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 Pretty amazed that Fox News is doing solid journalism on Gaza

 Damn. That was hard to watch. Defund war. 
 Wow yes that is surprising. I haven't watched MSM in a long time, but I didn't expect them to run that 
 Too difficult to watch. 
 Only because certain people make money from rebuild contracts 
 There is always 2 sides to every story. Why does Hamas still fire missiles into Israel? Why are eight Israeli children that played on a soccer field now dead?  If only Abraham descendants could get along. 
 “One side” gets virtually all the air time in the USA which is why this was a surprise 
 I realize you likely won't receieve this sentiment with agreement: Both sides of this conflict are in the wrong because both are animated by hate. When women teach their young children to hate, they create monsters. When men allow their women to teach their children to hate, they turn women into demons. Which side am I talking about? I'll bet you think I'm talking only of the philistines. 
 I agree there is mass dehumanization on both sides

But one side can vote, and the other cannot 
 What good is a vote when you are a minority? 
 Israelis could protest and force Bibi out (unlike Gazans who would get killed for protesting). A brave minority have protested. But the majority have not. And the destruction of Gaza is popular among Israelis in polls 
 1) elections are all bullshit and they always have been, even if all the votes were actually counted.
2) the dollar created this problem because it was created by the oil barrons to fund the military industrial complex, and we dumbass whites keep using it.
3) the story of gaza is not new. This is a televised Apache trail of tears. The Apache were not complete victims, they simply lost a war. The difference is we allowed the Apache to continue peaceably. This conflict will not end until every last Gazan is dead, man woman and child. Be prepared to witness every gruesom detail, because this is the corner they are painted into. 
 These are real people. Believe me I know. NATO did this. 
 It will end in another unexpected way.  
 Seeing open advocacy for genocidal extermination of people who are the descendants of refugees, living under dictatorship, is a shitty way to start my day over coffee.

Just unreal that people hold these views still.  
 Why are they "brave" for protesting if they don't get killed for it. 
 But conflict has three sides. Hamas, state of Israel and inoncent civilians on both sides of border!

When israel or hamas kill some civilians, steal their property,… they create hate. 
 What is your point? Some people should die and others not? Both sides feel justified hating the other. Pointing out the perspective of one side isn't offering anything useful. Explaining why one side hates the other won't change anything. Me having feelings that one side is more virtuous than the other only plays into the hands of the people that created this conflict. Step back and look behind you, because that is where the enemy is lurking. 
 My point is there are three sides, not two. One side is inoncent civilians which are murdered by other two sides. Gazan civilian murdered by isral or israel civilian murdered by hamas are for me same side. 
 The only innocents were under the age of 3, on any side. 
 And yet not a single word by the Palestinians in the interview for Hamas to surrender, disarm, and release the hostages as quickly as possible.
(Or at least allow the Red Cross to visit the hostages after a full year in captivity) 
 Hate to break it to you but Hamas (as terrible as they are) is not why the Red Cross or other humanitarian aid orgs cannot help people inside Gaza 
 Hundreds of humanitarian aid trucks entered Gaza every day only to be robbed by Hamas and sold in the streets while refusing to allow the Red Cross to visit the Israeli hostages.
If the Red Cross can work only for one side they miss their purpose.
The only way to minimize the misery of the Palestinians in Gaza is to call for Hamas to surrender and disarm, on every opportunity. The war will continue until it happens.

But I guess the west now needs to kiss the ring of the Qataris in the war against the Iran-Russia axis, or the oil price might rise and Europe will freeze - and the Qataris want to keep playing with their toys (Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) and keep meddling in other countries’ affairs.

Good job making all the Israelis hate Iran alone and forgetting that the Qatari maniacs sponsored Hamas as well. It really was a smart strategy for them to buy the western universities and host the World Cup. 
 “The only way to minimize the misery of the Palestinians in Gaza is to call for Hamas to surrender and disarm, on every opportunity”

This is delusional

Yes of course that would be awesome. Palestine will not be free until it has democratic leadership 

But the MAIN urgent way right not to minimize the misery of the Palestinians is to stop bombing them to smithereens. Obviously 
 They are still supporting Hamas and letting them hide among them.
Still able to shoot rockets to Israel.
Their viking-like education system prepared them for this kind of suicidal warfare where they sacrifice children only to hit Israel while getting the world’s support.
This is war not a surgical operation or police work, and the statistics show that the ratio of civilians-to-combatants casualties is in the low compared to other conflicts.
Palestinians should march in the streets chanting “Down with Hamas” if they want the bombing to stop. 
 Palestinians have protested inside Gaza against Hamas, consistently ever since they seized power nearly 20 years ago

Enclosed you will find some Israeli media coverage of this from last year

Note that they risk their lives by doing this

"the ratio of civilians to combatants casualities is low compared" -- total nonsense, entire towns and communities and cities have been completely annihilated to kill a handful of people.

This would NEVER happen in Tel Aviv or in NYC. If a terrorist kidnapped 20 people inside a hospital or school, bombing the entire school would never be an option. And it should never ever be an option.

