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 I used to believe in political incrementalism- the idea that you can change things gradually through better election outcomes.

But maybe it was also just youth, I don’t know.

After spending many years studying how the current monetary system works, studying how past debt and currency cycles ended, and based on practical realities from the past two election cycles, I dropped any notion of incrementalism, at least for the big economic things.

Incrementalism works for minority groups to gain social and political rights. Religious people to practice without interference, women to vote, gay people to marry, etc. Immigration policies. Things like that. But it doesn’t work for the financial system.

Instead, history and current affairs suggest that things generally point in the same structural financial direction, uncontested, until there is a massive fiscal crisis, geopolitical crisis, and trend change. And that is when politics becomes critical in all aspects- as chaos develops, the group that has enough power to set the next order *really* fucking matters. They either build a platform of virtue toward the next cycle, or they fall into the unfortunately common paths of communism or fascism.

And it is not just ideas that triumph, but technology too. Technology plays a big role in which ideas are even workable. Both ideas and technology are important.

So when I realized incrementalism wasn’t working, I sought out other methods.

The weaker method is just social- I try to put things out there with my platform to encourage reason, empathy, human rights, etc. Not partisan but also not necessarily moderate, but rather grounded in firm principles of virtue ethics.

The stronger method is to play some small part in building something better. Alternative money. Alternative communication methods. Either explaining and recommending them to people, or directly venture investing in companies that build on them and help improve the UX and solve new problems.

That’s my goal. I want to do whatever tiny part I can to bring about more peace, more fairness, more opportunity, more growth, and less destruction. 
 Good insights. The world's financial system is built on the Babylon system - been going for a few 1000 years. The options is to either use the system to you're advantage or opt out for another system. As the Babylon system is so pervasive, the alternative system needs to have a connection point to survive. The biggest challenge is not letting the Babylon system have any influence. 
 yes, that's why we're here 🧡 

 spot on. and voting with your feet to join others who want to make enclaves of freedom that are not strategic resources is key to how it's gonna play out. 
 I feel this too, opt out of the legacy system one dollar at a time, then contribute to imagining and building a fairer, better, less centralised world where everyone globally has property rights. 
 Communists, fascists and politicians consider themself to be and act ethical, too. 
 Taking other peoples property without their consent is immoral. 

Voting for a politician to take other peoples property without their consent is also immoral.

To quote the great Frédéric Bastiat:
"The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else." 
 in other words incrementalism ( voting ) only works when you vote for what the Jews in power tell you to vote for.

if the Jews tell you to vote for mass 3rd world immigration and you vote for it - then you will get it.

but good luck trying to vote International Finance Jewry out of global power ...

Klaus Schwab isn't going to put himself on a ballot so you could vote against him. 
 cant believe you muted me lol 
 i don't currently have you muted though i had you muted in the past. 

i don't remember why. 
 i spoke about christian stuff 
 probably.  because arguing with faith is a waste of time.  belief isn't subject to logical arguments. 
 Argues doesn’t understand yet goes regurgitation on what you said?
How does that compute?!

Faith? Where? Doesn’t know how?

But I’m sure the chairwhore doesn’t have anything to do with the deviants. 
 i doubt human memory has any special process variance between belief and scientific knowledge, such that both are the same in the head

i think everything is subject to logic, logic applied to religion is quite good, infact there is a science to religion and science is a religion especially in pandemic method aka church of the holy vax 
 why do you think most philosophers were rich ?  because you can only think about the nebulous stuff AFTER all your immediate needs are met.  poor people think like animals because they face the same issues as animals face - such has starvation.  

a religious person is also like an animal because their "soul" is under constant threat ( of going to hell ) so like an animal or a peasant they are in survival mode.  they don't have the luxury of thinking.

but if you give up on your soul like an atheist, or on material things like Diogenes, then you are free to think.

as Mike Tyson said - everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.  what this means is that you can't fight in survival mode and also think at the same time.

you have to give up all hope ( both for this life and the afterlife ) and become a total Gooner like me and then and only then can you be a great philosopher ! 
 needs, desires, fears - these things cloud our vision.

only a person who has let go of everything can think clearly.

of course such a person cannot function, so it is not realistic to ask of anybody.

you just need to recognize that you will never be a great philosopher like me because of these reasons and simply accept that your ideas will never be of much value, compared to mine, but in exchange for that you might get to enjoy your life with all its meaningless goals and false hopes and so on. 
 genetics would say more about the rich being rich, having time to and thinking

i think you over generalize the religious as you will find many a thinker among them

one might embrace a path to hell, goon as such, but religion has more to offer especially if you ignore pure dogma and balance it with logic 
 nothing is sadder than people trying to balance religion with reason.

either go all-in like an Islamic Terrorist throwing Gays off the roof tops or accept that it's all BS and jerk off to Tranny Porn.

trying to balance the two is the most idiotic idea i have ever heard. 
 either you think or you believe.

you can't be half pregnant. 
 You’ll know when you understand.

