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 GM ☕

Power must be exercised, or it disappears.

That's why our government kills people. There's details, incentives, reasons and stories - but the fundamental reason underlying it all is the necessity of exercising power. 

He who is willing to do the most difficult thing is the most powerful. Your "significant other" may be willing to leave you if you don't conform to her wishes - she is powerful. An army is willing to kill people if they don't conform and flow according to the needs of the army - that's power. 

Socialists make a study of power - I've picked up a copy of the Jacobin magazine (more like a light book, tbh) and every single page was an essay on power. Every page must have had the word 'power' on it over a dozen times. And that mag has been publishing regularly for something like a century... Maybe two? And we've all seen what they're capable of. 

I'll repeat : power must be exercised or it disappears. 

So, practice doing powerful things. 

Use the word, "No." Use it just to use it. See how many times you can insert "no" into a conversation. No shame in changing your mind afterwards. 

Find your friend who likes shooting and go hand out with them. Bring your women folk along - they need to know how to shoot more than you do, and they won't learn it unless you make a project out of it.

Make a bitcoin transaction. Just move a utxo to another address if there's nothing you want to buy. Teach self custody to someone. This is one instance where power is not zero-sum ; your power as a bitcoiner grows as other people's bitcoiner power grows.

Put some kind of Linux on a USB stick to make a bootable stick drive thingy. Just fart around on Linux for a few minutes. That grows your power.

Plant a little garden without using fertilizer or pesticides - being able to make something edible without buying *anything* is power.


#gm #power #anarchy #freedom