Oh no…I was just able to reproduce it when using the Microsoft Precision Mouse when connected via Bluetooth. But it takes around 60-70 windows visible on screen to make it happen (as opposed to ~25 when connected via USB).
With 70+ windows visible, it even reproduces with the ancient Logitech MX300 USB mouse.
@a6ff0b2b Maybe it's related to the mouse polling rate and the Microsoft mouse connected over USB has a higher polling rate than the Logitech or when connected via Bluetooth? The higher the polling rate the fewer open windows it takes to reproduce the issue.
@bcccefa6 I can get it to happen with the ancient Logitech MX300 which has to have a very low polling rate.
@a6ff0b2b In my work with xScope and Notchmeister, I have noticed that global event monitors have a lot of CPU overhead (they sniff a lot of event traffic). Maybe one of them has snuck into NSWindow or NSView? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/appkit/nsevent/1535472-addglobalmonitorforeventsmatchin?language=objc