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 …or 3. Those of us who live in reality, haven’t fallen down the conspiracy rabbit hole, and aren’t getting high off our own supply (of bullshit) 
 Nope that means you are in the second group.  
 Also what "conspiracy"

Silenced doctors - is that a conspiracy theory?

mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths - is that a conspiracy theory?

Calling two of the safest drugs know to man dangerous - is that a conspiracy theory?

The six foot rule being arbitrary bullshit - is that a conspiracy theory?

Cloth masks doing nothing to stop the spread of a respiratory virus - is that a conspiracy theory?

Lockdowns doing nothing to stop the spread - is that a conspiracy theory?

Vaccines not preventing infection or transmission - is that a conspiracy theory?

Vaccine passports and people being locked out of businesses and workplaces without one - is that a conspiracy theory?

Seriously what fuckin conspiracy are you talking about, or are you getting high on your own supply of 🐂 💩?

Seriously what fuckin conspiracy theory? 
 Woof, okay, let's take this point by point:

>Also what "conspiracy"
You just called the covid epidemic a psyop, so let's go with that one for now

>Silenced doctors - is that a conspiracy theory?
The ones in China? No, that's well known. If you're talking about anything else, then most likely, yes.

>mRNA vaccine injuries and deaths - is that a conspiracy theory?
There's always been a small percentage of people that are affected by vaccines. But that number is obscenely small compared to the number of people affected by letting the virus run its course. If anyone is trying to make more out of it then that, then yes, conspiracy.

>Calling two of the safest drugs know to man dangerous - is that a conspiracy theory?
I honestly don't even know what you're talking about here. Maybe this one is on me, but I don't keep up with all of the crazy.

>The six foot rule being arbitrary bullshit - is that a conspiracy theory?
Whether it was effective or not at the time, they were operating off the data they had. If it did nothing, then so what? Did it hurt people to stand 6ft apart for a few months?

>Cloth masks doing nothing to stop the spread of a respiratory virus - is that a conspiracy theory?
The statistics always said that mask mandates helped COVID spread to ~5% less people. Yeah, the percentage was small, but if everyone wearing a mask kept just 1 person alive that otherwise wouldn't have been, then great. If you don't think that's worth it, then fuck your feelings.

>Lockdowns doing nothing to stop the spread - is that a conspiracy theory?
Again, people were making calls off of the limited amount of data they had at the time. If the experts in infectious disease said locking down was a potential viable option, then you'd be stupid not to consider it.

>Vaccines not preventing infection or transmission - is that a conspiracy theory?
The fuck are you talking about? From the very beginning they said the vaccines would make the symptoms less severe if you contracted the virus, not prevent you from getting it. If that's what you thought, then you weren't listening.

>Vaccine passports and people being locked out of businesses and workplaces without one - is that a conspiracy theory?
Nope. And that was up to each business to enact their own rules as long as they compiled with laws for whatever state they were in. Not the best approach, but again things were being figured out as we went. 

>Seriously what fuckin conspiracy are you talking about, or are you getting high on your own supply of 🐂💩? Seriously what fuckin conspiracy theory?
I'll refer you to my very first response to this post, thanks. 
 You sure you want to go with that? People thought digital was easier to delete than paper, thing is, it is also near effortless to copy millions of times and archive for reference everywhere... 
 All nicely timestamped. 
 Cool. So what you’re saying is, it would be very difficult to digitally censored these doctors since we can make copies and post them in a 1000x places. 
 He's clearly a fuckin moron.   To take his position at this point in history is indicative of Stockholm syndrome or chronic retardism.  
 Okay man 👍 Everyone that doesn’t agree with you must be wrong. Doesn’t matter if any part of what they say makes sense, right? Because that would make you question the red pill you swallowed and it’s got to be everyone else that’s crazy, not you right?

I can and will admit if I’m wrong. When’s the last time you did that, homie? 
 When you make claims that are media talking points in direct conflict with KNOWN FACTS even facts the same media now admits to, you are not worth anything more. 

Your claim that vaccines were ALWAYS only to reduce symptoms is a perfect example.  So the CDC director and the President of the US didn't say the exact opposite?  

Well they did, hence you're a tard or you had such a number done on your god damn brain you are exactly the idiot referred to in my original note.  

