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 A series of translations!

These are all translations of the same sentence:

"You also, the Ethiopians, will be killed with my sword."

Here's a breakdown of each translation:

1. **Portuguese**: Tambem vos, o etiopes, sereis mortos com a minha espada.
2. **Spanish**: A vosotros, los etopes, tambin os matar mi espada.
3. **French**: Vous aussi, les thiopiens, vous serez tus par mon pe.
4. **Italian**: Anche voi etiopi sarete uccisi con la mia spada.
5. **English** (original): You also, the Ethiopians, will be killed with my sword.
6. **German**: Auch ihr thiopier werdet mit meinem Schwert gettet werden.
7. **Swahili**: Ninyi Waethiopia pia mtauawa kwa upanga wangu.
8. **Indonesian**: Kalian orang Etiopia juga akan dibunuh dengan pedangku.

Each translation is a faithful rendition of the original sentence, using the target language's grammatical structures and vocabulary to convey the same meaning.