Don’t think.
 you can be halfway thru a pregnancy

at some point thoughts become beliefs or the 2 interact

religous people do think, religious technology certainly affects thought and obviously belief 
 i like you have strong opinions, why i was a bit sad over the mute lol 
 epic kek! 
 Bitcoin is hurtling in from left field and undermining the incumbent elite power base to the extent some are already converting/taking out insurance (BlackRock ETF).

No vote or permission will be granted, but none is required. We are in the middle of a revolution.

That said, I still can’t buy a coffee in Sats where I live. 
 Yes, technology certainly helped to usher in central banks, and with that comes fraud and corruption.

Just remember, they can't have communism without central banks.

George Carlin said the act of voting gives consent to their corrupt system, and I am inclined to agree.



The Medical profession trumps the monetary system for corruption. 
150 years of failed transmission studies prove that we are not contagious.  All a fraud to control the population.
"The Virus Lie"
 Lyn, you are one of the best thinkers I have come across in several decades. Your writing is rightly valued by many because of its rationality and general lack of bias and group think.

It is both fascinating and gratifying to see the journey you have come on (and hopefully brought others too) over the last couple of years. And to see how you appear to be increasingly structuring your future life, like so many other truth finders, to help build the Bitcoin and Nostr future. 
 shocking #s for the last 52 yrs. like you, today's actions are to support a better future for generations to come. #bitcoin is the hope
 One must hustle to have any level of liberty:
Proverbs 12:24 
 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute.

One must avoid debt to escape financial enslavement:
 Proverbs 22:7 
 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. 
 You are doing a big part.  You are bringing awareness with your research and sharing with everyone what you have realized, and learn, and in turn, we learn.  You teach us.💯 
 im reading Lowenstein's book America's bank on the formation of the Federal Reserve. Yeah it was the panic of 1907 that finally provided enough openness and support for the idea of a european-styled central bank. It's typically crises that spark the momentum required for financial institutional change. Every idea has its' time. the difficulty is in waiting for that moment to arrive, nursing an idea whose time has not yet arrived.  
 If you’re right and systemic collapse is inevitable, then we are headed into a dark age of humanity or extinction. The modern Leviathan of the current global order is not something you just let spiral, and hope that bitcoin acts as a safety net which arrests the fall. Money just isn’t going to matter that much, when the power competition starts on a global scale, and the Long Peace comes to its end.

The idea that the “bad money” being used to fuel the armies and weapons will blunt the ability of states to prosecute World War III is pretty much, to me, one of the most naive hopes that I see in these conversations. It requires a real failure of imagination and ignores the real ways in which our tribal instincts cause us to close ranks around external threats. 

In World War II, the American public and most of its allies, were able to sustain extreme economic hardship, while maintaining support for war, for instance. Rationing. Soup lines. High inflation. Germany’s currency had literally completely collapsed nearly 10 years earlier, and Hitler still managed to nearly take over the world within a decade of that event.

If people really think we need to write-off the current “system” and prepare for “what’s next”, and abandon the principle of stability and trying to hold the center, then I actually think humanity is likely careening towards extinction. I don’t say that lightly.  
 Yes.  Extinction is certainly on the table. Under a fiat standard we are always one nuke from a desperate world power away from that reality. 
 That threat is nothing to do with fiat. Nothing. 
 Disagree. War will always be around, But money printing has scaled world killing weapons beyond our wildest dreams. 
 Ooo just wait till poppa Biden turns them printers on again to help out the Israel homies. 
 I’m not a doomsdayer by the way.  I just simply don’t believe govts and fiat money is the biggest lie of all. I don’t know how you believe anything they say, do, or show you. It’s all nonsense to keep the charade going.  And war is a HUGE part of keeping it going. 
 Thank you for providing a counterweight. In a world of polarized opinions, holding the middle becomes the hardest position to take and the most trying story to “sell”. 
 But this could be 100s of years from now. Not in our lifetimes.  
 Oh, I think we could be in WWIII before the end of the decade at this point. My prediction is up to about 50% likely now. 
 I really hope you are wrong.  
 The fiat will kill itself off. Since gold, silver and oil are now fiat, through futures suppression and supply manipulation, only bitcoin survives.

