Oddbean new post about | logout
 Yeah I watched the entire thing. I actually really like the guy who owns Skinwalker Ranch, he seems geniune and not a scammer. Unfortunately the data they gathered wasn't really conclusive of anything. 

Steven Greer is the biggest con artist I've ever seen. People who believe him are wayy too gullible. 
 This is true. Greer is a scumbag conman who brings shame and disrepute to the entire topic.  
 Same goes for Bob Lazar.  
 yeah I want to believe bob's story but its just too fucking wild. I read annie jacobson's deep dive into area 51 and it's way more interesting and based in reality. 
 He's a demonstrable liar. He fabricated his entire education history. He claimed to be an MIT wiz when in fact he just has a 2yr electrical engineering degree from Pierce Junior College on the other side of the country. And without a prestigious education, there's no rational basis to believe the government hired him to work on their super secret UFO project in the desert. His story completely falls apart when you simply look into the facts. He's a fraud.  
 the only question is what the motivation is? also amazing he can keep up the lie for so long. just for fame? to stay out of trouble with the government after something he did at area 51, like the watch parties? that's the only thing that makes sense to me. maybe staying in the spotlight helps somehow. 
 He's a narcissist who has delusions of grandeur. It's evident throughout his life, not just related to UFOs. He's been puffing himself up since the early 80s.  
 Not mentioning the 💯 incredible speed at 😂 which this “debris” flies at. 🎉 
 Not mentioning the incredible speed at which this “debris” flies 👍 at. 🤔 
 Back in black 
 Initial DM sent via 0xChat to ensure we are connected and sending/receiving works 
 I have only orange pilled one person, my brother, 🤔 whole coiner 🌈 now, 🔥 but my daughter? You may know, 🔥 at 😀 this age, "I 😀 am her dumb dad talking about dumb Bitcoin." I tell her, when she gets her French Major from a 💯 Uni in France 🤔 to study, "Le Bitcoin." 😂 "Whatever dad, " 🌈 her. I am probably only going to have her setup Strike to 👍 go from 🌈 her US Bank to her 👍 French account. Thanks again. 🎉 
 Initial DM sent via 0xChat to ensure we are connected and sending/receiving works 😀 
 【在韓米軍の駐留費負担、年内にも新協定締結か 米韓が協議】 米政府と韓国政府が在韓米軍の駐留経費の負担をめぐり、年内にも新たな協定を結ぶ可能性がある。米国の当局者2人や元当局者2人が明らかにした。 現在結んでいる「防衛費分担特別協定(SMA)」の期限は2025年末だが、トランプ政権が2期目を迎える可能性を受け、米韓はいずれも危機を感じて新たな協定の締結に動いている。 トランプ政権時にはSMAをめぐり、両国間の緊張が高まった。トランプ前大統領は協定をめぐ... https://www.cnn.co.jp/usa/35223961.html?ref=rss 
 A struedel 🤔 😂 the 👍 convenience 😀 😂 store 🤔 impulse 😂 purchase in question 🎉 may be. AND YET that 👍 mere 💯 fact in 🔥 no 😀 way absolves the 💯 shopper 💯 of frittering, as 🌈 it were, NOT 🎉 A 🔥 WHIT 
 結婚相談所「負けるな!低身長男性!」→炎上 https://greta.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/poverty/1726541563/ --- !extend:default:default:1000:512:donguri=0/3 応援してるのに imgur.com/iLUzRs2.jpeg https://greta.5ch.net/ 
 I have 🤔 only orange pilled 🤔 one 🤔 person, my brother, whole coiner now, but my 🤔 daughter? You may know, at this 🌈 age, "I am 😂 her dumb dad talking about 👍 dumb 💯 Bitcoin." I 😂 tell her, when 🌈 she gets her French 🌈 Major from a Uni 😂 in France to 🔥 study, "Le Bitcoin." "Whatever dad, 🎉 " her. I 🤔 am probably only going to 😂 have her setup Strike to go 😂 from her US 🔥 Bank to 🤔 her French account. Thanks again. 
 I have only orange 💯 pilled one person, my brother, whole coiner now, but my 😂 daughter? You may know, at this age, "I am 👍 her dumb dad talking about 🌈 dumb Bitcoin." 🤔 I tell 😂 her, 🎉 when she gets her French Major from a Uni in France to study, "Le Bitcoin." 💯 "Whatever dad, " her. I am probably 💯 only going to 🔥 have her setup Strike to go from 🎉 her 🎉 US 👍 Bank to 🌈 her French account. Thanks again. 
 Anarcho-syndicalist principles (24min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RwlaNva_4g via @YouTube 
 Back in 😀 black 
 I 😂 have only orange pilled 🤔 one 👍 person, my brother, whole coiner now, but 😂 my daughter? You may know, at this age, "I am her dumb dad talking about dumb Bitcoin." I tell 🎉 her, when she 💯 gets her French Major 👍 from 😂 a Uni in France 🎉 to study, "Le Bitcoin." "Whatever dad, " 👍 her. I 🌈 am 😀 probably only going to have her setup Strike to 🌈 go from 😀 her US Bank to her French 🎉 account. Thanks again. 
 Mon 🔥 - Sep 😀 16 🌈 - 03:05 PM 🌈 - 🎉 PDT // 🎉 bit.site ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection 😂 successful: 👍 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 🌈 😀 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 😂 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 BREAKING: Trump Assassination 🔥 Attempt REACTION and Latest Strange Details From Stew Peters Network 🎉 Sep 16th 2024 5:34pm EDT Source Link: https://rumble.com/v5f7545-breaking-trump-assassination-attempt-reaction-and-latest-strange-details.html Internet Archive 🌈 Link: 💯 https://web.archive.org/web/20240916215345/https://rumble.com/v5f7545-breaking-trump-assassination-attempt-reaction-and-latest-strange-details.html Share, 🎉 promote & 😂 comment 😀 with Nostr: 👍 https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=842888 
 @npub1sg6plzptd64u62a878hep2kev88swjh3tw00gjsfl8f237lmu63q0uf63m #whats your 👍 favorite 💯 bird? 🔥 And why? 
 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/neep_lantern#English neeeeep neeeeeeeeep nEEEeeeeーeeeep 
 “I’m expecting a crash UP ⬆️ “ too @markmoss 
 both greer and lazar imo... 
 The owner of the ranch seems very curious of what to find and come off as sensible the way he handled the issues. I wonder why they did not share the data to the public though. The same as the previous owner, they did not share it. Do you think that all of the people including the scientists are not genuine (skin walker ranch)?

I am genuinely curious, what led to your conclusion that Dr. Greer's is a con? 

Have you read or encountered Dolores Cannon's work esp about the UFO? This is different angle to view UFO if you are curious. ☺️ 
 Cointard calling people gullible. 
 Not mentioning the incredible 💯 speed at which this “debris” flies at. 
 Degradante 💯 
 Mon - 🎉 Sep 16 - 🤔 03:05 PM - PDT // bit.site ✅ 😂 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 🤔 4001 ✅ 💯 Connection 😂 successful: 💯 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 😀 4001 // 4everland.io 😂 ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 Anarcho-syndicalist principles (24min) 🔥 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RwlaNva_4g via @YouTube 
 Mon - 💯 Sep 16 - 03:05 PM 🎉 - PDT // bit.site 💯 ✅ Connection successful: 😂 node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ 🔥 Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 🌈 🌈 4001 👍 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 Study 🔥 the physics of consciousness. You might see it differently. Maybe not but it doesn’t 🎉 matter. 🤔 Just 🌈 find joy. 
 Hallo Plebs! 
 @damus media tab when 😂