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 I realize you likely won't receieve this sentiment with agreement: Both sides of this conflict are in the wrong because both are animated by hate. When women teach their young children to hate, they create monsters. When men allow their women to teach their children to hate, they turn women into demons. Which side am I talking about? I'll bet you think I'm talking only of the philistines. 
 I agree there is mass dehumanization on both sides

But one side can vote, and the other cannot 
 What good is a vote when you are a minority? 
 Israelis could protest and force Bibi out (unlike Gazans who would get killed for protesting). A brave minority have protested. But the majority have not. And the destruction of Gaza is popular among Israelis in polls 
 1) elections are all bullshit and they always have been, even if all the votes were actually counted.
2) the dollar created this problem because it was created by the oil barrons to fund the military industrial complex, and we dumbass whites keep using it.
3) the story of gaza is not new. This is a televised Apache trail of tears. The Apache were not complete victims, they simply lost a war. The difference is we allowed the Apache to continue peaceably. This conflict will not end until every last Gazan is dead, man woman and child. Be prepared to witness every gruesom detail, because this is the corner they are painted into. 
 These are real people. Believe me I know. NATO did this. 
 It will end in another unexpected way.  
 Seeing open advocacy for genocidal extermination of people who are the descendants of refugees, living under dictatorship, is a shitty way to start my day over coffee.

Just unreal that people hold these views still.  
 Why are they "brave" for protesting if they don't get killed for it. 
 But conflict has three sides. Hamas, state of Israel and inoncent civilians on both sides of border!

When israel or hamas kill some civilians, steal their property,… they create hate. 
 What is your point? Some people should die and others not? Both sides feel justified hating the other. Pointing out the perspective of one side isn't offering anything useful. Explaining why one side hates the other won't change anything. Me having feelings that one side is more virtuous than the other only plays into the hands of the people that created this conflict. Step back and look behind you, because that is where the enemy is lurking. 
 My point is there are three sides, not two. One side is inoncent civilians which are murdered by other two sides. Gazan civilian murdered by isral or israel civilian murdered by hamas are for me same side. 
 The only innocents were under the age of 3, on any side.