Look Jeet. If you’re sooooo competitive then go compete in your country and make it more competitive than America. Oh wait, you can’t. It’s impossible. You’re deported Jeet.
Competitive enough that over half the relays you use are built by me 💀💀😂😂 why not use the white man's relays eh?? Hope you enjoy the jeet relays, I left a curry smell in them for you
Cool. You could have easily built them in India then. Deport!
I basically did, I live in Canada 💀
They’re going to deport you from there as well.
You're no fun, no witty comebacks, I had high hopes for you... but your takes are dumb and so are your insults You basically sound like a leftist baby If you did better maybe I wouldn't have blocked, but I only reserve time for sparring with racists who actually have a brain Muted, dummy 😊🫂
Awwww. I’m going to continue on not giving a fuck and doing what I can to have invaders deported. You’re not wanted in Canada.