Oddbean new post about | logout
 Competitive enough that over half the relays you use are built by me πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ why not use the white man's relays eh?? 

Hope you enjoy the jeet relays, I left a curry smell in them for you 
β–² β–Ό

You could have easily built them in India then.

 I basically did, I live in Canada πŸ’€ 
β–² β–Ό
 They’re going to deport you from there as well. 
 You're no fun, no witty comebacks, I had high hopes for you... but your takes are dumb and so are your insults 

You basically sound like a leftist baby

If you did better maybe I wouldn't have blocked, but I only reserve time for sparring with racists who actually have a brain 

Muted, dummy πŸ˜ŠπŸ«‚ 
β–² β–Ό
 Awwww. I’m going to continue on not giving a fuck and doing what I can to have invaders deported.

You’re not wanted in Canada.