I'm curious about this one. I love and appreciate the benefits of eating meat as a large percentage of one's diet, but I don't get the "veggies are bad" argument. Humans haven't evolved - physically - beyond a state where our diet consisted of meat, nuts, fruit, leaves/bark_ and vegetables. I DO completely see the toxicity of "meat substitutes" and all the nasty stuff they're preserved and cooked in. But if your food came from actual nature it's probably fine. Beyond beef? Definitely a shitcoin. But a carrot in your beef stew? Sounds pretty grounded and well balanced (also yum) to me
Get to know Dr. Anthony Chaffee: https://youtu.be/j1cqNDDG4aA?si=4rzixLd3J6LEiaYY
Thanks - will give it a watch
If you like what you hear, check out his podcast, The Plant Free MD. That's what carnivore-pilled me
Sounds good. I typically go in skeptical-but-open-minded, so I appreciate the content
That's always the way! Feel free to ping me if you ever have questions during your journey 🐇🕳
@Ben Wehrman link to Dr. Chaffee (pure carnivore) is good. I err somewhere in between him and Dr. Saladino (animal “based” - animal products + low inflammatory plant foods). I don’t believe fructose is good for anything really. Fruit/honey/dairy is a treat; occasionally for mineral and electrolyte replacement. Vegetables are for garnish, texture/flavor, and some medicinal use-cases. I’m careful to scale macros paired with plants to counteract antinutrient effects and downsides of fiber - or I just don’t eat them because they seem like wasted dollars/calories. Unless you’re super active and live near the equator, I don’t think fruits/nuts should be anything more than a seasonal treat. Eat what grows locally, or better yet grow it yourself. (Saladino infographic) https://image.nostr.build/c26f8aadcbd0bc0dc3cda672de534e8c7017b086bc5724b9229c96508cf6aead.jpg