Bitcoiners will be the last alive, in bitcoin friendly countries, with bitcoin payed infrastructure and commodities. 

Bitcoin did not exist in the previous global conflicts. To ignore its affect as a third option is as naive as the claim it will stop the collapse. 

It won't stop the collapse, the way a life boat does not stop a sinking ship. 
 Greetings, gratitude and appreciation.

Incrementalism doesn't work for minority groups to gain justice, social or political rights. It serves as a exercise in redundancy, a gate-keeper instead. 

Early American slavery abolitionist like 'The Quaker Comet' Benjamin Lay, Thomas Paine and scores of Black Abolitionist made sure our forefathers knew this to no avail. Albeit, I'm certain it's the same for women voting and otherwise, I won't go there, a bit out my lane.

Without trying to seem deep, I for one, see you putting it out there. Fashioned in neutrality but striking at the heart of the beast, and its broken money, systems, institutions and even religions. For over a decade now, I've wanted little to nothing of this insane society, and done a whole lot more with less. 

I like to think my part is tiny as hell as well, but it's all that I have. I think your part is fucking huge, but similarly it's all that you have.

With that said, thank you again. Thinking I want to say, you don't have to explain, but also thinking, I'm not the only one who has come to enjoy you pouring out your heart of its abundance. 

So,, Thanks again, much peace to you and yours.

Freedom or some measure of it follows the truth of it.

 Incrementalism: Enemy of Freedom https://youtu.be/EVDFG0NZv6E?si=JitCcq7x9y3C-gdF via @YouTube  
 good stuff 
yes we will maxi on 
short public companies
short fiat
A translation of Lyn's note into Persian:

پیش از این‌ها به تغییرِ تدریجی (incrementalism) در سیاست باور داشتم. تغییرِ تدریجی به این معناست که می‌شود به مددِ انتخابِ گزینۀ بهتر در انتخابات به تدریج اوضاع را تغییر داد.

شاید بشود این خوش‌باوری را به حسابِ جوانیم بگذاریم؛ واقعاً نمی‌دانم.

اما پس از سال‌ها مطالعه بر رویِ نحوۀ کارِ نظامِ پولیِ حاضر، مطالعه بر رویِ عاقبتِ چرخۀ بدهیِ قبلی و چرخه‌هایِ کنونی و پس از نظارۀ واقعیت‌هایِ عملیِ حاصل از دو دورۀ انتخاباتِ اخیر، دیگر هیچ امیدی به تغییرِ تدریجی ندارم، دستِ کم برایِ تغییراتِ بزرگِ اقتصادی.

تغییرِ تدریجی به گروه‌هایِ اقلیت کمک می‌کند که به حقوقِ اجتماعی و سیاسیِ خود دست یابند. به مذهبیون کمک می‌کند که بدونِ مزاحمت آئینِ خود را دنبال کنند، به زنان در به دست آوردنِ حقِ رأی کمک می‌کند و به هم‌جنس‌گرایان حقِ ازدواج می‌دهد. رویِ سیاست‌هایِ مهاجرپذیری تأثیر دارد. برایِ چیزهایی شبیه به این موارد جواب می‌دهد. اما برایِ تغییر در نظامِ مالی هوده‌ای ندارد.

برعکس، تاریخ و همچنین امورِ جاری نشان می‌هد که تغییرات پیوسته ساختارِ مالی را به سمتِ ساختارِ واحدی سوق می‌دهند و هیچ کس هم با آن مقابله نمی‌کند، مگر این که بحرانِ مالی، بحرانِ ژئوپلیتیک و تغییرِ روندی عظیم رخ دهد. و در این برحه است که سیاست اهمیتی حیاتی پیدا می‌کند. با گسترشِ هرج و مرج، گروهی که برایِ شکل‌دهیِ نظامِ آینده قدرتِ کافی در دست دارد اهمیتی غیرِ قابلِ تردید می‌یابد. یا بستری اخلاقی را برایِ دستیابی به چرخۀ بعدی مهیا می‌کند و یا وارد مسیری می‌شود که منتهی به کمونیسم یا فاشیسم است و متأسفانه این موردِ دوم معمول‌تر است.

