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 My younger brother ended up snagging one.  They make a good pair. 
 Yeah, her dad died a couple years before she turned 18, and her mom was a giant whore.

Her life consisted of “Go to work. Go home. Lock self in room because of annoying roommate. Play animal crossing on the 3DS. Go to sleep. Repeat.”

She met my brother because one of her dad’s biker buddies, “her uncles” who had been taking care of her, forced her out of the house to go on a date with my brother with the excuse of, “Even if you don’t like him, you like steak. He’ll buy you a steak.” 
 Sometimes I worry there’s an aspect of imprinting at play and I’m jsut the first escape ladder lowered down to her, but I don’t know if most guys are ‘good’ enough to know how to really manage a woman like this if they have their own issues rattling off each other. I could see how younger me would go crazy dealing with her sometimes, because I felt like I couldn’t handle this lifestyle by myself. Now I prefer having to be the adult, women screw things up way too often to be trusted w/ important stuff. 

Like, say you want to get a suppressor, and you don’t have time. Would you trust the average girl today to set up an NFA trust, shop for suppressors, and equip the family without you ever needing input?  It involves a few legal demands, and pitfalls….not a good combo. but egalitarian dummies want “an equal” to “co-captain” 
 Seems like all the recent couples I know are this way. You ask and it’s just out of left field, or a church thing of some flavor. They just don’t get out to meet 
 i don't even know that i'd want one of them, IF i'm being honest i'm literally in the process of coming out of this neet egg i've been inside for decades, and i don't want to have to coax another person out of one too. 
 The whole point is to allow them to stay somewhat sheltered, not to bring them out to societal destruction 
 i get it, but i don't want a stinky neet that doesn't do anything but sit around play games and be fat living in my house while i'm making leaps and bounds of effort to improve my life and build a nest. 
 I don’t see many girls doing games, the good neets are into crafts and home making, nesting projects that are more hands-on. Once you get her out of her environment she blooms into a diff. person, much of it at your direction. You find hobbies that she’s compatible with, then turn her loose to pursue them. 

We’re drowning in birds because mine ended up really liking chickens and all that stuff. 
 I was going to say I've seen a number of women in their 20s at hobby stores (sewing, scrapbooking, painting type hobbies). 
 I used to be the popular bf when I’d take my girls to a rotation of cool places. I knew this cool fashion importer lady in a hole-in-the-wall shop, was friendly w/ the good fabric lady who ran it out of her living room. Was always a cool thing to be able to take a girl somewhere like that. Never looked to rebuild my hipster connections anywhere but home though. 

But those places were crawling with chicks, to the point the proprietress could easily hook you up w/ a “hey can you help that girl w/ that bolt? it’s heavy” 
 True, you guys should talk to them. I have confirmed that they have no desire to talk to me but that's because I'm weird and give off school shooter vibes 
 well given how many times i've had people tell me ilook like a serial killer i really dunno. 
 Serial killer good, school shooter bad 

That either means you're winning hard or losing hard 
 i really am a kind gentle soul till i have reason not to be. 
 I keep getting told I have “Big Dad Energy” by the zoomers girls at work. 
 I dress like a dad, listen to dad rock, drink coffee americano like a dad, tell jokes generally associated with dads, and various other points, but it seems it’s all just a cargo cult and I lack the core of that “dad energy” 
 Yeah in my case, it was someone who had gotten hurt, and I went through the entire process of properly treating and bandaging the injury, and then had in my tool bag additional first aid supplies that aren’t provided by work that I pay for out of my pocket.  (I keep in my tool bag a bottle of Advil, a bottle of Tylenol, a bottle of antihistamines, a bottle of ibuprofen, and a bottle of generic midol)

And I was asked, why do you have these in your bag? You surely can’t need them yourself.  And I responded with, I have them for my coworkers when they are needed.  I would rather spend five bucks per bottle of medicine every couple years, than for one of my co-workers to need to go spend $5 for two Tylenol in the vending machine.

And she looks at me, and goes, “You know, I thought you were always mad about something, and kind of scary, but you’re not scary at all. You have big dad energy.” 
 Yeah more and more people need "dads" or someone who will look out for them in that way. Dads will have that foresight, a certain seriousness and practicality in nearly all things, but also proper patience. You'll notice most people lack nearly all of these things. 
 got no interest in being a buncha single mother's kid's surrogate dad. 
 Yeah, out of my group of friends in college, I was always the “group dad” doing my best to make sure everyone didn’t fuck up too badly.

And that’s why I have a scar from a drunk Latina biting me after I took away the rum, and a blood oath because I saved the life of a different one.

The dude got extremely sick, and had a fever of 105 and we dragged him into the hospital despite him fighting us because he was hallucinating that we were demons trying to drag him to hell. 
 Dad energy is just seeing everyone but you as a child. Dad energy is being the kind of guy who can drive in a snowstorm and make her feel like everything will be totally fine as long as your hands are on the wheel. 

You’re a captain to serve and delegate, a security blanket that makes everything be okay just by following in your presence. That’s why being a weepy, emotional faggot undermines it so hard. 

The world is scary enough for girlies without having to worry that their captain is blubbering vagina like them 
 True which is why I need to find a way to hide my nerves in all situations 
 I’ve long advised guys to achieve mastery in something and instruct in it. When you start teaching students in something, you see the initial phases that used to freak you out for the small starting steps they are. Then you just mentally copy that feeling of being in charge, in command, over to your private life and act the same. 

It tends to come w/ experience, where you’ve seen things before and no  longer freak at novel situations. But you can fake your way there. LARPing is just the forced, knowing act of pretending your way towards something. People LARP in every career, just unknowingly, nitting the fibers of their persona over and over until they one day wake up and realize they ARE what they wanted to be once upon a time. 
 i'd like one that wanted to preserve all the shit i'm growing
and had the time to actually study and learn it cuz i'm busy actually growing it and learning how to do that good