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Notes by XeqT Monetary Freedom (∞/21M) + (₿+⚡) = 🧡 | export

 I began a challenge with my brother, who's 10 years younger than me.

By the 1st of January, I want to drop down to 77 kg, from 86.3 kg, and he wants to reach 75Kg, from 66.6 kg.

After the 1st week, I'm down 1.7 kg, which is great, because it shows that I'm on the right track.

Now I'm aware that the majority of that loss is water weight, but it's always a great initial motivator.

Because of this challenge, I weight myself 3 times a day.

Once in the morning on an empty stomach.

Once in the afternoon, before I go train.

Once in the evening, after I get home from the gym.

Might sound like overkill, but I'm curious to see how my weight fluctuates throughout the day.

No weight lifting, for now, because I prefer to do my 2 Muay Thai classes and 3 individual heavy bag workouts a week.

Muay Thai classes are, at least 1.5 hours long, although, most of the time, I go in 10-15 minutes early and hit the bag.

For my individual heavy bag workouts, I do 12 x 2-minute rounds, with 1-minute rest in between.

Before individual heavy bag workouts, I'm looking to implement ~15 minutes of weight training, but only do 1 exercise, 1 warm-up set, with low weights, and 4 sets of 8-10 reps, with heaviest I can lift.

However, since I'm still at the beginning of this journey and challenge, and still recovering from my knee injury, I'm gonna give my body time to adjust.

It's already exhausting doing what I do and I don't want to burnout.

#fitness #weightloss #gym #gymstr #workout #weightlifting #muaythai #martialarts #challenge

 Go short your local currency and go long scarce and desirable assets.

That's how you build wealth, in a debt-based monetary system.

You don't have to like the system to benefit from it.

If you don't make the system work for you, others will and they'll get ahead, while you get left behind.

That's how the rich get richer, while poor get poorer.

Monetary debasement being guaranteed means that scarce and desirable assets will continue to grow in price.

Unless the yield you earn on the money you lend is higher than the rate of monetary debasement, a.k.a. the hurdle rate, you are losing purchasing power.

Government creditors are some of the biggest suckers at the card table and will get absolutely rekt, over the next few decades.

If you have money in a pension account, there's a very high chance that a good chunk of it is "invested" in government debt, a.k.a. certificates of purchasing power confiscation.

Do with that what you will, but you probably don't want to be the patsy at the table. 
 I wonder what the fuck happened in 1971 🤔

Oh yeah! That's right! The US abandoned the gold standard and, by proxy, the whole world went on a purely fiat currency system based on debt, which can be issued in infinite quantities.


 How to get to OWN A HOME

#Bitcoin #BTC #MonetaryFreedom #BTCorGFY

 The US debt is just over $35.7 trillion.


Although they will pay the interest and principal back to their lenders, NOMINALLY, they will never pay them back in REAL TERMS.

What that means is that, if you lend the US government $10,000, today, for 10 years, you'll get your coupon, every year, and the $10,000 back, after the 10 year term, but you will NEVER get back the purchasing power that you lent them, 10 years prior.

Do with that what you will, but just know that, as a lender to a government that can print money to pay you back, you are the PATSY at the table. 
 If you believe the government, when they tell you the rate of inflation, a.k.a. CPI, you're being fooled.

There is no such thing as the rate of inflation. Everyone's going to experience a different rate of inflation, based on their needs and wants.

The government wants you to trust their cooked BS numbers, instead of your own experience when you pay for stuff.

Believe the government all you want, but, the reality is, they're lying to you.

 Is it wrong to vibe to "🎶By the rivers of Babylon🎶" in the shower? 😂

For some reason, I felt that it was the right song to play.

I'm not religious or anything, but I like the beat 🎵

#music #shower #vibe #vibing 
 Eric Weinstein actually reminded me of if, a few months ago.

I don't think I have heard it since I was a kid 
 I guess I kicked the heavy bag hard enough, if the paint came off onto my shin 😄

#workout #muaythai #gym #heavybag #fitness


- sore thighs from taking leg kicks, yesterday evening, for conditioning

- 26K steps walked, today

- and recovering from a nasty cold

I was about to pussy out and not to train on the heavy bag, this evening.

But I managed to grow a pair and go anyways.

Did 12 x 2-minute rounds with 1-minute breaks in between, as I'm still recovering from my knee injury.

Feeling so much better for actually going and doing it, despite all the "reasons" not to.

#workout #muaythai #gym #heavybag #fitness 
 Rate the attachment I plan to provide alongside my resignation letter (with immediate effect)

 The decline of fiat is guaranteed 

#Bitcoin #BTC #MonetaryFreedom #BTCorGFY

 Been spending less time online this past week.

More time walking, and more time writing offline. 
 That's very healthy. Hope you'll make it a habit, because you deserve it 🧡 
 Rabbit meat is delicious, if cooked properly.

I still feel a bit awkward eating rabbit, because I had one as a pet, when I was really young 😄 
 There is, in the meat itself, and you can add fat from other animals  
 Reduce your #Bitcoin risk

#BTC #MonetaryFreedom #BTCorGFY

 What will we get FIRST?

1. $250K per #Bitcoin 


2. GTA VI 
 There's a reason why we constantly emphasize that Bitcoin ≠ cRaPtO.

Some people have to touch the stove, multiple times, before coming to that realisation.