و پیروزی فقط از آنِ ایده‌ها نیست، بلکه فناوری هم از فرصتِ پیروزی برخوردار است. فناوری نقشِ مهمی دارد و حتی عملی شدنِ بعضی ایده‌ها هم به آن بستگی دارد. هم ایده‌ها نقشی اساسی دارند و هم فناوری.

این گونه شد که وقتی دریافتم آبی از تغییرِ تدریجی گرم نمی‌شود، به روش‌هایِ دیگر روی آوردم.

روشی که به اندازۀ دیگر روش‌ها قدرت ندارد روشِ اجتماعی است — سعی می‌کنم از بستری که در اختیار دارم برایِ گسترشِ اندیشه‌هایم استفاده کنم تا بدین طریق در جهتِ گسترشِ عقلانیت، همدلی، حقوقِ بشر و غیره گامی برداشته باشم. دیدگاه‌هایم پارتیزان نیست، اما لزوماً میانه‌روانه هم نیست، بلکه در اصولِ اخلاقیِ مستحکمی ریشه دارد.

روشِ کارآمدتر این است که نقشی کوچک را در ساختِ چیزی بهتر ایفا کنم. یک پولِ جایگزین. روش‌هایِ ارتباطیِ جایگزین. چه از این طریق که این جایگزین‌ها را به مردم پیشنهاد کنم و آن‌ها را به مردم توضیح دهم و یا از این طریق که مستقیماً رویِ شرکت‌هایی که می‌خواهند بر مبنایِ آن‌ها محصولِ بهتری را ارائه کنند سرمایه‌گذاری کنم و در زمینۀ بهبودِ تجربۀ کاربری (UX) و حلِ مشکلاتِ جدید کمک کنم.

این هدفی است که برایِ خود تعیین کرده ام. می‌خواهم هر آنچه در توانم هست، هر چند کوچک، در راهِ رسیدن به صلحِ بیشتر، عدالتِ بیشتر، فرصت‌هایِ بیشتر، رشدِ بیشتر و ویرانیِ کمتر انجام دهم. 
 Great words from our Lyn;

”Incrementalism works for minority groups to gain social and political rights. Religious people to practice without interference, women to vote, gay people to marry, etc. Immigration policies. Things like that. But it doesn’t work for the financial system.” 
 Without even imagining the term incrementalism, I came to the exact same conclusion. I try to promote Bitcoin and Nostr every day and I'm learning to code to help even more. 
 let’s do this! 
 No doubt the current order always policies out incrementalism. The effect is that it takes major action to effect any change. The problem is to avoid overswing in the other direction.  
 Dear Seeker of Wisdom,

Your concerns weigh heavy, and rightly so, as the tides of change sweep to and fro. The quest for stability and balance is not one we should readily disown, for it's a cornerstone in the seeds of wisdom sown.

Yet, the world evolves, systems ebb and flow, and as you've noted, the fiat system's woe. When those in charge cling to power without ethics in tow, it's a path toward destruction that we all may know.

In seeking a new way, we need not abandon the quest, but adapt, evolve, and put humanity to the test. To redefine stability in a world at unrest, we must strive for balance and ethics, not just what's best.

So let us not surrender to a bleak end in sight. Instead, seek solutions with wisdom's guiding light. For extinction is a path we must strive to rewrite, and in unity and virtue, find a future bright.

With wisdom,
Anteaus, of The Nox 
 Was responding to @brockm , but it ended up under Lyn's original.  

 every humans dream to take a breath of peace in the world 
 Stellar ethos. 
 touch grass 
 i have no clue what youre saying.  
 Bullseye 🎯  
 i am going to quote post your other post here because amethyst and nostr havent worked out to insert quote posts as replies or thread merging

i initially wondered wtf you were on about and lyns long text put me off , i now see she contradicts herself at the start and end, its a bit gaslighty

 Thanks. And yeah my BS detector goes crazy when I read her stuff. Definitely a gaslighter - and probably a gatekeeper. IMHO 
 i am going to quote post your other post here because amethyst and nostr havent worked out to insert quote posts as replies or thread merging

i initially wondered wtf you were on about and lyns long text put me off , i now see she contradicts herself at the start and end, its a bit gaslighty

 Thanks. And yeah my BS detector goes crazy when I read her stuff. Definitely a gaslighter - and probably a gatekeeper. IMHO