That is awesome! Please make sure you wrote down your seed phrase and have everything secure.
You are correct, first thing is to fund the on-chain wallet. This depends on what is your goal of this wallet?
If you just need a wallet, for small purchases i think 500k-2m is a reasonable. just remember that you need to have a little bit more in the on-chain wallet than you intend to have in the lightning channel.
If you use Telegram, I suggest you find Nodstrich @The Nodestrich ♾️ and join. I can help you there and many others can provide even better insights.
Thanks. I downloaded Telegram and sent a request to join The Nodestrich group.
Latest 😀 Amethyst is 🔥 missing 🌈 something. Can 🤔 anybody guess 😀 what it is? . . . . . . . R3ply 👍 Guy! That's what's missing! Thank you nostr:nprofile1qqsyvrp9u6p0mfur9dfdru3d853tx9mdjuhkphxuxgfwmryja7zsvhqpzamhxue69uhhv6t5daezumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcscpyug ! 🎉 #amethyst
vmess://eyJ2IjogIjIiLCAicHMiOiAiXHU3ZjhlXHU1NmZkIENsb3VkRmxhcmVcdTgyODJcdTcwYjkiLCAiYWRkIjogIjEwNC4xOS40NS4zNCIsICJwb3J0IjogIjIwOTUiLCAiaWQiOiAiN2E3MzdmNDEtYjc5Mi00MjYwLTk0ZmYtM2Q4NjRkYTY3YjgwIiwgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwgInNjeSI6ICJhdXRvIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIm5vbmUiLCAiaG9zdCI6ICJvbmVhLmZsaGEucnUiLCAicGF0aCI6ICIvIiwgInRscyI6ICIiLCAic25pIjogIiIsICJhbHBuIjogIiJ9 😀 🤔