 GM #nostr ☕🧡

Went to the gym with my brother, for the first time ever.

I worked out on the heavy bag and then we sparred for a few rounds.

Then went for some food with my sister and GF, and now enjoying a nice coffee.

Few days left until I'm going back to the UK, so I'm taking advantage of being home for a while.

What are you up to, this fine day?

 GM #nostr ☕ 🧡

I'm back in my hometown and waiting to meet with an old friend.

What are you guys up to?

 Yeah, it's nice to catch up, after a couple of years  
 Become and stay rich and wealthy 

#Bitcoin #BTC #MonetaryFreedom #BTCorGFY

 There's a very good chance Coinbase, a.k.a. Conbase, don't have your #Bitcoin 

If you think that's impossible, you might wanna revisit what happened with SBF and FTX.
I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

This goes for all exchanges, by the way. 
 You ARE NOT LATE to #Bitcoin 

With platforms like @strike you can stack as little as 1 freaking penny worth of #BTC at a time

 Wow! The UK government is really dialling up the tyranny. 
It's to be expected under Labour, as s... 
 Yeah, we'll troll them until their systems cry harder than the politicians when they can't get an errection  
 Hey! Hey! The European bureaucrats worked very hard to get this life-changing thing implemented. You better respect their efforts, because that's what they get paid for. To come up with these amazing solutions! 
 Have you KYC'd your chickens? Also you will need to pay capital gains on all the egg yields made ... 
 Of course, the tax money collected from such activities will be used to subsidise BIG FOOD, because their losses will be massive and we can't have that. 
 Well of course. We all know that the government works tirelessly, in multiple shifts, to make sure the roads are built and safe to drive on  
 I tried to troll them, but it looks like there's a massive queue for that 😂😂😂

 made this one specifically for this occasion 😂

 Yeah, but what about the guillotine? 

Just imagine having it done on a small hill, with holes in front, and viewers betting on which hole the head will roll into?

That'd be something. 
 nah, I'd be betting just for shits and giggles 😂 
 Imagine being a top Wall Street fund manager, with access to unique information about the market to benefit your investment decisions,


Just to realise that a bunch of dudes with <80 IQ that have been smash-buying $100 worth of #Bitcoin every month, over the last 10 years have outperformed you by orders of magnitude.


 If something needs backing, it's a debt instrument, not money.

The "cash" in your wallet is nothing more than a liability of your local central bank, backed by the ability of your government to tax its citizens.

Cash = final settlement 
Fiat currency = debt certificates 
 Gotta love that British freedom provided by dEmOcRaCy 🤡🌍

 Friendly reminder that this is the only #Bitcoin chart that matters.

Everything else is noise.

 ⚠️ STOP USING ⚠️"Conbase" to purchase #Bitcoin 

At best, they prevent you from withdrawing your 🌽

At worst, they sell you paper 🌽

Shitcoin casinos don't deserve your business and are not part of the monetary revolution.

They're just fiat-gains-chasing thieves. 
 Politicians and bureaucrats always find a way to create "problems", in order to justify their pointless jobs.

 Work had to increase your hourly pay, instead of working more hours for the same income.

Do this with purpose and let your superiors know of your intentions. Don't expect them to come to you and offer it, because most of the time they won't. 
 It's really that simple.

If you want your established business, that's got very little room to grow, to not lose against guaranteed monetary debasement, you need to strengthen its balance sheet.

Adopting #Bitcoin as its primary treasury reserve asset is a great and simple way to do it.

#BTC #MonetaryFreedom #BTCorGFY

 It's a screenshot of her tweet that's clearly edited, but I can see it happening. 
 I honestly believe that bitcoin will easily go past +$100,000 if the interest rate goes down any ... 
 In the grand scheme, interest rates are completely irrelevant.

There are 2 main components that are guaranteed:

1. Fiat currency debasement 
2. Max supply of 21M #BTC

Everything else is just short-term noise  
 Following these cRaPtO bRoS allocations is a sure way to #HFSP and guarantee that you're #NGMI 


 Yeah, dude's gonna get a ton of people rekt, AGAIN.

That's what fiat-gains-chasing does to these clowns  
 Is #Bitcoin BETTER Than #TradFi ASSETS?

#BTC #MonetaryFreedom #BTCorGFY

 GM #nostr ☀️🧡

It's #breakfast time 🍳🥓

#eggs #bacon

 Thank you 🧡 It was delicious  
 With #Bitcoin, you need to K.I.S.S.

#meme #memestr #BTC

 Well, you can be, since you can stack as little as 1 penny at a time on @strike

Just take the total amount you stack over the 4 days, say $21, and setup a daily DCA ($3 per day) on Strike.

Just my 2 sats... 
 The police is not there for your protection. It's there for the government's protection.

 After almost 5 hours of slow cooking, the beef is ready.

Gonna have it with some roasted potatoes, which I boil slowly for 10 minutes, before throwing them in the oven.

#food #foodstr #beef

 Although you can train outdoors for free, there is value in a gym membership.

For example, because I rent a flat, I have nowhere to put a punchbag, so I have to pay for a gym membership to use theirs, but I make sure to get my money's worth 😄