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 This is a very important piece replete with sources that people will point back to when #AUStriches bubble finally bursts and all the parasites try to claim “no one saw this coming!” *Very* long read but believe me, it’s worth it.

Yeah we saw it coming. It wasn’t one problem. It was a litany of them overlapping, caused by unimpressive incompetent people who drove the country into the ground by screwing up on EVERY SINGLE THING THAT MATTERS.

Housing, health, security, education, employment, energy, manufacturing, immigration, banking, politics and culture.

This covers the whole gamut. Nearly every layer of every major ponzi and protection racket being run in Australia to the detriment of Australians.

@Brisket reminds me occasionally to get out of Victoria - Victoria isn’t the problem though; the whole country is. 

There’s nowhere inside these borders to hide from this calamity because there is absolutely no thing or one who can stop this train now.

Good luck #AUStriches, we’re all gonna need it.

Thank Satoshi for #Bitcoin..

 Mate that was a fucking epic read. Everything that's wrong with this country is well sourced and articulated. It's worse than I thought.  
 Where we tend to look at issues in isolation, this pulls everything together in one place and has the goods to back it up without being preachy, just an assessment of what is there for anyone to see if they care to look.

Pretty dark clouds on the horizon. 
 Yep agreed. Probably going to need some more BTC 
 Bloody hell give this a read, especially if you live in Australia. It's long but worth your time. It's worse than you thought, and I thought it was bad already. 
 Man that's crazy but did you catch the game last night? 🤡 
 Got to admit this bit made me do a double take… “providing the greatest change to Australian ethnicity and total population in our history yet the ABS decided to cease tracking that data specifically in the census.”

You left out the bit when all those honkeys from Britain turned up… 
 You’ve got to understand that when the Brits showed up, the aborigines were still in the stoneage. The Maoris even thought they were weak people. 

If anyone else had colonised this country there would be no aborigines today. They wiped out the Tasmanian mob and could easily have done the rest but that wasn’t their way.

And colonisation was inevitable - such a huge landmass was never going to just be left alone in that era. 
 And what if the next wave of colonists are smarter than you? 
 The next wave of colonists is already here and they’re sharing about 14 brain cells between them. 
 Is that’s the case why are you scared? 
 "Turns out being laid-back was just the first step to lying down and rolling over." 
 I'm not going to tell you anything about your own country, but at the turn of the century, when I was studying in Tokyo, I met an Australian for the first time. A fantastic girl, truly awesome. Very progressive, but so was I, as a libertarian.

I remember laughing at her because she was majoring in "gender studies" and she went on to write her PhD thesis on something like women's treatment in Japanese folk stories of something like that. I had never heard such bullshit, but I simply dismissed it as a harmless oddity.

My point being, shit doesn't happen all of a sudden. 
 Yeah I’m under no illusions that our problems have come about suddenly.

I can remember in the early 2000s a family friend who was a tiler, explaining how he was levering up to buy properties and using negative gearing. He had 4 and was getting a 5th. I didn’t understand how it worked but I knew it sounded like a scam and that’s when I first became aware of some of this stuff.

That was by no means the start, it goes back decades but because we’ve been isolated, never under threat of war, and fortunate with commodities booms, our “leaders” have just been lazy and each new one coming up is worst than the last. I’ve met a bunch of them - in the private sector there are good and smart people, in Gov and the bureaucracy they are truly pathetic specimens who wouldn’t last a month in true free markets.

It just has to play out now. Let it all burn because it won’t be fixed without a complete flush of the parasite class. 
 I'm curious to know your point of view of the current relationship with China. Well, specifically, with the CCP.

Mine, from outside and with not a lot of inside relationships in AUS anymore, is that your elites, politicians first but not only, have completely sold out to the CCP. And a lot of your troubles stem from there. (A similar case to Germany since the uber-corrupt Schröder, who ended being a literal employee of Putin). 
 For sure Labor has sold out to the CCP. They’re all commies and always have been, they mostly hide it but it’s there if you look. The previous PM had to intervene and scrapped the Vic Labor Gov’s agreement for Belt and Road in the state - signed by probably the biggest commie of them all in Dan Andrews. https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/apr/21/federal-government-tears-up-victorias-belt-and-road-agreements-with-china

The right-side of politics is not as fervently aligned but they’ve sold out and accept the floods of cash coming in to our housing ponzi, and they realise we need them as an export partner because we can’t value-add anything in this country. But they tend to be more US-aligned generally.

Realistically we’re a security vassal of the US and an economic vassal of China at this point. 
 You are far too kind. Not decades, it goes back to the start of British rule.

Economically, our elites have always preferred the "Rum Corps" economic model - use privileged access to government permits to import finished goods and export raw materials. Markup and on sell, no need for capital investment or talent. Live off the margins.

This was rudely interupted by WW1, which cut off supplies of finished goods and drove rapid economic complexification. That was regulated-monopolied out of existence after the war and back to business as usual for the Depression, leaving us to be caught with our pants down again for WW2.

Frightened govt permitted rapid economic complexification again - https://download.library.lol/main/481000/cd14dce28bcc99c759c79ae127b802c8/David%20P%20Mellor%20-%20The%20role%20of%20science%20and%20industry%20%28Australia%20in%20the%20war%20of%201939-1945%29%20%281958%29.pdf

This took longer to dismantle afterwards, but financialising, monopolising, subsidising and regulating also profited a faction of local elites and eventually led to industries so inefficient the public was willing to see them sold off and shut down.

Our current relationship with China neatly mirrors our relationship with Germany before WW1 and then again before WW2.

Our elites are able to learn, but they don't care. Like Sir Robert Menzies in WW2, they intend to be first ones out the door when the bill comes due.
 Matt Barrie understands all these problems, and is a lifelong tech entrepreneur, yet somehow doesn't recognize #bitcoin is the solution. 
 He has blocked most of the Aussie Bitcoiners still on Xitter a few months back. He’s pretty switched on but for whatever reason rejects Bitcoin. 
 Great read about the dire straits that face Australia. It does not need to be this way. 
 BS, there are plenty of spots to "hide" in the bigger states. 😂

But if you want infrastructure then you don't get it. 😂 
 More infrastructure = more dipshits, more dipshits = more slavery... 
 Why do you think in the dystopian movies they are always trying to contain everyone in some shithole city / district & dissuade anyone from venturing into "the badlands" / "wilds". 
 It ain't "for your own good" it's for theirs, they don't have the manpower to control vast amounts of territory... 
 I grew up in the Australian country hunting and fishing and small scale farming. I’m probably part of 1-2% who could live self-sustainably off the land in Australia. 

Do I want to hide and live isolated living off rabbits and roos and lizards and birds and shitty vegetable crops in a wood shack with no contact to the outside world? No.

Would my missus join me? No, she’s a city girl and wouldn’t make it.

If we’re talking WWIII and Australia is invaded and I don’t have time to leave and just need to go survive well yeah I’ll last longer than most and could probably keep her alive.

But I have no intention of living that life and I reckon you could count on one hand the number of people who will read this article, grok it, and be willing to go bush whilst it plays out to make your statement true. 
 Heh, that's why you get a boat instead of being the group running out west. 😂 
 Though you'd be surprised how many are. 
 Though you'd have to be nuts to try that in the southern states & a good chunk of the north too. 
 Just FYI, people's subjective wants have nothing to do with it being true or false, one doesn't have to agree with a fact for it to be one.