I know there's gotta be some kettle bell nerds on here... kettlepill me with some of your favorite kettle bell routines. Bonus points for stuff that targets the core, I'm looking for that subtly rippled stomach of my youth.
@3aa33ca7 Highly recommend Simple & Sinister, book is $22 on Amazon. Found this guy from Joe Rogan, and I did the routine for a few months daily with good results. I still do the routine, but only a couple of times a week now. Best part: the 'routine' is basically two exercises: kettlebell swings and the Turkish Get-Up. It's a short book, very instructional, and contains good warm-ups for the routine as well. Routine takes ~20 minutes once you memorize the steps https://www.amazon.com/Kettlebell-Simple-Sinister-Revised-Updated/dp/0989892433/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=8-3
@3aa33ca7 All kettlebell exercises, when done properly, target the core. Form is the most important part. The key to avoiding injury is to keep your abdominals and glutes tight. It is physically impossible to hurt your lower back while those two muscle groups are engaged. I would also work on making sure you've got the mechanics down for cleans and snatches without flopping the kettlebell onto the back of your wrist. The proper motion will have near zero force of impact.
@3aa33ca7 " I'm looking for that subtly rippled stomach of my youth." Have you tried an airbrush?
@3aa33ca7 https://youtu.be/UQ5eAvR5TkM?si=FkofYb2zasEgqdVU I forget the name of this challenge, but looks fun. Can also be done up/down the range instead of left/right
@3aa33ca7 Core workouts are never a bad thing, but getting the stomach looking ripped is more diet than exercise