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Notes by Comte de Sats Germain | export

 🌍Just had the best 60 minute massage of my life. 

🇵🇪$17 USD🇵🇪

🇺🇸The great ... 
 It was never about massages. But... Thailand. 
 Been reading about Enoch Burke, a teacher who is in jail for using the correct English, "he," instead of a student's preferred pronoun of, "they." 

Jail. For a word. 

And as usual, it's a teacher that's being targeted. 

And he seems like a really great teacher, too, from what he says.


#clownworld #massmentaldisease #fiatbrains #tyranny #christian 
 Can someone guide me in the direction of a good source that explains why only uninformed people w... 
 Idk but maybe the YouTube channel "bitcoin university" has something on it.  
 America has a chance to avert disaster while reclaiming the title of champion of liberty of the world. We will do it. 
 Let’s be honest, if bezos can’t get to space, no one can 
 In 10 years I'll send a video of my spaceship launching from my citadel. 
 Isaiah 30:21
New International Version
21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”

#Biblestr #bible #God  
 Tell your evangelical friends that Christians don't support murder, much less genocide. If they think its an "us vs them" thing or that Muslims are bad, tell them to leave the judgement to God. Our job isn't to fight or support anyone fighting. Being a follower of Christ is a simple formula - you seek the truth, you withhold judgement, and you be charitable and merciful. I wish so much that churches would tell you this.

Seek the truth - Jesus told you specifically to seek truth within yourself. But also, in the modern context, that means we have to oppose all censorship.

Judge not - no team mentality. "Us vs them" earns you a judgement. 

Be charitable - maaaaaan do we need to improve this. Be nice. Give the benefit of the doubt. Offer help without caring about any details other than that help is needed. 

Okay, enough of my own spin, look at the thingy...

 Finally posted it right... apologies to anyone that saw this 3 times already... 
 Tell your evangelical friends that Christians don't support murder, much less genocide. If they think its an "us vs them" thing or that Muslims are bad, tell them to leave the judgement to God. Our job isn't to fight or support anyone fighting. Being a follower of Christ is a simple formula - you seek the truth, you withhold judgement, and you be charitable and merciful. I wish so much that churches would tell you this.

Seek the truth - Jesus told you specifically to seek truth within yourself. But also, in the modern context, that means we have to oppose all censorship.

Judge not - no team mentality. "Us vs them" earns you a judgement. 

Be charitable - maaaaaan do we need to improve this. Be nice. Give the benefit of the doubt. Offer help without caring about any details other than that help is needed. 

Okay, enough of my own spin, look at the thingy...

 It’s not too late to exchange your shitcoin bags for btc.

You will get less for them in the fu... 
 You see, the problem isn't knowing that... Its having to look at them. Its easier to let them go to zero than to feel disgusting from touching them. 
 I think of my present situation as already holding everything in btc. Yes, I could have more by figuring out all the Stupid I set up ages ago... But seriously, I'm feeling nauseous already from just thinking about it. I would literally, for real, have to go vomit to purge myself.  
 Unfortunately, I don't think it ever will be common to be able to fund your own interests. If you rely on interest payments in a btc bank, you will get rugged. This isn't speculation - the math of bitcoin banking doesn't work, it cannot last forever. Maybe they get a decade or two out of it. I wouldn't risk it. Not saying I think you're doing that, but it made me think of it. A lot of people are going to come into bitcoin thinking they'll leverage perfect property to get cashflow - they will all lose all of it. 
 Yeah I remember you mentioning xapo bank, but idk anything about it, didn't know they could hold btc. There's a whole 'nother level of criminality and "then they fight you" that's coming when the world understands that its bitcoin or nothing and fiat brains have most of their btc in banks. That's when it gets nasty. All the power in the world is built upon usury, all the banks are only profitable when they can charge interest on interest. You can't charge interest on interest in btc. So they'll steal from whoever's the lowest on the ladder, meaning normal people, and they won't do anything cuz they never do, but it won't be enough and the next rung of the ladder gets "bailed in," and so on until... It collapses into war. Very very very slim chance we get through it peacefully. Our best bet is for the etf's to get 6102'd, the sooner the better. I'm thinking action/reaction, not right/wrong. People that lose now will learn while the lesson is cheap. 
 Invest also in your ability to travel fast and light and preferably anonymously. At least be able to appear like a typical fiat brain while being fast enough to disappear within minutes. A "go bag" is a must. A USB stick with Tails on it. I have no idea what would cause me to want to disappear fast, but its a comfort knowing I can.  Actually I do have an idea... A CME would be a heck of an opportunity for a government to go all North Korea on people.  
 I don't laugh at monero bros... I dislike some of the influencers lying about bitcoin, but I like monero and want it to succeed.  
 I had real freedom before bitcoin. I learned to let go, and I tested myself by travelling "naked" - no luggage, no contacts, no language, just my wits.