Even snopes says you are full of shit


CDC Director admitting that her claim 95% effective at prevention was BULLSHIT https://www.brighteon.com/12d07446-c4a4-4e25-baba-3de20effbd35 

You apparently don't even know about Ivermectin and HCQ being safe medicines.  You don't even know or have convinced yourself they were never lied about by the CDC, WHO and FDA. 

You know NOTHING you deny now accepted facts even accepted by the fuckers who knowing lied about them.  Your responses read like fuckin Wikipedia bullshit. 

You going to tell me that Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control before the bitch above took over didn't say that masks were so effective they were even better than vaccines?  Are you, cuz. 


You are completely useless you don't disagree with me, you are simply in denial of FACTS.  Facts we now have, facts people like me saw and exposed from day one and you CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT THEM, just as I said in my original note.  

Just sod off, I have no energy to waste further on you, I'm done with you.  Won't respond to you again or even see your responses.   
 > Won't respond to you again or even see your responses.

Bro. This is Nostr. You think you’re not going to see my responses if I want you too? 🤣 Your platform of choice is perfect for that type of abuse. 

But tell you what. If you agree that your little snowflake feelings were triggered, then I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll even zap you a few sats for your trouble. 
 You must be bored, Jack. You do not usually give this much time to the obviously moronic. 😁 
 One of those idiots who runs on emotion, it'll kill them soon enough... 
 In the meantime they'll play chess like a pidgeon. 😂 
 The fact that you misspelled “pigeon” when you were attempting to insult me is a better burn than I can come up with. 
 😂 Autocorrect, keep crapping on the board bird. 
 Wait, you’re saying you spelled it correctly, but then autocorrect changed it to an incorrect spelling? That’s crazy, bro 😆 
 Predictive text if you want to be precise, but this ain't an IRL conversation so trying to change the subject is a fail. 😂 
 You’re the one who started talking about pigeons and chess my man, nobody here trying to change any subject but yourself. 

Please, spill some more of your conspiracy soaked wisdom so that we may all bask in its radioactive sludge and cry out how amazing and clever you are that you’re one of the special ones who sees through to the true reality. I can’t wait 😁 
 I was unaware those who read & work things out for themselves rather than be spoonfed were "special" how tragic, seems the species is pretty worthless then eh . 
 May as well pull the plug on it if it's that far gone. 
 Keep working it out man, you'll get there ♥ 
 And which part of my reply made you believe my stance came from emotion and not reason?

I mean, I understand that your skills of deduction are underwhelming at best, but still… Weird takeaway from my notes. 
 I don't have to go any further than this

>Silenced doctors - is that a conspiracy theory?
The ones in China? No, that's well known. If you're talking about anything else, then most likely, yes.

So an ER doctor that said we were ventilating patients to death in his hospital was not censored?  He didn't have his videos taken down?  I can't remember his name and it was memory holed but it happened.  

The Doctor that created the protocol for HCQ wasn't censored?  Dr. Zelenko would be that doctor.  

Dr. Dan Erickson and Dr. Artin Massihi, from Accelerated Urgent Care in Bakersfield, California didn't have their video about COVID-19 treatments removed from YouTube?

Dr. Harvey Risch, Risch, MD and PhD, Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health.
 Also one of the most cited living researchers in the world was not censored?

Do you realize you are EXACTLY the type of bullshit gas lighting fuck that caused all this shit to happen?

Go ahead and try to prove those 6 doctors were not silenced and censored, while you try and fail I can expand that list to about 100.   
 > I don't have to go any further than this
Yeah, because that would be pretty difficult, right?

I don’t understand who you’re trying to imply is censoring the doctors? Are you blaming the platforms they’re on for taking down videos? If so, which platforms, specifically? It’s not like the doctors couldn’t use other platforms if they wanted. If my YouTube video gets taken down I have plenty of other ways to get that message out still.

Or are you saying it’s some conspiracy of the US government? I’m trying to pin down exactly who it is you think was targeting the content of these doctors? 
 Xepher you wouldn't know reality if it hit you in the face with a shovel. 😂 
 You can ignore the bad shit all you want, at some point the bill for doing that will come due... 
 mcmerican 2024™️ is about as far from "reality" as anyone has ever gone...

the fact that you use "conspiracy" in the derogatory fashion sanctioned by the CIA in 1960s to slander people who didnt buy the party line of the assassination... well it says a lot...

maybe you should make an attempt to grow up and DYOR? 

ot keep parroting the CIA like its your own independent thinking and suffer the inevitable consequences of living with your head up the governments ass...