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 This way out:
 how do you deal with "wolves in sheep clothing" in this utopia.

the biggest trauma i've seen in a fellow man was caused by a very conservative church (men only allowed to teach) whose leadership ended up abusing young girls entrusted to their Sunday schools. that also ended up in gay acting children being bullied by the other children because the leadership condemned the gays of course.

the FBI was sent in to set things right. the balance of things is very hard to get right. not only should there be a separation of church and state, but a separation of religion from church smh ! 
 you are just as toxic and judgmental as any toxic religion person ive met.
go away. 
 Oh I'm apologize. I will stop commenting on your posts. Working it out out loud here, don't mean to hurt people.  
 i stand with Gojiberra because i also work things out as i speak

and i also have probably at some point or maybe currently had this person on my mute list, for being a whiny, trolling bitch, or some similar offense 
 I know that I for one can always stand to extend grace and forgiveness... Hard, bordering on impossible to do when an offender is unrepentant; but a joy when they actually apologize...😃🫂💖

 "Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus *said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven."
- Matthew 18:21-22 
 Good question...

"Organized Religion," i.e. "churches" as we know them, are (as your example clearly illustrates) NOT representative of the Kingdom of Jesus/God...

The "church" that represents Jesus (Greek "ecclesia" [ἐκκλησία] ) is a living ORGANISM, NOT a hierarchical "organization." You deal with the egregious entity you've described by avoiding it entirely.  You engage with / form a community with other believers who you KNOW personally and whose lives you observe and interact with in mutually engaging/supporting ways.

If you truly wish to understand this, please read my library of articles, and please give Tom Wadsworth and/or Garth Wiebe a listen:


 How you deal with them is to actually confront their behavior. It’s shameful that there are cases in which this hasn’t been done. 

Matthew 18:15-17 gives clear instructions on how to deal with a believer (or someone claiming to be one) who sins. There are far too many anecdotes of evil behavior being covered up to save face, or where monsters were even elevated to higher positions of power. None of this is the Way. 

It’s up to us to take loving action, protecting the vulnerable and teaching all to live in righteousness. 
 nothing attracts the religious “ahktuaaaly”’s quite like a simple note about hope. 😆
muting my own note 🥱 
 Amen; the goal, of course, being repentance, forgiveness, and restoration of community; the fallback position, ejection from any association ( see 1st Corinthians 5 ). 
 Until they have repented fully and be accepted back. See 2 Corinthians 
 The hope behind discipline, and the blessing when repentance is the outcome!🫂💖😆👍 
 Well put! 
 Amen!  Those are times to rejoice.