If monero succeeds, the world will be better for it. That also means it will be there if needed. I'm focused on bitcoin, and I'm a "burn the ships" kind of person. I'll conquer or I'll die trying, and that's true liberation. Shitcoins, hopefully, were the last piece of the compromise mentality that had to die.

A bit of an ego spew, that, but no lies. 
 Seemed smart at the time. Do you think the Freemasons have learned not to mess with politics?  
 Gods are dangerous, mostly because they don’t really exist.  They neither reward nor punish, bu... 
 I like it (your note), but technically capitalism is just having property rights. What we built, the false god, this Moloch beast, is really the opposite of capitalism - usury is a violation of property rights.  
 I was almost like, "supercool water, dafuq is this shit?" And then I remembered a little magic trick I used to play... I would put bottled water in my freezer and leave it indefinitely. Something about this freezer caused it to never transition to ice, despite the temperature. I would get a bottle out, take a sip, then whack the bottle and it would instantly freeze solid. 
 Our local ag inspector (and boss) gave us a visit today after two years of silence. They want mon... 
 Well, now I have to stop my podcast and listen to that song... Its already playing in my head 
 Other countries have box thingies at the front of the bus. You put in coin, it beeps, you go on bus. Takes less than a second. Bus driver doesn't have to do anything. 
 One last hurrah for 58k? 
 Eh? I'm in. What, I just repost this?

 So many boosts, that looking at who boosted it causes amethyst to crash 😂 
 GM ☕

Power must be exercised, or it disappears.

That's why our government kills people. There's details, incentives, reasons and stories - but the fundamental reason underlying it all is the necessity of exercising power. 

He who is willing to do the most difficult thing is the most powerful. Your "significant other" may be willing to leave you if you don't conform to her wishes - she is powerful. An army is willing to kill people if they don't conform and flow according to the needs of the army - that's power. 

Socialists make a study of power - I've picked up a copy of the Jacobin magazine (more like a light book, tbh) and every single page was an essay on power. Every page must have had the word 'power' on it over a dozen times. And that mag has been publishing regularly for something like a century... Maybe two? And we've all seen what they're capable of. 

I'll repeat : power must be exercised or it disappears. 

So, practice doing powerful things. 

Use the word, "No." Use it just to use it. See how many times you can insert "no" into a conversation. No shame in changing your mind afterwards. 

Find your friend who likes shooting and go hand out with them. Bring your women folk along - they need to know how to shoot more than you do, and they won't learn it unless you make a project out of it.

Make a bitcoin transaction. Just move a utxo to another address if there's nothing you want to buy. Teach self custody to someone. This is one instance where power is not zero-sum ; your power as a bitcoiner grows as other people's bitcoiner power grows.

Put some kind of Linux on a USB stick to make a bootable stick drive thingy. Just fart around on Linux for a few minutes. That grows your power.

Plant a little garden without using fertilizer or pesticides - being able to make something edible without buying *anything* is power.


#gm #power #anarchy #freedom 
 The current year, lol 
 Thank you. Its a beautiful morning and coffee is good. 
 Sorry, its me. Thanks for reminding me to get it working 
 💡 What is the NEXT feature would you like to see in our products?

 An invite. Also it would've been cool to get some confirmation that I am actually on the waitlist - enter email and hear nothing back at all feels kinda poopy. 
 I lol'd at the top bit about how the Chinese treat "poc" s - which I had to look up. I had a friend in China who was a black South African, and he got a new job and moved to a new city, and when he went to work, they wouldn't let him in and they called the cops on him and fired him - just for being black. Apparently they hadn't done a webcam interview, which is standard for Asians, even here in the US...  
 YouTube algo:
"Don't forget to be outraged! Don't you want this nice outrage bait? Nice, yeah? This? How bout this one? Get mad, yesssssss"

 The problem is spectator culture. Everyone is waiting, their whole lives, for some kind of movie to play out. They think they'll get to watch it and have popcorn and tell their grandkids about the hero they elected and aren't they just great for voting and breathing at the same time? Only they don't think it - all they think is what they're told to think. The screen tells them they're heroes. The screen tells them someone will do the hard thing for them. And they die, and their grandkids are less free because of them. And they can't hear the truth.

