@968d22da I'm hearing good things about Godot's VR support, but I haven't tried it to be honest. I've been using Unreal for VR. Hope you find something that fits!
@6b550892 Yeah I think Epic seem to understand the needs of the developers and the games industry a lot more than Unity ever have. Unity the company isn't even truly *in* the games industry - it's just a generic tech company who makes a game engine as a side hustle. Not even sure the game engine is even their core product any more. I like to think Epic would be a lot less likely to jump on a financial decision that worked against its own market because they understand that market better.
I don't really worry about Epic pulling a Unity. Epic makes around 5 times what Unity makes in revenue every year and I doubt they'd be as dumb as Unity to risk that. If Epic were going to pull the same shit Unity just did, I feel like they would have done it a long time ago. That said, you should always have a plan B 🤪
@9ddd61cd Yeah that's it, isn't it? An actual Star Trek series - not trying to be anything else or trying to be 'edgy' or whatever.. just doing Star Trek properly. Great stuff!
@de22920b Amazing how they remember this stuff. Dunno if all cats sniff the dishwasher, but at an old house (8 or 9 years ago) that was where the mice got in, through a hole at the side of the dishwasher. Even now, our cat regularly sniff checks the side of the dishwasher.. just incase.
Urgh. We have mice (again). I was sitting at my desk and I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was a mouse, just sitting there on the floor, looking at me as if it had an appointment. Seconds later, the cat barreled in and caught it in her gob! It was still alive, so I got the cat to put it down. I scooped up the mouse in a plastic container, took it to the bottom of the garden and let it go. Cat wanted to eat it, but I gave cat some treats instead and she seemed happy with that.
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