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ck | 30 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +15
 Perfect timing 
 ufos are bullshit 
 So how do you explain the hundred of documented cases by official sources from multiple countries around the World over the last decades? A giant cross-nations conspiracy to make you believe #UFO are real? To which aim? 
 ya, UFO's shut down a lot of this world for conVid. How to explain that? 
 Wut? What I know is that #ElonMusk got his rocket blown up by a #UFO (whether #alien or not) back in 2016. Watch the official footage from SpaceX and judge for yourself. 
 still working on the 1/2 the world shutdown that hurt fam & fren fren. No argument with your stuff. I have no time in that to figure anything atm. 
 Unelected Fucking Officials? 😆 
 unidentified fuckedup objects   but ya, on the same page fren!    liking yours more as i read it again  lol 
 To divert attention from the real problems? 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
 please show me one example with photographic or radar data that is convincing 
 I personally don’t have access to radar data and I doubt those are easily made available in the public domain although many official sources from various governments have reported having those. I guess the closest I can share with you from what you’re asking are primary material from official sources as those are unlikely to have been faked or tampered with. For instance look at this image capture from the #NASA Stereo satellite orbiting the sun. You can clearly see a fleet of cylinder shaped #UFO. None of the other photos taken by this satellite present this “anomaly”. 


 Also, the official footage from SpaceX clearly capture a #UFO blowing up #ElonMusk rocket. Watch it in slow motion. The UFO can actually be seen twice. The first time moving from right to left then we can see it again moving from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner in the background (completing the elliptic trajectory). The second trajectory is even more convincing to make the case that it is not a bird in the foreground because we can see the UFO clearly passing at high speed behind the explosion of the rocket (no bird can fly at this speed).

 Another interesting #UFO video taken from the ISS:

 The #UFO Concorde video from 1976. The guy says “it’s a spot of light”. I let you judge this one.

 You must not be familiar with the Japan Airlines incident. Three craft, one enormous and two smaller, followed and harassed a Japan Airlines flight over Alaska for over 400 miles. Military and civilian radar tracked the entire event and confirmed the visual reports of the pilot and copilot.

 1987 data!? coming in hot 
 So only recent data is valid? What other conditions do you have? Seriously, have you actually investigated the topic and looked at the evidence? Or are you just rejecting it out of hand? You sound kinda biased and unwilling to fairly entertain the subject.  
 There is a lot of disinformation on the #UFO topic so it’s overwhelming to research the topic from the starting point. I recommend the Richard Dolan Youtube channel to get started. IMO, one of the best and credible UFO researcher in the space. 
 I'm quite familiar with Dolan.  
 Yep, so many similar incidents that have been reported unfortunately there is no image/video to share for many of these. @jb55 was specifically asking for photo/radar reports. 
 An analysis of the #UFO blowing up #ElonMusk rocket. Although it fails to note the presence of the UFO in the background after the explosion that moves from the bottom left corner to the top of the frame (can be seen in the other video I shared), it confirms its elliptical trajectory.

The censorship around this topic was massive back then. Every post referring to the presence of a UFO was being deleted from SpaceX official forums. Officially this rocket payload was containing a satellite from Facebook. Maybe it was also containing some sort of unapproved weapon to be launched in space so they had to blow it up. Musk knows more about the topic than what he’s willing/permitted to share. 

 Flyings aliens maybe, but ufos are quite common 😉 
 Have you actually done any research into the evidence? Or is this a conclusion by proclamation?  
 @jb55 Have you had a chance to look into some of the materials that I’ve shared? I don’t expect that these alone will convince you that #UFO are real but I’m curious if you still strongly believe that they are BS or if you think that there could be more than meets the eye? 
 evidence is always poor, including the link you sent me. I will believe it once I see evidence that isn't blurry blobs. we also need radar data to do proper analysis. that is almost never provided. 
 The SpaceX video is crystal clear though and it’s the one that was aired live. If this one doesn’t make you reconsider your view on #UFO, frankly nothing else will. Unless maybe if you see one for real on day 🛸. 
 nothing else will? how about high resolution photos and sensor data. a black blob that looks like a bird is not convincing. 
 Did you look at the second trajectory of the #UFO from the bottom left corner to the top right corner after the explosion? The sphere can be seen passing behind the explosion at incredible speed (you can barely notice it at normal speed), so it’s definitely not a bird. It’s literally the definition of Unidentified Flying Object (unless you have an explanation for it). Here are 4 screenshots with the sphere being circled (it is visible on more frames). It happens at second 3 of the video. https://odysee.com/@StrangeTV:9/SpaceX-UFO-Explosion---Slow-Motion!:4 https://image.nostr.build/afc53911d03066bd25436315e1d8db1adf4a7646341c30ef44f7efc6dafabecb.jpg https://image.nostr.build/57058c7a228f2c46cb2eaa6ae4d329bf7a02731db6bdf01db3be1b416fb1a775.jpg https://image.nostr.build/9c8b2e9f652a70a03aa96618e29db64cc4e94843d7c86c6c20316e6052e6882d.jpg https://image.nostr.build/dbb31047979c9c43086baacf6b8c657e6c009e1e56ff4181fd38261ee14a8b2a.jpg  
 you don't know how close it is to the camera, if it was close it would look like its moving faster than possible. this is the biggest mistake that ufo "researchers" make.