 If this is what it takes to get America to stop supporting Israel, I'm fine with it. Israel never wanted peace. They want all of "greater Israel" - that's Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and at least part of Egypt. And after that, they want 4k gentile slaves for every Jew. They said this, its on video. So... Steer more blame, please.  
 Never believe the lie that the earth is running out of resources, or that we can't be wealthy or the pollution will destroy the planet. Nonsense. That's a big fuckin lie. We can each live like gods. There's enough for all of our wants, and we can do it without harming nature. We have the technology. We've had the technology for a hundred years. But a free market, a free people, and the surpluses they generate are just too tempting to the criminal mind. And so we pay ~half of all we earn to criminals, and those criminals control armies and news companies and elections, and all technological progress is relegated to software, which is still too difficult for them to squash, and we don't have a solar civilization or the magic and power proper to such productive and intelligent beings as ourselves. We deserve better. 

#Anarchocapitalism #anarchy #freedom 
 Is that separate from his YouTube channel? I'm gonna look for it 
 I'm listening to it now 
 Looks like a good place for my future citadel. Which state do I have to oust from my land? 

 When you really think about it, women are just so beautiful.  
 I'm old
 I'm just bad at names 
 Seems like further evidence that Milwaukee isn't real. 32 years.... 
 I think developers and architects need a rule - if it doesn't make the land more beautiful, don't build it. 
 Is Milwaukee a real place? I don't think I've ever met someone from there. I wonder how much of the map is entirely fictional... 
 Who's that? 
 Wow, cool history lesson from the melting man 
 Rethinking my always on VPN. It was already a challenging experience, but it's getting worse so f... 
 European websites are the worst... Basically none are accessible over VPN or Tor. They were already especially abusive with their cookies popup that didn't let you decline anything. 

I think we're just going to have to rebuild the internet. I'm not giving up on Tor. I just won't give the abusers my attention or business. 
 i learned today how to fuck around with windows profile folder paths

took me some time to get it... 
 I got a taste of that in China, when I tried sending my savings home to my American bank. It took months... I was so mad... It wasn't until way after I left China that I found out it was all because of US regulations, and frankly the Chinese were saints for doing business with me at all. More and more banks just won't touch Americans because of our toxic regulations. I'd bet what the EU is doing is all just to comply with US regulations. 

That's what taught me the value of bitcoin... There was a point where I literally yelled out, "I should just use bitcoin for this!" And that surprised me, because I don't know where I got that. I hadn't thought one single thought about bitcoin since my econ professor told me it was a scam in 2009. 

Are you still waiting on that blockchain sync to recover your wallet? 
 I wish they'd hurry up... Their slowness and timidity is testament to how our empire uses terror to get compliance. IMO BRICS should move faster - competition is good for end users.  
 So i maxed out my dopamine before going to work. 

That makes work miserable. 

Time to do low do... 
 0445 stars, coffee, and a hammock! 
 We could be free, but the idea of contemplating deeply how money and wealth functions because we ... 
 Eventually, they'll obey by using bitcoin. They won't know or care, but they'll do it. 
 It is absolutely astonishing thats signing up for things still requires phone numbers. I no longer keep a number. I refuse. 
 Yeah. They just disqualify themselves for doing business with me. 
 I frequently stand behind people who tip at the cash register. Occasionally I do too, but my gene... 
 Don't tip. Break tipping culture. Force restaurants to pay employees adequately. Tipping should be illegal. 
 would it be a conspiracy theory to say that after the sun goes down it will be dark for a time?

 The best conspiracy theories have no conspirators. Tell whoever calls that a conspiracy theory that horseradish contains no horses. 
 Unpopular opinion: #MicroStrategy might wrap itself in enterprise software, but let’s be real... 
 mstr and all the etf's exist for one reason - to get 6102'd when the gov freaks out. Bitcoiners should be able to see it coming... 
 It was so bad... But I like to think he's just super aware of who his audience is. Saif's audience is us. Saylor's is powerful people who know usury is what their power is built on. 
 it's really hard for me, as someone capable of building the thing, to not get riled up enough to ... 
 Wait, I said something smart? 
Event not found
 Totally agree. But there's a point when the danger the friends put you in make you make some hyper-rational calculations. For me, it was my friend walking around a legit communist country with a joint. Like, dude, cool it, do that in the States - a year or two before, an American had been executed for having weed. They don't F around. The state department won't lift a finger for you. That wasn't the only dumb shit that guy did... I got to negotiate with F'n mafia because of that dipshit on a totally separate occasion. 
 A bit of a downer now, just thinking that if that fact doesn't wake people up, literally nothing can. The state murders people in their living room for lighting up. Not even doing anything. Experiencing life as a piece of Jello... What's jello going to do to anyone? But no one bats an eye when a psycho playing cop murders someone for that.