I have managed to figure it out. Here are the root cause: it turned out that nsec.app and your hivetalk do not seem to work on my firefox.
When I moved to chrome, it seems to be fine and I was able to login. I am not sure of this is expected behaviour.
It maybe worth putting your help guide on the same page as your FAQ without asking to use another app like telegram. You have to consider not everyone is using telegram or other app. Lastly, as for login, a simple guide of how to login or explainer what is keystores to those who are fairly new to nostr or the concepts of keystores.
I have created my room and so far, looking around, it is quite good. I will have to test it first with other people. Thank you for sharing your creativity to this tribe and greatly appreciated! 💯👌👏
Do you have plans to create a mobile app of hivetalk.org?
No. It will be a web app only. We are currently only p2p funded as volunteers only, so it won’t be run at a corporate pace.
oh I see. It makes sense. I am rooting for you! 💯