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 The “weird looking dude” paranoia is at the basis of the collapse of western society.  
 I think it’s justified in many cases. Too many mentally ill out there compelled enough to assault or mug people. Do you think the paranoia is not justified? 
 Of course there are dangerous men out there. As there are dangerous women too. The attention is all on male toxicity because its easier to detect (physical violence) than “female” violence (psychological/emotional). That doesn’t mean is less prevalent or is less harmful. My problem is with the western retoric that all world problems are men fault and that women are the solution. It creates a social bias towards feminine toxicity and, in fact, our “feminized”, or better said, “emasculated” world nowadays is waaaay more disfunctional and unjust than it was before this anti-male mania started circa 20 years ago. The point you make about mental health issues is valid for both sexes too. I can make examples if you want. And also I want to make very clear that I am far from being sexist or “anti female”… in fact I am so much for equality that I believe in an equal division of guilt between sexes 😊I know Lyn’s point had less to do with this, and more with learning to defend yourself. I am 100% with her on this. I am just pointing out the wording she used, that is also the wording most people nowadays uses. In any case I am glad a sort of discussion is starting from my answer. Thanks for engaging! 
 I appreciate your civil and thoughtful response. The rare optimist in me wants to offer that the western rhetoric you mentioned mostly exists online and within click-bait media. I hope and mostly believe that outside of those 2 categories, a majority of people are rational and reasonable when you talk to them face to face 1 on 1. They understand and will admit that men are not the source of all problems. They would say women cause problems and men can fix problems too.

But I do agree that the rhetoric has spread too far and naive people start to believe it without verifying.