economy of the US. Southern planters versus northern bankers and industrialist
Slavery had almost nothing to do with it
Notes by deeznuts | export