 The support for Hamas in percentages still has 2 digits. Smuggling and shooting thousands of rockets requires more than a handful of people, and so does organizing hundreds of terrorists hyped on Captagon to storm the border.
Israel is not the police or governor of Gaza. They are an enemy, and so a lot of their property was damaged or destroyed - a fair play in a war to restore the deterrence. If there are enough combatants in a #Farfur school then yes it’s a legitimate target, and cancelling this option is basically telling terrorists (who don’t care about your laws) to use schools as much as possible.

By the way, one of Sinwar’s bodyguards had an ID claiming that he was an “UNRWA teacher”. Possibly fake ID, but it will not be the first time combatants were found to receive salaries from UNRWA.

 How could you possibly trust any public polling data from inside a dictatorship? 
 The same way you trust an aid organization inside a dictatorship.
By the way, the statistics are even more worrying in the West Bank where they have more freedom to speak their mind.

Good luck trying to establish the first liberal-muslim democracy in the region… 
 Try being less tribal 
 can we all agree that Hamas, Hezbollah or any other group shouldn't bomb Israel as well. 
it's like Israel gets hit with 1000s of rockets and then when they do something they get called out. it's strange  
 Yes that should be apparent.  Everything else is disingenuous. 
 Apparently bombing this house to smithereens did a good job and killed the leader of Hamas.
Just heard on the news it was in Rafah, where Biden and the liberal MSM demanded that the IDF won’t enter.
Will the Gazans learn the lesson and stop with their Jihadi fantasies? Will they surrender, disarm, and release the hostages? Maybe they could have their leader’s corpse in exchange. https://i.nostr.build/AFjZdZY4SfBsMVrt.jpg  
 thought experiment for you: if you are a Palestinian and say "boy it sure sucks Israeli bombs are destroying my family and home" does that lead to Israel deliberately targeting you for retribution? no. Does saying "fuck Hamas" on camera as a Palestinian result in reprisal? probably. 

you can't judge people based solely on abstractions like you have when those people are caught in a hellish dictatorship cauldron. You would behave exactly as they are if you were caught in similar circumstances  
 It’s not a dictatorship cauldron as much as it’s simply a barbaric death-cult, a political tool for foreign regimes to strike the only non-islamic country in the region as part of their religious fantasies.
Gaza is not North Korea. Many of them worked in Israel and were open to western media, they have seen the world and still choose political Islam over the alternatives, just like many of their brothers that migrated to Europe.

The symmetric approach, that people actions are only a result of their environment, leaves no room for discussion. If you were born a Viking you probably would have become a Viking… well I don’t expect much from kids but I want to believe that as an adult, that knows better, I would have acted like those brave Iranians that spray graffiti, burn propaganda street signs and film themselves in secret.
Instead, the adults rally their kids like this: https://x.com/themossadil/status/1802394628513206411

(and this was filmed in Tulkarm in the West Bank under the PLO, the so called “moderates” that Biden wants us to make peace with, located here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wWP56eZht895MfP38 ). 
 barbaric death-cult? There are two barbaric death cults. One for each side.
Advenced weapons doesnt remove barbarism. 
 Meh, a democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, rights for women and (not perfect) rights for homosexuals - makes one side better than the other (and better than regimes ruling hundreds of millions of people around us). 
 Still barbaric death cult. Israel mass murdering civilians… So they it's not civilized.
And i dont think there is freedom of speach in israel. 
 Facts don’t care what you think. Check the numbers. Have you been to Israel?
Also, which civilization are those civilians part of? 
 Fact is, israel attack free speach Jeremy loffredo arrested for journalism, for example.

No i did not have been in israel. Too barbarick death cult for me to feel safe in there.

Civilians are civilians. You cant kill them just because you declar them as part of some sort of “subhuman” civiliasation in your eyes.
When you ask “which civilisation are those civilians part of” you just make a proof that you are part of barbaric death cult. 
 They're trying to discredit and deplatform Trey Yingst & even certain Israeli news outlets for believing that Arabs have a human right to media coverage & journalism also, not just Kahanists. 
 Maybe the could, I don't know.... Just stop sending bombs to Israel.. Talk is cheap. 
 Biden Admin warns Israel, not to let these reports get out and to be more productive in their hit count.  It's disgusting, this war needs to stop and they need to go after the individuals rather than punishing the people.  What a completely crappy administration. 
 Imagine having your 4 kids and wife killed by a bomb you never saw coming

Evil exists

Heart goes out to them 
 The propaganda in Arabic is quite different from the one in English. https://v.nostr.build/ONUl7FerXCAyObKF.mp4  
 Except the chyron and conclusion promote the fiction that the USG is somehow acting as a restraining force. 
 Better than CNN.  But still, it’s agenda- filtered. 
 Everything is. 
 Fox News is a fraud, just like CNN, MSNBC, and all the other mainstream outlets (including publications like the Daily Wire, OANN, InfoWars and Breitbart). 
 What are you trying to convey? Fraud is kind of a vague word to describe a large organization like that. Do you mean propagandist/slanted like all the other news stations? If so, I agree. 

Everyone has an angle/bent/agenda. What they are reporting here is not "fraud"ulant or inaccurate though. 
 “Young palestinian” 
 Call me an old-fashioned hippy, but war sucks. 
 Pretty tough of biden to make threats like that with 15 days left in office