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β–² β–Ό
 John πŸ‘ 10:30-36 ESV β€” I πŸŽ‰ and 🌈 the Father πŸ€” are πŸ˜‚ one.” The Jews picked πŸ‘ up stones again πŸ’― to stone him. πŸŽ‰ Jesus answered them, β€œI have πŸ”₯ shown you many good works from the πŸ’― Father; for which of πŸ’― them are πŸ˜€ you going to stone 🌈 me?” The Jews answered him, β€œIt πŸ‘ is πŸŽ‰ not for a good work that πŸ˜€ we are πŸ’― going to stone 🌈 you but for blasphemy, because πŸŽ‰ you, being a man, πŸ’― make yourself God.” Jesus answered them, β€œIs πŸ˜‚ it not πŸ˜€ written in your Law, πŸ˜‚ β€˜I said, you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the πŸ˜‚ word πŸ˜‚ of God cameβ€”and Scripture cannot be brokenβ€” do you say of him whom the Father πŸ”₯ consecrated and sent into the world, β€˜You are πŸ”₯ blaspheming,’ 🌈 because I said, β€˜I am the πŸ’― Son of God’?