Okay, so the way I see it, it's about you and the people that believe in this creating the alternative we want to see the world. Our task is not to convince other people. Our task is to be the change that we want to see in the world. Creating the better alternative. What is it that you want to see in the world? For me it's several things but at least one that I've worked really hard is actually defining democracy (and the political model of countries in general). For me, the biggest conclusion for all the mess we're living in is because the people were actually never had the legal and political possibility of saying no and reverting specific laws. In Switzerland they've solved that (People's Veto Power), and that's why Switzerland is probably one of the best countries in the world. I've compiled the Swiss democratic system into 7 principles (#swissdem7) and this will allow people to better communicate the systems in the new Governance systems that we create. With #bitcoin we will be able to recreate our change/systems at any scale globally in the world. What are waiting for really? Why aren't we co-founding a new Internet Country together? Who wants to co-found a new Internet Country together?