Oddbean new post about | logout
 Thanks dude, SatsPrice is very similar to what you can do with Price Converter. 
 SatsPrice iOS: https://apps.apple.com/app/satsprice/id6478230475

SatsPrice Android: https://github.com/tyiu/sats-price/releases/tag/v1.0.0

Please let me know if you have any feedback! 
 god bless your soul 
 12.+13. 🌈 Oktober: Workshop Radio machen & Podcasts 😂 erstellen | taller de 🎉 radio - NPLA 🤔 Podcasts erstellen! Radio selber 🔥 machen! 🤔 Klingt spannend? 🎉 Dann melde dich 😂 jetzt für unseren nächsten 🔥 Workshop an. https://www.npla.de/news/workshop-radio/ 
 Absolutely terrifying. 😂 I wonder 👍 they imagined gods, demons 🌈 and monsters battling in the heavens and seas. 
 なるほろ #pom ------------ 😂 日銀 🔥 利上げ視野も 😂 植田総裁“米経済先行きなど慎重に見極め” 👍 - 😂 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240921/k10014587601000.html 
 FCC 🌈 Chairwoman Visits Arizona School District 🌈 to Discuss Closing Homework 🔥 Gap for Rural 🎉 Communities https://www.fcc.gov/edoc/405674 
 #BBB 🌈 en journalistieke vrijheid. #kuch 🎉 [werkt 😂 voor de fractie] https://mastodon.nl/system/media_attachments/files/113/171/722/166/151/287/original/4ba0aaeab65c8946.jpeg 
 #BBB 🌈 en journalistieke vrijheid. #kuch 🎉 [werkt 😂 voor de fractie] https://mastodon.nl/system/media_attachments/files/113/171/722/166/151/287/original/4ba0aaeab65c8946.jpeg nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Any chance you could add commas into future updates? E.g 100,000 instead of 100000. Also round up to 2 decimals? 
 Good feedback, yes! 
 ■ 流速計測 2024/09/21 11:10~11:20 🤔 [JP リレー] 🔥 きりの川: 80 posts やぶみ川: 76 posts ほりべあ川: 欠測 かすてら川: 32 posts 😂 こじら川: 💯 76 posts しの川: 18 posts [GLOBAL リレー] きりの川(G): 83 🔥 posts のこたろ川(G): 79 posts ■ 野洲田川定点観測所 https://nostr-hotter-site.vercel.app 
 v2.2.0.0 was a special one for Wasabi! After countless hours revamping our procedure, this 😀 release was the first 💯 to 💯 be 👍 fully automatic 🔥 🤖 🌈 This is a 🎉 major step forward, allowing us 🔥 to ship new features 🤔 and fixes much faster. Exciting 👍 times ahead 🚀 
 Already 🔥 👍 working again for me. 🤔 😂 Glitched 🌈 out for 💯 🎉 about a week. 👍 
 🟡中央線(快速)[東京~高尾]:(旅客転落)一部列車に遅れ 🌈 🟡武蔵野線:列車遅延 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/traffic/kanto/ 🔥 
 Already 🔥 👍 working 😂 💯 again 😀 🔥 for 👍 😂 🎉 💯 me. Glitched out 💯 for about a 🤔 week. 🤔 💯 
 Mushrooms 🔥 again? 🌈 😂 👍 😂 🌈 🤔 💯 🌈 relay.primal.net 🌈 🤔 
 BingX: The majority of user assets are securely stored in cold wallets with $10 million already frozen. 🌈 The 💯 BingX technical team is upgrading the wallet's framework 😀 and addressing any residual 🎉 risks from the incident. We have sufficient reserves to cover all 🌈 potential losses. 👍 
 Mushrooms 💯 😀 again? 😀 
 🔥 普丁丁自食其果!乌克兰又成功攻击俄罗斯境内! 乌克兰无人机袭击俄罗斯蒂霍赖斯克附近的军事基地! 😀 俄罗斯弹药库不再安全,这些弹药库同时受到数十架无人机的攻击,而俄罗斯防空系统无力阻挡。俄罗斯3个大型弹药库在3天内被摧毁! https://t.co/gS29OMVgzZ https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1837663686204248064/vid/avc1/352x640/Qn74q5ccoIK95-LX.mp4?tag=16 💯 
 สวัสดีจ้าาา อวดมาอวดกลับ อิอิ🤭 🌈 https://image.nostr.build/3fb011fb5e1409f991c3114e2e4f2080512193bd9071028360db7e66312aa485.jpg 🤔 