I keep watching the video and it literally looks like a small bird flapping its wings close to the camera 
 and this is why ufo "researchers" aren't taken seriously. they don't try to disprove their theories... like what you're supposed to do with any theory? I actually like Mick West for this, he uses critical thinking, simulations, and tries to find conventional explanations for things, which they usually have. He even did an analysis of the NYT videos and could explain it with lens flares and parallax effects. Everything can be explained. Visiting aliens are astronomically unlikely in comparison. 
 Buzz kill 👽 
 no I've just been looking at all of this for so long I'm officially tired of it because it all ends up as nonsense 
 Agreed , I was just trying to be funny 
 Not to mention the disclosure groups within the US government are all certifiable wackos the more you research them 
 Civil servants are a different class on nutjob 
 Certainly a lot of disclosure groups are disinformation agents starting with Steven Greer. 
 The joke is that the fighter jet is the ufo to 3rd world countries. If you look at one especially the F-35 from head on, its outline has the same shape as a ufo. 
 I’m showing you untampered video evidence of a #UFO and you disproved it by saying it’s a bird closed to the camera flapping its wings. Please show me the wings. Until then, it meets the definition of a UFO. 
 It’s not that #UFO researchers aren’t taken seriously (the legit ones) but rather that many people don’t consider this topic seriously probably due to a mix of prevalent propaganda/censorship, personal beliefs, and social peer pressure. Good UFO researchers will always try to disprove a UFO case but sometime there isn’t just a good explanation for it. Honest UFO researchers are a lot more credible than UFO debunkers which will either pick and choose the cases that can easily be debunked or come up with improbable or even absurd explanations. To take the exemple of the SpaceX video, I’m not aware of any solid debunking of it. The best I have heard is fly or bird closed to the camera but again these conclusions are made while ignoring the second trajectory that can be seen of the object passing at high speed behind the explosion. 
 If it was a bird closed to the camera it wouldn’t passed behind the explosion. It’s not even the first time a #UFO is caught on camera blowing a man-made rocket. There is also a video of a Russian space rocket being blown up by a similar flying object. 
 By the way, in this video the #UFO researcher estimates that there is one chance out of one million that the object is a bird or that there is 99.9999% of chance that it is an intelligent object. https://odysee.com/@ChrisEssonne:6/explosion_SpaceX:8 
 99.99999! wow. seems legit. 
 It’s still more legit than the alternative explanation you offered. 
 its debris from the explosion. its not rocket science 
 Debris coming from the bottom left corner and flying past the rocket behind to the opposite corner. 😂 
 Not mentioning the incredible speed at which this “debris” flies at. 
 You lost me at SpaceX 
 Why that? 
 Have you watched "the secret of the skin walker ranch" docuseries? If you want scientific evidence, you may want to look at it if you have time. Look at it purely in science perspective and with an open mind.🫰☺️  
 there was no scientific data generated by that show. they have never made it public.

in fact, they made many glaring errors. the funniest one was the the "black hole"/wormhole thing. it was just missing sensor data and they interpreted it as a "wormhole". they are either idiots or are scamming. that episode made me think it was scamming. 
 good point, they did not make it public. I had fun watching it though. Have you seen the entire thing? Have you seen Dr. Steven Greer's work? Is it only the evidence you are searching for before you believe it?  
 Yeah I watched the entire thing. I actually really like the guy who owns Skinwalker Ranch, he seems geniune and not a scammer. Unfortunately the data they gathered wasn't really conclusive of anything. 

Steven Greer is the biggest con artist I've ever seen. People who believe him are wayy too gullible. 
 This is true. Greer is a scumbag conman who brings shame and disrepute to the entire topic.  
 Same goes for Bob Lazar.  
 yeah I want to believe bob's story but its just too fucking wild. I read annie jacobson's deep dive into area 51 and it's way more interesting and based in reality. 
 He's a demonstrable liar. He fabricated his entire education history. He claimed to be an MIT wiz when in fact he just has a 2yr electrical engineering degree from Pierce Junior College on the other side of the country. And without a prestigious education, there's no rational basis to believe the government hired him to work on their super secret UFO project in the desert. His story completely falls apart when you simply look into the facts. He's a fraud.  
 the only question is what the motivation is? also amazing he can keep up the lie for so long. just for fame? to stay out of trouble with the government after something he did at area 51, like the watch parties? that's the only thing that makes sense to me. maybe staying in the spotlight helps somehow. 
 He's a narcissist who has delusions of grandeur. It's evident throughout his life, not just related to UFOs. He's been puffing himself up since the early 80s.  
 both greer and lazar imo... 
 The owner of the ranch seems very curious of what to find and come off as sensible the way he handled the issues. I wonder why they did not share the data to the public though. The same as the previous owner, they did not share it. Do you think that all of the people including the scientists are not genuine (skin walker ranch)?

I am genuinely curious, what led to your conclusion that Dr. Greer's is a con? 

Have you read or encountered Dolores Cannon's work esp about the UFO? This is different angle to view UFO if you are curious. ☺️ 
 Cointard calling people gullible. 
 you might look into Vallee's Messengers of Deception to pad out the declaration... 
 You don’t think there’s other life outside of our planet? The universe is incredibly vast, with billions of stars in our galaxy alone and countless other galaxies beyond. Given the sheer size and complexity of the cosmos, it’s hard for me to believe Earth is the only place where life has emerged. However, I’m not suggesting UFO sightings are all legitimate 😅. If there are UFOs 🛸 I’m sure they are smart enough / fast enough to stay hidden or they would pop up in other places, not just the USA. 

Maybe they're not from outer space, but from here? 
 I think its quite possible the probability of intelligent life is infinitely small, maybe even one per galaxy if lucky 
 There are probably 12 right here on earth 
 Look over there 👾 = don’t look here 🤡 
 nostrneon @ a highly visible local   .sats2say    ck, how r u doing? 
 😂 ffs 
 Think they’ll be able to vote? 
 Another day, another psyop 
 You knows things are bad when they break out the 'aliens'. 🙄 
 you might look into Vallee's Messengers of Deception to pad out the declaration...