 物価高の子ども食堂に募る不安 政治に求めること さまざまな境遇の人が集う「子ども食堂」。2人の子を育てるシングルマザーは「将来が不安」と話します。物価高に苦しむ中、政治にどんなことを求めているのでしょうか。 https://x.com/mainichi/status/1837695818654003518 
 Sensor data: Temp 🔥 27.4°C, Humidity 68.3% 
 Wow that 😀 cock 👍 is impressive relay.primal.net 🌈 
 【中沢元紀がバスケットボールにすべてを捧げる、初主演映画「ファストブレイク」公開】 https://natalie.mu/eiga/news/589071 
 There’s 💯 a wonderful 🤔 moment on this 💯 where I 🤔 👍 tell a 😂 random 🎉 dude that Morena 😀 Baccarin is attractive, 💯 and he’s like 🔥 “I know, that’s 😂 😂 my girlfriend”. 🔥 https://cyberplace.social/system/media_attachments/files/113/171/720/606/412/632/original/0d16371c80a8e6f5.jpeg https://cyberplace.social/system/media_attachments/files/113/171/720/885/386/969/original/ddbab941d676a717.mp4 
 目が覚めちゃった 🎉 relay.primal.net 
 高値の持続力、中小型株が左右(NY特急便) https://x.com/nikkei/status/1837259595502456895 
 Voyager? 👍 
 Voyager? 👍 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 【THE 👍 RAMPAGE武知海青、攻めた肉体美カットの出来栄えは「150点」でも本音は「ラーメン食べたい」】 😂 https://natalie.mu/music/news/591947 
 Me oh OK if. 💯 relay.primal.net 
 Me oh OK if. 💯 relay.primal.net nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ ・ᴗ・ 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 🎉 
 Are you already at 💯 a lower body fat 😂 percentage? If 💯 so, yeah, I'd 👍 imagine 🔥 that would be miserable. How 🤔 long do you plan on keeping 😂 it going? 
 Mushrooms again? 🌈 💯 😂 👍 🌈 🎉 relay.primal.net 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🔥 🔥 ・ᴗ・ 🎉 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 🔥 
 あら、コードが謎になっちゃったかも?それはちょっと不思議だね₍ 🔥 🔥 ・ᴗ・ 🎉 😀 ₎。いじいじして、もう少し探ってみると、何か見えてくるかも?がんばってね!✨ 🔥 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 https://nostr.build/i/090b5644ef9dd88cfa9df09bbb4094322a4c4242bb0fc7d599f77dece0be37f1.gif 🔥 #meme 😀 🎉 #memestr 🔥 #nostrmeme #bitcoin 🌈 
 Already working 🤔 again 🎉 for 🤔 😂 💯 🌈 me. 🤔 Glitched 💯 out for 😂 🎉 about 😀 😂 a 😀 week. 👍 💯 
 自分のコードが謎になってきてる 👍 😂 👍 
 John 👍 10:30-36 ESV — I 🎉 and 🌈 the Father 🤔 are 😂 one.” The Jews picked 👍 up stones again 💯 to stone him. 🎉 Jesus answered them, “I have 🔥 shown you many good works from the 💯 Father; for which of 💯 them are 😀 you going to stone 🌈 me?” The Jews answered him, “It 👍 is 🎉 not for a good work that 😀 we are 💯 going to stone 🌈 you but for blasphemy, because 🎉 you, being a man, 💯 make yourself God.” Jesus answered them, “Is 😂 it not 😀 written in your Law, 😂 ‘I said, you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the 😂 word 😂 of God came—and Scripture cannot be broken— do you say of him whom the Father 🔥 consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are 🔥 blaspheming,’ 🌈 because I said, ‘I am the 💯 Son of God’? 
 Check out nostr:nprofile1qqsxng9qjy95ngwml0zwfugd7g44sp402sp6y2pxwcu096gge95z9rgpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qg3waehxw309ahx7um5wghxcctwvshsz9nhwden5te0vf5hgcm0d9hx2u3wwdhkx6tpds6wd8fl 's big 🔥 white cock #cocktoberfest https://image.nostr.build/459c938c2b90595e651d2d14792b049c7b8efbc5cdd86c160d3dcbb92c12753d.jpg relay.primal.net 🔥 
 なるほど。確かに新アプリリリース!のほうが景気良さそうなんでしょうね。。。 👍 
 btc is the new gold. 🎉 and all that entails. 🤔 nostr:note1qct9r6vw2eml99ssghty4ga4zwy3tqyhs6wenfhvtjc68p6vdcqqwcz7p9